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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
Moonshade Gaming's avatar

Congratulations to all the winners 🎉 and thank you for the honorable mention ❤️

CMDR Henckes's avatar

First I want thank you for the honourable mention, really appreciate it.

And I love all those screenshots, I love to take a lot of screenshots and share in my steam and Inara Account, but I love more to see the vision of the other people, and this selection of screenshots are amazing, the winners of the bounty deserved to be there, amazing screenshots and all the honourable mentions are fantastic as well and I wish good luck for everybody for the next bounties.


Thank you very much for the honorable mention, it really made me very happy for such recognition.

Anyone would feel sorry for not having won the reward, but I feel that I have won a lot by seeing such spectacular images of this beautiful game.

My congratulations to all the CMDTs for not only keeping Elite Dangerous alive but for expressing the beauty of this game.

See you at the final frontier CMDTs.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's a really lovely comment, thank you ottosiux. Lots more of these bounties (with lots more prizes) coming up!

JHenckes's avatar

For me, CMDR Henckes' photo deserved an award, the angle he took to show the city lit from space was soooo good!

But even so, one photo is better than the next, some are breathtaking! It makes me think “how did he manage to do that? It's really good!”. Congratulations to all the winners and to the organizers for appreciating something that the fan base loves so much!

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