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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

My brother just beat the final boss of the Elden Ring DLC at level 1 with no armor and no scadutree blessing, and in that spirit I decided I would build a sidewinder and try to take it pvping.

Blowing up other ships in the tiniest ship in the game is very difficult, but on the bright side it is also very difficult to hit, especially with silent running.

After a few failed attempts, I managed to single out a pvp Python Mk 2 who was looking for a fight in Shinrarta Dezhra. This was my bossfight with him :P

Kill at 7:47

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

Sidewinder is the best ship in the game. It only lacks a little DPS.

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

My Viper Mk3 was surprise attacked by this PVP griefer in their PVP Python. They discovered that an Elite pilot, even in a damaged ship, could kill their griefing efforts.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This was quite the reversal, but I'm afraid we're looking for more recent kills for our Kill of the Week bounties. o7

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

You did not state the kill had to be current. No problem. I'm not a killer, I'm a business man. So let me see what business I can get up to in the next couple days and i'll record that for you.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

The bounty title and description does state that the kills should be recent, including: "Ideally, the kills would have transpired over the last week, but we won't disqualify you if they're a few days older." At any rate, this week's bounty is now live. Good luck, Commander!


Organised wing-fights in asteroid belts is the cream of Elite:Dangerous, an already impressive game. They demand skills, experience, team-work and training (and some luck), to achieve victory. Embedded in an incredible flight-model almost fully simulating 100 % real physics, most fights can end either way, if pilots minding above mentioned ingretients participate.

However, in the present fight I could kill two opponents, one at 16:19 and one at 18:51 of the video linked above.

It's obvious that the main damage to these opponents had been done by my wing-mates (and rocks) and I was there at the right time just to finish them off. During the fight I did my share of damage, evaded long enough to bind one to two enemies and buy my team time to blow up other opponents.

In case I should earn this bounty, I will brotherly share it with my wing-mates and we will donate it to charity.

Cmdr Donald Duck

Boomer's avatar

Hey Jimmy0916, it looks like you've got some privacy settings turned on that are stopping it from being embedded properly.

The good news is it should be a simple fix and from what I saw of the video it looked like you're having a great time 😁


Hi Boomer,

thanks for the hint!
Although it is not the privacy settings, as they were already set to public, but there is one click-box to dis-/allow embedding, which was not activated... Smurt! ;)

Works now! :D

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

Wing / Team fights depend on switching to focus fire (FF) and doing all of your Teams damage to a single target (DPS). Great video... the calm of a professional killer in your voice.


Yeah, that...

And about another 1000 details 💪 And I usually do not record my voice as my cursing would not be appropiate for a wider audience 😄 It's the voice(s) of my wing-mates.

JHenckes's avatar

What a good gameplay, congratulations! 👏🏻

USCSS's avatar

Destroying a Thargoid Cyclops in less than 1 minute in a settlement under attack

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks for entering mastercesspit. Don't forget to add some explanatory, contextualising text alongside your Kill of the Week entries; that'll greatly increase your chances of winning a prize

RicZA's avatar

Tensions within the squadron had flared, and the only way to settle the argument was the old-fashioned way— a dual! A brief skirmish erupted among the rings of a nearby planet, but it didn’t stop there, the fight quickly spilled over onto the planet's surface, where things took an unexpected turn. Some ground-based sympathizers decided to get involved, raising questions of foul play. Still, as they say, "to the victor go the spoils."

I had a blast capturing this moment, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did!


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