We received so many fantastic submissions to this reward, we've turned them all into an article listing the best Elite Dangerous SRV stunts. Check it out, or keep scrolling for the original submissions and reward details.
Whether you're launching it into space or backflipping it off the topography of a rugged mountainous moon, the SRV can be transformed from humble reconnaissance vehicle to kickass stunt-machine. To win a reward, send us a video of you performing one of those stunts.
As well as some chunky top rewards for amazing stunts, we've got a monster truck rally's worth of smaller rewards. So even if you don't consider yourself a stunt-master, give it a (trick)shot. We'll accept videos of any length, and they could contain more than one trick. However, if you're submitting a video longer than five minutes in duration, highlight the moment in the video in which you perform your very best stunt.
This is another (great) community-suggested bounty, so our thanks go to Alec_Turner for giving us the idea! You're not excluded from entering bounties you've suggested, so we wish Alec and the rest of you good luck!
Cover image courtesy of Alix_Cozmo, as seen in our Elite Dangerous planet screenshots article.
already paid
$94 / 190
This reward closed to entries at 1:18pm on October 16, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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