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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

Hey, look, another man who doesn't touch the sides <3 Get it!


nice flying, looks awesome

Doc's avatar

Very precise piloting. Congrats!

Rich's avatar

Flying into and out of every leaf without any crashes: beautiful to watch. Congrats on first!


Spire Hooning for the win! Knew I should have stuck with the tried and tested formula - LOL.
Congratulations, excellent flying! o7

CMDR_Oso's avatar

Thanks Just About for the prize. Hooning is already awesome, but hooning for money surely makes it sweeter!

Some pretty stiff competition though! I am certainly going to try the "Interstellar", what an inspirational trick from Alec_Turner.
o7 all submitters!

XCezor's avatar

I hope this counts 😅

SLF fighters are still technically ships and I've been always enjoying watching Farseer Inc. structure and the surrounding terrain but never had an opportunity to try any stunts in that location. Turned out SLF is small enough to fill in gaps between bridges and metal frames at the top of them.


Discovered that big objects such as stations have collision boxes that match exactly with the model, and that the Cobra MKV has quite a smaller profile than I previously thought... Also, quite the landing.


Impressive flying, but that final landing is what really made my jaw drop! :-O

Block9's avatar
  • I recorded this video doing some maneuvers with the Federal Corvette

It's a bit heavy and difficult to maneuver, but I managed to do some cool things, I even went inside a capital class ship lol


It seems like the mail slot flipping side of this challenge has been well and truly covered by some of the other excellent entries here so I decided instead to go back to my old "Extreme SLF Docking Challenge" for this.

The idea is to recreate that amazing docking sequence from Interstellar.

The steps are as follows:
1) Position your mothership at a decent altitude above a planet surface.
2) Turn off flight assist and apply some pitch/roll/yaw to get the ship tumbling in an interesting and challenging way.
3) Turn off the ship's thrusters (so it can't try to follow the fighter).
4) Deploy the SLF.
5) Request docking with the mothership and then try to get your fighter back on board so you can turn the thrusters back on and save the mothership just before it crashes into the ground.

Here goes! (the main action starts at around 1:34 when I begin tumbling the ship).

It's not perfect. Although I manage to dock the fighter about a second before the mothership hits the ground it does actually then hit before I can get back inside. I think an ideal run would have me turning the thrusters back on and regaining control just before that happens. I had another run where I managed to do that but it actually looked a bit too easy and not quite as entertaining as this one.

P.S. I did mention that I had another idea, and it would have been flippin' beautiful too, except the game threw me a curve ball I hadn't anticipated. My idea was to set the mothership drifting (FA Off, engines off) towards one of the those installation tunnels that has closed shutter doors at either end which need to be shot at in order to open them. I would then deploy the fighter, fly ahead of the ship, shoot both doors open (flying through the tunnel to do), then loop back around to follow the mothership as it floats through the tunnel, and then reboard the mothership the other side. Unfortunately it turns out that the moment you deploy the SLF the mothership grinds to a halt! Don't ask me how since it's engines are turned off but alas that rather killed the idea. Shame ... it would have been a really cool stunt.

CMDR_Oso's avatar

Knew you'd produce something amazing.
What a fantastic idea. Gonna havta try this!
Well done sir o7

Rich's avatar

Really creative stunt. Congrats on second!


I was practicing at Asterope for AX combat and what better way to spend my off times getting killed by goids but by doing a little bit of mailslot drifting!

jnTracks's avatar

A classic stunt!
This video happened quite a while ago but I never shared it. Thanks Alec_Turner and others for suggesting stunts. Obviously a great idea!

Odinoji's avatar

This new reward is awesome ! thank you justabout :D

Be it Speedbawling, canyons or trying to reverse a beluga in the maislot im always doing silly stuff so it was hard to choose !

I went for.... REVERSE MAILSLOT ENTRY. I started with courier, cobra and mamba and those were easy. Then i did the clipper, then the vette! thinking something bigger would not fit i got dared to try a CUTTER!

did i manage? enjoy the video and find out!

Cinematic version

Unedited stunt below:

Feel free to give me any feedback as im a "mostly harmless" creator !

I so far managed to reverse in the mailslot each single ship except for the beluga !

until then,

happy new year cmdrs,



Nicely done! Well that's my plan for this bounty down the pan ... back to the drawing board! :D

Odinoji's avatar

thank you sir! im looking forward to your stunt :) o7

CMDR_Oso's avatar

As am I, I have no doubt it will be jaw-dropping!


Arghh god - so much expectation and I'm still 1.4kly out from the bubble climbing mountains in my SRV! :D

Rich's avatar

Bonus points for nailing the reverse mailslot in such a big, clumsy ship. Congrats on third!

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commanders

Today I bring you a video where I show how I enter and exit at maximum speed, several times, the space station “Laplace Port” in the “Ennead” system with a Federal Corvette.

(Translated with Google Translate)

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

In "Elite Dangerous," Flight Assist Off (FA Off) disables the ship's auto-stabilization, allowing for nuanced control over movement. This mode lets you drift, thrust in reverse, and strafe, offering tactical advantages in combat and complex navigation scenarios, but it demands a higher level of piloting skill.


I've got one stunt video ready for this but I also have another idea which might be even better. Am I allowed to submit two separate entries for this contest?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Alec_Turner, feel free to submit more than one clip in your entry, but do make a note of the trick that you think is most impressive


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