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EVE Online

EVE Online
farrukhmubeen's avatar
  1. Should I play on Steam or the standalone client?

  2. Ans: client

  3. Can I play on Mac or Linux?

  4. Ans: mac

  5. What are the differences between Alpha and Omega accounts?

  6. Ans: alpha is free to play and omega pay to proceed or full access

  7. How many characters can I have?

  8. Ans: 3 per account

  9. What are the most important decisions in character creation and are they reversible?

  10. Ans: As a whole no u can do anything.

  11. What do the different currencies mean? ISK, PLEX, EverMarks, LP - I'm lost!

  12. Ans: Isk buy play games, evermarks is questing point, plex buy form real money, lp from agent missions

  13. Should I sign up using a referral code? Where do I find them and are they all the same?

  14. Ans: yes, any eve online content creator

  15. What else should I know?

  16. Ans: join any suitable corp.

Luka Zaharin's avatar

I wanted to go for a very important tip that I gave several new players and that I noticed unknown to many. People who start out with Eve tend to forget how final some of their choices, including their names are. In the format of a pretty short video, this was supposed to rely info fast so you can keep creating your char. It's also my first try at a voice-over for my videos.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Hell yeah i am in for this.

If you are interested and want to know more please contact Toushi Kimura in game or try to flag someone down on our discord in

orik Kado's avatar

The first days in New Eden—definitely, too much time has passed since I started playing, so now I want to share with you a series of tips that can solve many of the initial doubts that new players frequently have:

Playing with Steam or the native client?

Regarding this question, the truth is that the gaming experience is exactly the same. The only real difference is how you created your account. If you create it through the game's website, you won’t be able to purchase Omega or PLEX via Steam. This is very important because, for example, in Latin America (and likely in other regions), it can sometimes be cheaper to buy these assets through Steam rather than the in-game store. Other than that, the experience remains the same, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Can I play from Mac or Linux?

The short answer is yes. However, the game has native support for PC and Mac. With some additional steps, you can also enjoy the game on Linux.

What is the difference between Alpha and Omega?

Alpha and Omega are the game's subscription states, with Alpha being the free-to-play version and Omega the paid version.
As an Alpha, you have certain limitations, such as the number of skill points you can train normally, as well as access to certain ships, modules, and industry features that are only available to Omega accounts.
However, this doesn’t mean Omega makes the game "pay-to-win." Instead, it simply allows you to train any ship, use any module, and perform any activity you desire. But if you’re not skilled at what you do, an Alpha player can still defeat you without any problem.
Finally, remember that you can pay for your Omega subscription using in-game currency. So, in the long run, you can play as Omega without spending real money—it all depends on how you play.

How many characters can I have?
Here, I need to make an important clarification:
Each account can have up to three created characters. However, you can only play and train with one at a time. You can pay to train two or even all three characters simultaneously, but you will always be able to play with only one at a time.

That being said, you can have as many accounts as you want and open them simultaneously as long as they have Omega status. In other words, you cannot open two Alpha characters at the same time, but if you have two or more characters and they are all Omegas, you can use them simultaneously. In that case, the only limit is what your PC can handle.

What are the most important decisions when creating a character? Are they reversible?

When creating a new character, the game will ask you to choose one of the four main factions. However, this choice only affects the starting ships and the region where you begin. You can train ships from any faction as you progress and visit other faction territories.

However, there are three aspects you should consider carefully:

  1. Character Name – This cannot be changed.

  2. Character Design – This can be modified later by purchasing a certificate.

  3. Character Gender – This cannot be changed after creation.

What do the different currencies mean? ISK, PLEX, EverMarks, LP - I'm lost!

Don't worry! Let's go over the differences quickly and simply:

  • ISK: The common currency in New Eden. You can earn it by completing missions, destroying NPCs, selling items, and many other activities. This is the main in-game currency.

  • PLEX: The premium currency. You can obtain it in two ways: by purchasing it with real money or by buying it from other players using ISK. PLEX can be used to pay for an Omega subscription and buy various items like skins and training certificates.

  • EverMarks: Earned through AIR faction missions or daily challenge rewards. Primarily used for cosmetic purposes, such as purchasing emblem slots for ships, donating to corporations for player station skins, and skipping daily challenges.

  • LP (Loyalty Points): Earned by completing missions or participating in Factional Warfare for NPC corporations. LP can be used to buy faction-related modules, ammunition, blueprints, implants, and cosmetics for personal use or trade.

Should I register using a referral code? Where can I find them? Are they all the same?

This is completely optional, but using a referral code gives you a reward of 1 million skill points, which helps you progress faster. Keep in mind that you can only use one referral link.

You can get a referral link from other players. They may receive rewards when you use their code and make a purchase from the game's website. If you don’t buy anything, they won’t get a reward, but you will always receive the 1M skill points.

If your account has been active for a while but you've never used a referral link, you can still apply one—as long as the account that provided it is older than yours.

Most content creators share their referral links so that anyone who appreciates their content can use them. They also often provide a creator code that lets them earn a small percentage when you make purchases from the website, at no extra cost to you. It’s a great way to support content creators!

Remember that EVE Online is a MULTIPLAYER ONLINE game, so don’t try to do everything on your own. The game has huge communities that are usually happy to share their knowledge with new players. Don’t be shy—ask questions! I guarantee that if a player doesn’t know the answer, they’ll look for it with you, and you’ll both learn something new.

I hope this guide is useful to you, and welcome to New Eden! The galaxy awaits you.


1.Nowadays mostly it doesn't matter, why mostly? The only thing that today standalone client is different is that it can run without steam! If you have downloaded steam version you don't have to reinstall it if you want to make it standalone one.

2.Frankly, i don't know.

  1. I'll talk about key differences: You can't go behind 5mln skill point level, you can't skill into some of the skills , you can't fly certain ship and you don't progress that fast ingame.

  2. In theory you can have only 3 characters on one account but practicaly many people use alts ( it is not against the rules as far as i know) and it is very viable option called multiboxing.

  3. There's 2 more or less important things and all of them are reversable: Choosing faction mainly mean starter location, I'd advise caldari because you are next to main trade hub called Jita in which most of the things are cheaper. Next thing is skills sheet, I'd advise doing them at the same level, but after first choose you'll be able to remap them.

  4. Isk is the main currency by which you can purchase most of the thing. Plex is premium currency which could be spend in eden shop(premium shop) for omega time/more 1 character training and many more, it is possible to buy plex with isk and sell plex for isk. Evermarks are not that important, they can be spend either on completing dailly goals or skins in paragon shop. And the LP, loyalty points which are earned by 2 ways: completing missions given by agents or by withing in FW. Most of the time people convert LP into isk by buying thing from loyalty shop of exact corporation/faction to which those lp are connected with and selling them on market for profit.

  5. Deffinitely you should, it is easy 1mln SP for you and if you buy omega time, they that gived you refferal link will get half of it and many more rewards. You can find those on yt and if you ask anybody for those, they will give you their.

  6. The most valuable skill in eve online is patience.


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