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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
CMDR Henckes's avatar

That was a great and complete guide. Congratulation for everyone that helped the making of this guide and was mentioned in here and congratulation to Alex Sinclair for compilation and good writing!! I always happy to make part of this community!

CMDR_OptimusKoala's avatar

Wouaaah amazing and impresive work ❤️

Perfect for beginners in search of help/informations 😇

JHenckes's avatar

I love the compilation of game content you make! They usually become extremely complete guides (and this one is no different). What's more, the active participation of the community in these cases is even more attractive

USCSS's avatar

Thanks for mentioning me. I also make videos in Spanish (it's my language), especially "analysis of Galnet news"

RicZA's avatar

Great write up Alex Sinclair. Love what the JustAbout team are putting out there.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

CMDR Henckes RicZA CMDR_OptimusKoala USCSS JHenckes - thank you all for the kind words and contributions! It's always slightly intimidating writing about a game like Elite, but the quality and thoughtfulness of the bounty submissions made it much easier. o7


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