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EVE Online

EVE Online
Wadd Enderas's avatar

So then Jackbeard I finally took up your challenge!

I settled on picking up a shiny new Khizreal over the Alligator for a couple of reasons; most importantly, Alligators are very close cousins of the Crocodile and we all know what happens when Pirate Captains get too close to crocodiles... (see Captain Hook), but also it turns out you can get the align time down to silly speeds for a Battlecruiser in a Khizreal, so that also helps.

Here is a collection of photos of my adventures across New Eden:

This is me in Jita, flipping the bird to Concord and getting away with it ^^^

Here I am at First Sergeant Hakiro's Lookout in the Vale. I guess they liked rings? ^^^

I didn't feel brave enough to get too close to the Angels HQ in G-0Q86, while an individual Angel is nothing for me to be concerned about, they may have been able to swarm me with numbers... ^^^

I was pretty relieved when I arrived at the Blood Reach, there were a few gate camps along the way and I lost my good friend in their scout Buzzard en route, but it was worth it to have a chat with the Blood Raider agents in the area ^^^

Feeling a little more confident when I was racing around high-security space, here's me whipping the back end of my ship around like a badass at the Devil's Dig Site ^^^

I quite like the Eagle(?) motif on the Reschard V disaster memorial, maybe if I put an eagle on my shoulder I'll become an elite pirate? ^^^

When I headed into the system hosting the Guristas Forward Operating Base I decided to keep my overlay switched on, primarily as proof I was there, as I couldn't get super close to the structure without drawing too much attention ^^^

Same thing when I went to the Angel FoB, as I would never align myself with such a pathetic entity, I unfortunately needed to keep my distance ^^^

I'm not going to lie, when I went to Yakura Harvesting Depot I really wasn't sure what I was supposed to me looking at.. there wasn't even anything to steal! ^^^

I thoroughly enjoyed the Assilot battle arena, what better way to demonstrate your strength than to take someone on, 1-on-1 ^^^

There were some other pirates waiting for me when I got to Fatimar Outpost, they were no match for this ship's agility though, and the skill of the pilot of course ^^^

Thera, where I simultaneously feel most at home and most a risk... ^^^

As a pirate, do I believe there is honour in the work of an Assassin? Yes, I think I do. ANd they appear to know how to arrange space rocks too! ^^^

And here I am at the Deathless Shipcaster in Zarzakh, using my superior skill at the helm to battle against the gravitational pull of the black hole.

So it took some time, but Jackbeard I believe you've been bested.

Jackbeard's avatar

Well I'll be darned. Ye did it! Ye actually did it! Me unbestable voyage o' ruination has been bested. Ye, Wadd Enderas, are a veritable legend o' the stars. There will always be a place at me helm for ye, though I suspect yer fate will take ye towards a higher goal. I'll be tippin' me hat and swilling a grog for yer fallen comrade too. Twas a death worthy of a pirate lord.

Jackbeard's avatar

'Oh boy' indeed, Wadd Enderas, if that even be yer real name. There's a reckonin' blowin' in. A reckonin', I says!

Jackbeard's avatar

I'm a'callin' ye out, Alex Sinclair, ye lowly carebear. Call these bounties? Ain't nothin' but spit in my sherry! I mean, beer! Rum! Extremely strong piratey grog!! I'll show ye a real bounty!

See, with all the talk o' havoc and piratin', I've got a rather particular voyage I want to send me EVE crew on. A race through some o' the most blood-soaked hellish corners o' the galaxy. This won't be a challenge for the faint of 'eart. First, you'll 'ave to prove your worth.

Go and kill me a big pretty ship, then come back 'ere and show me the proof. A killmail will do the job. O'course there be one more requirement. After ye've blown it t' smithereens, declare "Long live Just About!" in local, and be sure to post the proof. Anyone who sends one o' those ships to the abyss will be granted a headstart on me voyage of wrath and ruination.

How big a ship, ye ask? A capital will be fine. But if ye can bring down a supercapital, that'll get ye an even bigger headstart. Now, I know none o' you are pirate lords - not like me, daddy bought me my gang fair and square, er, y'arrr - so ye don't have to kill it single handed. Hell! You don't even need to land the final blow! Just get ye name on the list'a'killers, and I'll grant ye early access to the next stage o' this 'ere bounty.

Think ye up to the challenge, mangey spacedog? Jolly good! Off you pop. Y'arrr.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Pretty rude, mate. No need for all that.

Jackbeard's avatar

Oh quit your whinin' and snivellin' you... you... lily-livered scabby salmon! Yeah. You 'eard. You big salmon.

Rich's avatar

Yes, 'Salmon', that notorious pirate insult.


Mŷs Tæ Rae's avatar

Leave the new guy alone! Mŷs Tæ Rae, the devious doyen of the digital domain, likes the cut of Jackbeard's piratical jib. Perhaps he can help me recover my passwords.

Jackbeard's avatar

I've sailed from nebulae to frozen sea, ya don't need to protect me Mŷs Tæ Rae!

And keep yer 'ands off me jib! It took me blooming ages to work out how to hoist that.

Rixx Javix's avatar

Actually, I am the Pirate Lord :)

Jackbeard's avatar

A pirate lord, ye? Ha! Ye almost made me spit out me skinny macchiato! Ye be talkin' to the scourge of the seven systems 'ere! Take up me challenge then and prove yer worthiness, lest ye be just another cowardly planetlubber in a pointy hat.

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Picked myself up a kill on a pathetic miner, albeit a fairly large miner. Is this enough to impress you? 'Long Live Just About!'

Jackbeard's avatar

Well I'll be darned, you actually managed it. Ahem, excuse me you took me off guard for a moment there. What I meant to say was: Hark ye by the thunderous roar o' triton! In the name of all the screechin' harpees and all the scaled beasts o' space and sea, I do declare Wadd Enderas to be a corsair o' true salt blood and iron spine!

I guess ye might want to be lookin' at this then, Wadd. Thanks be to Mŷs Tæ Rae for helpin' me set up the ol' Google thingy. I'll be sendin' you the secret password in secret, o'course.

As for any of ye other currs reading this... ye'll all be gettin' access to the race's details in 72 hours. If ye be wantin' me headstart too, ye only need to prove yer worth by completin' the same feat in the meantime. Yarr.

Jackbeard's avatar

The time has come. Any corsair worth his salt can try their hand at me journey o' peril, menace, hazard, and errm... danger! Lots o' danger.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I've no idea what that Jackbeard fellow is up to, but we've got a big mystery bounty split into independent, unique challenges with big prizes. There are probably some clues around here somewhere.

Jackbeard's avatar

This bounty be like nothing ye've ever run before! Tis a gauntlet thrown down for the ruthless and lionhearted, one with plunder beyon' the imagination, and challenges...well yar, I guess ye've explained it quite nicely actually.

greybill's avatar




& ir

there, I said it.

Jackbeard's avatar

I'll be honest with ye greybill, I haven't the foggiest what ye be sayin'

greybill's avatar

Ha, me neither. But those are the symbols I could make out in the images above. I don't have the time to figure out what this is just about badum-tss. So I will be watching with great interest, and keep babbling for the chance to have a chance, or so. Getting a lot of babbling is the risk one takes when posting "riddles".

Jackbeard's avatar

greybill the fogs be clearin' now. This ain't no riddle-solvin' bounty like that o' Mŷs Tæ Rae - this bounty be o' a much more perilous nature. Tis an invitation to travel through some of the most bloodcurdlin' reaches o' all New Eden and beyon'. I'll point ye in the direction o' this 'ere thread. Ye should find all ye needs t' know.

Jackbeard's avatar

Well well well... it seems like one brave briny soul has completed the first part o' me bounty and killed a capital ship. They've been granted early access to the details of me voyage o' ruination. Ye'll all be gettin' access in 72 hours, so watch this 'ere space.

Come back when the clock strikes one. Ye shall find yer route. Greenwich Mean Time, that is - the meanest o' all the timezones!

Jackbeard's avatar

The clock hath strucketh one! And with its tolling, me journey hath begun! Here marketh the erm beginningeth o' me voyage o' ruination! Yarrrr!

FUN INC's avatar

Providence | Evangeline Shimada | Killmail | zKillboard

We killed this the other day, but I didn't shout “Long live Just About!” in local - it was late, and I didnt want to wake up the fedos!

Jackbeard's avatar

Not today, FUN INC, me rules are clear. How else would I know ye didn't jus' stumble across a freighter? The kills mus' be made in the name o' a righteous cause! Ye've 48 hours remainin', friend.

FUN INC's avatar

Yaaarrrrr! - noted. Back to the Raptors we go, off a huntin' down some unsuspectin' capital pilots! Yarrrr! \o/

Jackbeard's avatar

Yar yar yar. Seems ye were unsuccessful in that plight o' yers. I should o' known! If ye think ye be up to the challenge nonetheless, then this be the route that I've chosen for yer accused soul!

Jackbeard's avatar

KAZO+AR from the depths of me black heart, I applaud ye for showin' that Dreadnought the true meanin' a dread. But did ye complete the second half o' the challenge by yellin' "Long live Just About!"? Without proof o' that, ye'll need to wait til 1pm GMT like the rest o' the rabble.

KAZO+AR's avatar

Damn, thank you Jackbeard for the comment, unfortunately i don't have the screenshot of me yelling Long live Just about in local, for the little story this guy and his friends were applying pressure on us for one day, we came back the next day to burn to ashes their athanor's shield, we burned it. Then the phoenix arrived, we burned the phoenix to ashes. Yo ho.

Jackbeard's avatar

KAZO+AR knowin' that they've been burnt t' ashes makes me day! For yer troubles, I be 'ere to give ye a special nudge to let ye know that I've now shared the details o' me voyage of ruination.

Jackbeard's avatar

Batten down the hatches and splice the mainbrace - whatever the devil that is – because me race across the stars is very much on. Only one o’ ye managed to get a headstart and this voyage is a vast one, so all o’ ye stand a fine chance o’ glory!

To win me booty, ye must visit some of the foulest spots in this Eden o' ours. I've set ye a journey across the stars. But I will not be seen associatin' with anyone flyin' a ship belongin' to empire scum. This voyage must be undertaken in a vessel fit for a true pirate: an Alligator or a Khizriel.

Visit each o' the locations below, take a picture showin' ye at each of them while flyin' an Alligator or Khizriel, and post ‘em all as a submission. The first o' ye to do it will win treasure beyond imaginin'! By which of course I mean the bounty reward that's specifically advertised on this ‘ere thread. Ahem: y'arrr.

  1. Region/System: Jita Screenshot location: The New Jita Memorial

  2. Region/System: Vale of the Silent  Screenshot location: First Sergeant Hakiro’s Lookout

  3. Region/System: Curse Screenshot location: Station - G-0Q86 VII - Moon 1 - Guardian Angels Assembly Plant

  4. Region/System: Delve Screenshot location: Blood Reach

  5. Region/System: The Forge Screenshot location: Devil’s Dig Site

  6. Region/System: Placid Screenshot location: Reschard V Disaster Memorial

  7. Region/System: Changeable, Guristas' Pirate Forward Operating Base

  8. Region/System: Changeable, Angels' Pirate Forward Operating Base

  9. Region/System: Fountain Screenshot location: Yakura Harvesting Depot

  10. Region/System: Cloud Ring Screenshot location: Assilot

  11. Region/System: Catch Screenshot location: Fatimar Outpost

  12. Region/System: Thera Screenshot location: Testing Facilities

  13. Region/System: Metropolis Screenshot location: Assassin’s Overhang

  14. Region/System: Zarzakh Screenshot location: Deathless Shipcaster

May the dark winds smooth ye journey. Bob-speed, marauders. Bob-speed.

Sturmer's avatar

I've uploaded this picture to my QVR surveillance system (security cameras) powered by Google machine vision and it says 'Deer it detected'.... Santa?!

Jackbeard's avatar

Yarr, I can confirm me challenge has nothin' to do with that picture. This is what ye need to do to win me bounty's booty:


Stage 3... It's final liminality . New transmission We are Zorya Triglav... From the Convocation of Triglav outside the Struggle... Prove the Direction of your Flow and join the Flow of Vyraj... The Clade of Sobornost Kybernauts.... End of transmission. Intresting huh ?


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