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EVE Online

Very briefly on two things that I expect all agree on, and would expect to be core issues for the CSM:

Wars are good. The denizens of New Eden love war. Big, utterly brutal war. We would love a war bigger and more brutal than any of the wars that have preceeded it. An incubator of war is resource disparity. An essential resource disparity neccessitates war, as does a large enough disparity. Facilitating this disparity may risk the complete collapse of New Eden, but have faith in pilots to rise to that challenge. CSM - when it is proffered, take disparity. Tip us over the edge for bob.

New Players are good. The new player experience, that first week or two, is excellent. The SOE epic arc is excellent. The Air career program is good, and FW is going in the right direction. Glue it together. Push for any and all new player incentives. A recruitment drive external to the game (ads, a new player event) would be nothing but positive.

What CSM Candidate represents these issues best?

I believe they all do. I'll end up voting for someone that demostrates the ability to put their head above the parapet of their fortizar, keepstar, athanor, t1 frigate.

Amoni P's avatar

I do not think your idea of what we all agree on and should be a core issue for the CSM is true. This just goes to show why we need CSM representatives from a variety of places and spaces.


I disagree with your first statement, and arrived at your second by my reasoning given above. I note that in your own submission you said a great deal on what you would not like, and that you believe the player base is confused and do not know what they want or how to express it, and suggested that a candidate should recognise this but not be succeptible. If you are not a candidate then that would put you, by your own admission, into the camp that do not know what they want. I can't arrive at your point of view on what I have said because of this.

Amoni P's avatar

It's less that players don't know what they want and more that they often express what they want in a way that can be misleading if taken at face value.

I'll give you an example.

If I say, "I want to know more about Boba Fett"

Executives might hear that and think, "Oh, that means they want to get into the backstory of Boba Fett."

The problem is that what made Boba Fett a fun character was that we didn't know a whole lot about him. Part of the allure was that he was this mysterious bounty hunter we could all project our wildest imaginings on. As soon as executives started optioning Boba Fett stories that filled in the backstory, they were also taking away the thing that made Boba Fett fun.

Instead, executives who are smart enough to understand what I'm really asking for would recognize that I want is more Boba Fett that leans into the mystery of this bounty hunter we saw in the last two movies of the original trilogy. They could still make stories about Boba Fett, but if they're smart they'll leave enough blank space for me to imagine all sorts of things about this bounty hunter so that as they tell more stories about Boba Fett, my own personal mythos is preserved.

In EVE Online, players make a lot of demands and requests and they don't always phrase it the way they mean or they don't know how to express the actual desire behind what they're asking. As I said before, if I ask for more ships it could be because I'm upset that all the ships currently available are too expensive and I wish they were cheaper. If CCP just made new ships, my real desire to have cheaper ships wouldn't actually be met because the new ships would likely fill a niche in the meta and cost significantly more than what's already available. I need a CSM representative who understands that when I say, "I want to new ships" they're going to either understand where I'm coming from or do the work of asking people like me what I want in a new ship and learn that in fact what I want is for ships to be cheaper.

LukaZaharin's avatar

Today I read all of the short introductions the CSM made and I must admit, many on them feel copy pasted. They all say they want to support the wars, they all say they want to work on the New Player Experience.

This was only my first impression though. I sincerely believe, that most of the people that set themselves up for the votes care about the game and want to help it grow and stay healthy. Nevertheless, I feel like many feel forced to advocate for as many causes as possible at the same time. The competition is real, but it should not force the players to make promises they cannot keep.

I do think there should be some versatility in the CSM and I would want to support people that focus on their part of the game. I would vote for someone that has a clear point of view and a clear idea of what they are doing. Not necessarily a veteran CSM, but people that stand up for themselves.

From my point of view, the NPE has had a lot of work put into it, and there is little to be done that would not detach it even more from the actual gameplay of Eve. New Players are important, but they need to be told to work with other players, not with NPCs. Eve is a social game, with all of it's friendships and toxicity.

There is enough reason for conflict imho, we do not really need more of it. We need some balancing, some QoL and some dedication.

From my point of view, the big nullblocks will get their representatives anyway, as always and as it should be, 0.0 is a large part of the game. I think we should also get some people from lowsec, some from the WHs and some industrialists. To have a healthy game, we need a good CSM. I think people should not only vote for their own playstyle, but keep the whole picture in mind.

I myself will vote for players from different parts of New Eden and choose those, that feel competent and interested in keeping the good parts of the game while making sure progress stays a topic.


The most important issues for me are generating engaging content for small/mid-scale pvp and continuing to allow the meta to evolve through intelligent balance updates and changes over time. For the longest time, during the Rorqual era and the years following, small and mid-scale gangs were completely unable to find reasonable content around many of the major entities in the game due to vast capital and otherwise unengagable responses. These continue and will likely forever persist in the null environment due to the consolidation of so many groups into large blocs that continue to support their own mass scale content.

Small and mid-scale content for me is infinitely more fun than large scale since it often doesn't revolve around timers, long formups, dunk-or-blueball styles and is more organic and evolving and requires greater skill across all pilots on field. As a 30-something adult with limited gaming time due to IRL, there is no longer an avenue nor a desire for me to participate in large fights.

A secondary objective for me is ensuring continued support for the tournament community. While niche, it is by far the most balanced and exciting play style in my opinion and offers a great outlet for deep theorycrafting and pilot skill development that no other area in the game supports.

As for candidates, I'll just compose my list in alphabetical order here and they will often include players I know closely or support the majority of the game areas I want to see worked on and improved:
Drake Iddon
Gideon Zendikar
Gustav Mannfred
Kshal Aideron
Mike Azariah
Rots Mijnwerker

FUN INC's avatar

I would like it if the CSM would push CCP to

  • Prevent stagnation

  • Promote Activity

  • Create content

  • Create desire

That said... in terms of WHO to vote for - i am still reviewing all the threads, howevr i urge everyone to think of these 5points when considering / voting.

  • Read the candidate threads on the eve-o forums - don't just go with personalities - go with substance

  • Vote for the person / people who have campaigns that resonate with you most.

  • Vote for the person/people who represent your game style most effectively.

  • Vote for the person/people that can / will safeguard / enhance your time in eve.

  • Use all your votes! - dont leave spots dry - put someone in every position.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Tell us about the issues that matter most to you in this election:
The CSM Boat trip which harvoced may was an asssinse attack to reduce unliked CSM Members?

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Tell us about the issues that matter most to you in this election.

Don´t know yet, they all have very good points which are more or less a constant thematic in eve.
On the Internet i found a thread about unlimited or increase bookmark space.
Yes, niche topic but in a digital world there can´t be "space" problem.
-> Yes, it can by code limitiations... but lets not talk about that.

Tell us which candidate/s you believe best represent those issues.

All of Brave in special Dujek.
I was looking through the interviews and some of the look solid others less but can´t judge a book on his cover.
Feel free to pick one of the smaller ones, because the big Nullbloc will vote in their Members by prio list.

Amoni P's avatar

I think something that's important for a CSM representative is that they understand or have at least tried to conceptualize CCPs perspective and motives for what they do. I don't think a CSM rep can speak to CCP effectively if they can't imagine how what is said will be understand by developers. Even better? Being able to communicate player wants and needs through translation. What I mean by that is: players don't always know how to communicate what they actually want. When players say they want more ships, what are they really saying? Do they want more ships because they want a greater variety of ships? Do they want more ships because our current ships are too expensive and new ships would drive down the price of old ships? Do they want new ships because our current ships of the line need a balance rework to make them fun to fly again?

Sometimes players ask for things they don't actually want. They ask for what's easiest to ask for, but not always the easiest to fulfill nor does it actually meet the need the players have identified. We need a CSM representative who gets this, either explicitly understand how this happens or intuitively picks up on the gap between what players say and what players mean.

My top choices are currently Dujek Oneye and DutchGunner.

Sturmer's avatar

As mentioned before, many candidates are discussing wars and new players. The first is entertainment, and the second is the fuel for that entertainment. Most candidates come from large null or wormhole alliances, which has always been the case. However, my ideal CSM would represent the minority—the parts of the game that lack power or a strong voice. I have a proposal for how the CSM could evolve.

First, we need to identify the areas of the game that require representation. We can use the Eve activity map for this, as it visually breaks down different branches, each covering a specific slice of content.

In each category, we would elect one representative, ensuring that no individual can run in multiple categories. I believe in specialists—just like in real life, where a Minister of Defence shouldn't be a former teacher, or a Minister of Economy shouldn't be a doctor. Similarly, if someone is running as a piracy expert, they should have a proven track record in that activity and know it well.

With this approach, we'd still have 12 CSM members, but we would ensure diversity and equal representation across all aspects of the game. Each representative would be an expert in their area, able to share the challenges of their niche and provide valuable feedback on how upcoming changes might impact that part of the game.

But, these are just my dreams.

As for the current candidates, my vote will go to The Oz. We met last year during an interview at Fanfest, and I appreciate his approach. His perspective on problems, in my opinion, will benefit both the player base and CCP Games.

orik Kado's avatar

I completely agree with you, and although this won't change, believe me, you're not the only one with that dream. <3

Limal's avatar

My biggest issue with the CSM 19 candidates is the complete absence of the word "mining" in their short pitches. Mining is the backbone of the game's economy, and I'm genuinely shocked that no one chose to focus their campaign on it. The Equinox changes had a significant impact on many industrial aspects, and it’s disappointing that we don’t have anyone stepping up to guide these changes.

I’m considering Mike Azariah as a potential candidate, as I believe he could bring positive changes that might directly affect players like me.

orik Kado's avatar

Every year, candidates usually address the same topics: new players and wars. However, over the years, it seems there is no real willingness from CSM representatives of the major blocs to improve the experience for new players. Generating conflict and starting wars isn't difficult for them, but when it comes to breaking the status quo to create new spaces for emerging groups in null, they encounter an enormous wall and overwhelming force, essentially forcing new groups to join one of the two major blocs. The so-called neutral zone isn't really neutral and its days are numbered.

So this year, my vote goes to all candidates outside the major blocs. I understand that this won't bring about a significant change, but consider this: "We cannot expect a different result if we always do the same thing."

Finally, I hope that one of the elected candidates in this new campaign realizes that bringing fresh meat to the grinder and making war isn't everything in EVE. Going to war requires preparatory work that is often ignored or considered secondary: the industrialists, miners, explorers, and all those who, through their activities, contribute to creating the ships and equipment necessary for the major blocs to have their fun. If you review the candidates, very few actually take these players into account in their campaigns. Remember, if a cog in the game's machinery fails, everything slows down. It's difficult to create and easy to destroy, so don't overlook the needs of these players.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar


  1. The biggest gripe I have with Eve is the new player tutorial and it's lack of teaching power, whilst yes we have the career agents and SOE ark, but it still doesn't really teach enough to new players and it needs work, more work to keep new players playing this game.

  2. Kshal Aideron - newbro candidate <-- I think this is the right person to sit on the CSM because a new player, will represent new players and push CCP to help new players get into Eve Online and stay here.

This is my submission.

yan57436's avatar

My Priority for CSM19:

Support for Newcomers: I believe that new players' contact with the game is still somewhat hampered, I don't believe that the tutorials are enough, so that if you don't unite in blocks, the beginning becomes very arduous. We need incentives to form new groups, independent guilds, interactions that even go beyond the game, involving social networks, there's no shortage of ideas and suggestions.

My candidate:

I've been considering Mike Azariah a lot, mainly for the issue of supporting new players, he has a good interaction with the community and has a good approach to the topic.


In this EVE Online election, the most pressing issues for me revolve around the importance of income balance and ship balance. I think we need a review of income imbalances, particularly focusing on high-reward PvE in isolated areas like Abyssal space and wormholes. Also we need new adjustments to ship balances, especially with regards to Marauders and drone-assist mechanics, ensuring that individual skill and strategy MATTER more than OP projection.

Gideon Zendikar's and Drake Iddon's arguments are about fostering a more competitive, and balanced EVE universe, thinking of those and other issues, like new players experience, and that's why they are my top choice.


I think there are some very important points that we should consider for this CSM. Everyone here has their own priorities, but one factor that I consider essential is the experience of new players, which has room for improvement. Many people may have experienced similar difficulties as newcomers to the game, and to improve this there must be attention that goes beyond tutorials, with clear instructions that help the newcomer to thrive and become more involved with the game without ending up being “forced” to join the giant blocks. I think changes in this respect would improve the overall player experience. Also, as I've seen some comments here talking about, although the voice is always given to the giant alliances, we must remember that EVE Online goes beyond the big wars... I agree that we need a candidate who pays attention to the less visible areas in the game such as industrialists, miners and explorers, as they need to be better represented.

That's why, of the candidates I'm considering so far, it would be Mike Azariah, thinking along the lines of newcomers, interaction with the community... someone who brings a broad vision to the game.

Hunter's avatar

Issues that Matter Most to Me:

As an explorer in EVE Online, exploration is not just a career path—it’s an entire way of experiencing the game’s universe. From scanning down wormholes to hacking relic and data sites, exploration offers freedom, excitement, and the potential for profit. In this year’s CSM election, the issues that matter most to me are related to making exploration more rewarding, dynamic, and immersive. Here’s where I think improvements can be made:

  • Reward Scaling for High-Risk Areas: One of the core frustrations many explorers face is the mismatch between the risks we take and the rewards we receive, especially in wormhole space (J-Space) and null-sec. When diving into dangerous space, the rewards—whether it’s loot from data/relic sites or sleeper caches—don’t always match the level of danger. I believe candidates should push for rebalancing loot tables to make deeper, riskier exploration more enticing.

    Gameplay Idea: Introduce rare exploration events where explorers can uncover unique lore-based sites with exclusive, high-value rewards. These sites could appear randomly and only be accessible to advanced explorers who meet specific scanning skill requirements. The more dangerous the space, the more rewarding these discoveries should be.

  • More Dynamic Exploration Content: Currently, explorers often scan down static sites with little variation. I would like to see candidates advocate for procedurally generated exploration sites, where each experience feels different. Imagine hacking a data site that triggers an event, sending you deeper into a hidden pocket of space filled with increasingly difficult challenges, where the final reward is only accessible if you complete all the steps. This adds both risk and depth to the exploration experience.

    Gameplay Idea: Candidates could propose new “Exploration Expeditions” that act like mini-quests, starting from a basic signal scan but unfolding into complex, multi-part journeys across systems. These expeditions could include puzzles, new NPC interactions, or even the need to collaborate with other explorers for higher-level rewards.

  • Scanner Enhancements and Tools: The core mechanics of scanning and hacking could also benefit from improvements. For example, the current hacking mini-game, while enjoyable, could be expanded with different difficulty levels depending on the site and its location. New tools that allow explorers to gather more detailed intel about potential dangers (like hidden pirate traps) could make scanning feel more immersive and strategic.

    Gameplay Idea: Introduce modules or implants that improve scanner range and efficiency for specific areas, such as deep-space probes designed for wormholes. Explorers could fit their ships with specialized scanners to uncover rare artifacts, boosting their chances of finding unique content.

  • Interactive Wormhole Mapping and Events: Wormholes are an essential part of the exploration career, but they can feel somewhat static after a while. I'd like candidates to propose ways to make wormhole exploration more interactive. For example, having wormholes that shift or change dynamically during certain cosmic events, or the potential to map wormhole chains in collaboration with other explorers, could make J-Space exploration more engaging.

    For the candidates that have this in their compass , I think there is none , So I'm sad :'(

JHenckes's avatar

I believe that the CSM needs to better represent the less visible areas of the game, such as miners, industrialists and small PvP groups. The giant alliance blocks always have a voice, but the game goes beyond the big wars, especially for my style of play, which doesn't usually take part in these events. I want a candidate who stands up for this, because like me, I believe they would better embrace different styles of play!

Gideon Zendikar's arguments are about promoting a more competitive and balanced EVE universe. That's exactly what I'm aiming for, thinking about these and other issues, such as the experience of new players. That's why he's my top choice and I hope he wins!

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