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Critter Café

Critter Café
dianthus's avatar

Blueprint hunt is one of my favourite activity in Critter Café! (It's a bit of a lie, all activities are my favourites in Critter Café). I love running around, enjoying the really cute environment, and finding new shinies!

This video has two blueprints in one as I do a little run-around the spot where I found the ABSOLUTE CUTEST BACKPACK?? WITH A STAR ON IT??? but unfortunately the recording messed up and I couldn't post it!

It's very simple: once you enter the Frostwood area, which is the 3rd area you unlock, stick to your right! You will first pass by a portal, then where the star backpack blueprint is, then another portal, then an adorable little wooden cabin (I love the little NPC noises!!) and there you will find the Hollywood-style mirror! It looks so chic!

Rich's avatar

Excellent; thank you for the clear video and thorough written notes!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Now I will have to find the final one, I believe I forget it at other region. But this time I found probably everyone in the snow map of the game.

The first one (minute 0:28) is close to the cabin in Peppermint Lake, it will unlock a mirror with lights

The second one (minute 0:47) in the Peppermint Lake as well more to the south side close to the Van, will unlock a stone bench.

The third one (minute 1:09) in the top of the cliff on the west of Starlight Market will unlock a wallpaper for your café.

The fourth one (minute 1:24) is behind the Ferris wheel and it is another wallpaper with bricks pattern

The fifth one (minute 2:03) climbing up the mountain north to the Market will unlock a trailer as a decoration.

The sixth one (minute 2:58) is at west side of the campout and unlock a carousel!

The seventh one (minute 3:36) close to Hearth and Home you will unlock a hat with critter face.

The eighth one (minute 4:54) close to the ski track and the Ice sculptures will give you a little wood cabin.

The ninth one (minute 5:39) back in Peppermint Lake in the north side you will find a starfish bakcpack!

The last on I posted at the comments in the Sherbert Grotto! It's just a green cap!

Rich's avatar

Hi CMDR Henckes and thanks for this comprehensive footage. We need more information before we can award a prize though - as point #3 in the reward description says:

add some explanatory text to clarify where you found the blueprint and what it unlocks

This is so members who are searching for a particular blueprint can find it. Please use the 'edit' button to update your submission with which blueprints are in your video and what they unlock, and remember to read the reward instructions carefully!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Ok, already made the correction!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Rich I've made a second correction now with more details! I hope this time it matches the requirements!

Rich's avatar

Excellent - thanks for all the extra details and for covering so many blueprints in one video. Curator's Pick!

Konquest's avatar

Sharing some of the blueprints I found in Emerald bay. Good Hunting!

Blueprint #1
Starting off from the start location just go left straight up the stairs which lead to the train. There you will find the blueprint for the windmill (Habitat unlock)

Blueprint #2

South of the duck pond you will see a sign to the duck pond, from that spot just head to the right along the road and you will come upon the blueprint for the Ice cream truck (Habitat unlock)

Blueprint #3

To the left of the duck pond you will see another sign for the duck pond, from there head north up along the road and you will find the blueprint for flowers (Habitat unlock)

Blueprint #4

At the harbor go up north along the road, you will see a path to the right and find the blueprint for a backpack (Cosmetic unlock)

Blueprint #5

Back at the harbor on the north side you will see a pier, go to the end of the pier and you will find a blueprint for the ferris wheel (Habitat unlock)

Rich's avatar

Excellent submission - nice and clear 👍

zawn's avatar

I really don't pay attention with what i get from the blueprints.
but surely, i rush out to find any blueprints i could find XD.

I found them on various places, like Picnic Area, On the Ruins, side of mountain, or even at the Train area. There are many Blueprints i've found, but, it would be chaos if i post everything.

The things i found that i like is, The leaf hat, critter's ear, critter's cap, and critter backpack.
I like roaming on this game actually, so there is more blueprint that i would get in a moment.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Okay so, for this one, Teleport from your Cafe to Frostwood and immediately turn left, up the step and keep going, it's a dead end so you can't get lost, There you will find this new floor pattern.

Rich's avatar

Hi there, this one has indeed already been found. You're free to edit/delete and reupload another.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

New text/link - Pretty sure this should be good :)

GoJapan's avatar

I have found this blueprint into woods, in the up-right angle of the first location, as you can see. after you start, just go on the right and the end on up, you can found it very easly, its a sort of backpack? at the beggining you can find also arcade machine blueprint!

Nine's avatar

heloo Rich im make a new again my submission

in this video I will show you some of the blue prints locations on the Frost Wood Pines map in the Game critter cafe, in this video I forgot to include 1 blue print footage but I have added 1 description with a total of 9 blueprints. hopefully this video is useful for all of you.
Guide with Time Stamp :
00:00 #1 Startlight Market - on side WindMill
00:29 #2 Startlight Market - take the stairs on the left near the snowman shower, then follow the path
01:00 #3 Papermint Lake Papermint Lake - is at the edge of the lake close to the campfire at the end
01:05 #4 Papermint Lake Papermint Lake - is side on Blueprints no #3
01:42 #5 Sherbert Groto - near the green tent enter the lower road / cave continue straight follow the path down.
02:12 #6 Ice Sculprute - from the Sherbert Groto arrow straight down follow the road and you will find the blue prints again.
02:33 #7 Campout - from the Heart and Home sign go left straight until the road is no longer lighted, keep going straight and you'll find it right away. ( get Habitat Decoration - Carousel )
03:06 #8 Sherbert Grotto - he two-branch road enters the road to the left and continues to the end of the

#9 is way to Papermint Lake Side on Mini Bus ( Brown Wood Desk Blue Prints )

Do I need to add any blueprints in the description as well?

i hope for this vidio now got eligable, thankyou

Rich's avatar

Hi Nine, we don't mind if it's a Short as long as it shows clearly where the blueprint is and what you get from picking it up. The problem is that you don't actually pick up the blueprint in this clip.

We also ask that you include some text in your answer explaining where you found it and what the blueprint unlocks, so that folks who may be browsing this thread looking for something specific can know without having to watch your video whether it's worth their time doing so.

Please read the reward description more carefully; it says "add some explanatory text to clarify where you found the blueprint and what it unlocks."

Nine's avatar

Sorry for the problem, can I fix it?

Rich's avatar

Sure, feel free to edit your submission to reupload a new clip. Thanks!

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

In this video I show where to find two new flooring blueprints starting from the Honeycrisp Grove spawn point to the blueprints.

These are the two new flooring you can get from the blueprints in the video.

JHenckes's avatar

I found this blueprint in the region of the ruins to the south, near the link with the orchard region. It's on top of a semi-circular ruin that you have to climb up as if it were a ladder. It unlocks a beautifully decorated fireplace, and I've included the image below!

This blueprint is to the northwest of the ruins area, very close to the waterfall. Even if you're in the ruins, you'll find it on the rocks to the north of the map, so it's not difficult. It unlocks an item I really like, a beautiful wooden floor, I used it in my Café for a long time! I've left a picture below of what it looks like!

I found this one to the west of the ruins, near those wooden trunks. It's on a ramp that connects the Ruins near the Waterfall and the Fairy Ring. You can get there by going right from the waterfall and then down! It makes for a charming stone floor, but I didn't use it that much. A picture of it is below!

This one is very easy, you find it going down the waterfall to the south, just follow the river and you'll see a stone staircase that leads straight to this blueprint, there's no mistake! It gives you a hat that looks more like a tiara with two leaves hahaha, I thought it was ugly! I've left a picture of it below!

Sturmer's avatar

I found new flooring: red cherry parquet. It's relatively easy to find: just head north from a fountain and then take a left. Here is a small video on how to find it.

And this is how looks the final result:

p.s. wife claims it is red brick ;)

Irenkovsk's avatar

The first 2 are outfits, one is next to a house with a blue roof and the second is next to the river. The third is next to the pond, which unlocks a new floor, and the last one is in the orchard, which unlocks new furniture

remedyroses's avatar

After traveling to Frostwood Pines, you just make a left and follow the path until you encounter the Blueprint right below the mini hot tub!

Here is a video showcasing the travel route from the Cafe to Frostwood Pines until we find the blueprint. At the end, I show off what that particular blueprint unlocks in the Cafe in all the available colors!

Vivisector's avatar

I found the blue arcade cabinet near the honeyseller in Honeycrisp Grove location. I show the location and the blueprint furniture in the café

NarratorID's avatar

You can check this out, i already put some text how you get the blueprint!! Happy hunt !!

Rich's avatar

NarratorID Thanks for the footage and the text you've put on it, but we want submissions to this reward to be helpful for members, and if, for example, they're looking for a specific blueprint, they've no way to know what your video is showing them until they watch it.

Would you please use the edit button on your submission to add some text explaining which items each of the two blueprints you show in this video unlocks, then we can award it. This is clearly requested in point #3 of the reward instructions; please read them carefully and follow them in all your submissions to be sure of receiving a prize.

TeaLeaf's avatar

Here's my video of where I found this blueprint. First you travel to Honeycrisp Grove, then walk down the path and head right. Keep searching around the area here and you will find a blueprint for a really cool Arcade machine! I am going to love adding this to my café.

Rich's avatar

Hey TeaLeaf, excellent video, but we already have a good video submission showing the location of the arcade cabinet. Could you edit and reupload a new submission showing a blueprint that isn't already on this thread? Thanks!

TeaLeaf's avatar

Thank you Rich ! I can try, but a lot of submissions here have multiple blueprints in a single submission, so it might be a little difficult for me to find one nobody else has posted yet

Rich's avatar

Totally fair! What we're really looking for is added value, so if there's a blueprint that's shown as just one among many in a longer clip, we'd love a submission from you that adds more detail on where to find it, what it's called (so players can know whether they've got it or not), how it looks in the game (so players can know how much they want to prioritise it), that kind of thing.

Ultimately we're trying to create a resource for your fellow players on this thread. Clips that rattle through a location showing every blueprint can do that, but so can clips that give a lot of clarity on one specific blueprint, so players can decide how much they want it. Put yourself in a player's shoes and ask: how can I help?

This a good rule of thumb for participating across the platform, too: if a submission adds value, we'll lean on the side of awarding it, but sometimes that will be affected by the context of the other submissions around it.

Hope that helps!

Shovel's avatar

So attached are 6 screenshots of my blueprint searches. I spent some time just wandering around Honeycrisp grove and found so many scattered about. My fave one is number 1 - looks to be a retro arcade machine Ifound this at the Be Hives.

projectazone's avatar

Once you have completed some missions you finally arrive at the beach. Once you reach the location, go up the stairs on the right and you will immediately find a windmill, but what we are going to look for is the ice cream truck. So we go down the stairs, we cannot go beyond the train, and we always go straight following the brick path. We will find ourselves at a fork in the road, leave the road and continue on the lawn for a few meters. Another fork in the road, go up the hill and continue until the flowerbed. Go down and always head right going down the avenue.

At this point we will arrive at the sign that directs us to the Duck Pond, we go to the right of the houses and along the road we find the project of the ice cream truck for our habitat.


Always straight on the brick avenue

Take the lawn path on the right.

At the fork always go right on a climb

At the height of the flowerbed take the descent on the right.

In front of the sign "Laghetto delle antre" go right and we will find the destination.

Rich's avatar

projectazone Again, as with your submission to our puzzle solutions, please read the reward description more carefully.

Here, we clearly ask for "explanatory text to clarify where you found the blueprint and what it unlocks" as well as for guides to blueprints that either haven't already been covered (as this one has), or which are better/more useful than existing submissions. This submission shows the same blueprint as seen here but does a worse job because it doesn't tell us what the blueprint unlocks.

Please make more of an effort to understand what is being asked before submitting to rewards. If you'd like to win a prize here, please edit your submission to show us a blueprint no one else has covered, or do a better job of showing one that they have.


I found some blueprints while doing a livestream on my channel

Rich's avatar

Hi Sora and thanks for getting involved in so many Critter Café rewards! For this entry, though, as is clearly stated in the description and in several replies to other entries, we need you to tell us in writing what items each blueprint unlocks and where they can be found, and we're also looking for unique blueprints that no one else has submitted.

Please read the reward description and instructions more carefully.


I have found this project into DEMO! I have explore all the location and found all project, i think!

Rich's avatar

Hey x0xShinobix0x, thanks for this - useful video, but could you edit your submission to add in writing where this location is in the game? I know it's obvious, but for the benefit of new players. As the reward instructions say:

"add some explanatory text to clarify where you found the blueprint and what it unlocks."



i dont remember what have unlock it with this :(


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