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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
XCezor's avatar

Some of the most important events of this year, the end of the 2nd Thargoid War, SCO Frame Shift Drive, 4 new ships and finally, the new PowerPlay system.

That's what happened in this year, and now, with the upcoming colonisation system, we're almost ready to expand humanity's comfort zone even further!

Phoenix_Dfire's avatar

My overview of 2024 in Elite Dangerous and what I'm hoping for in 2025.

P.S. Happy New Year Everyone


3310 has been a busy year in Elite Dangerous! The conclusion of the Thargoid War, the new SCO drive, four new ships, improvements to engineering and Powerplay 2.0. Let's hope 3311 is just as full of excitement and innovation, and perhaps slightly fewer Thargoids.


Thank you. I enjoyed watching your Top Shift, and indeed Ricardo's video and some of the others. There's so much good third-party content around for Elite. But now, we're all waiting to see what 3311 brings!

RicardosGaming's avatar

👍 We saw many changes over the year fo 2024. A renewed interest in ELite Dangerous from FDEV - we recap the year and prove why 2024 has been the best year yet for Elite Dangerous! 🚀 This Video : ➤Link:

#elitedangerous RicardosGaming @JustAbout__ #frontierdevelopments

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commanders

I hope you like the video I made summarizing the main events of 2024

(Translated with Google Translate)

Gadnok's avatar

Gadnok, Breaker of Worlds new channel trailer; defending Sol and the core systems from bug invasion!

OneNutPunch's avatar

Was doing Tutorial videos specifically for Odyssey since it was the separate DLC then Horizons and Base Elite.

MQC's avatar

2024 RECAP

A summary of everything that happened in Elite Dangerous during 2024.

May we all have a 2025 as fulfilling as this recent year that has just ended.


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