Special Unit 2, a two season series which aired in the very early 2000's, saw Alexondra Lee and Michael Landes as detectives assigned to the titular task force. Det. Kate Benson and Nick O'Malley are assigned with defending the good people of Chicago Illinois from "Links"--missing links in the chain which lead to the winner of the evolutionary arms race, humanity.
Spider people, werewolves, djinn, gargoyles, all manner of humanoid (and non-humanoid but shh... spoilers, darling) creature except one: vampires. What a ridiculous notion, as pointed out by SU2 commanding officer Richard Page. Why do these Links love Chicago so much? No one knows, but they sure do love it and it's up to SU2 to keep them in check.
It is exactly as goofy as it sounds and possibly more so if you aren't familiar with low-rent US TV from the early 00's, but it had the kind of whole-hearted sincerity you just don't get anymore. Not to mention, though mostly focused on the comedic, it had a genuine trauma backstory for Detective O'Malley where his partner was killed by a reptilian shapeshifter while disguised as none other than O'Malley himself.
While mostly following the "creature of the week" format, there were overarching storylines for each season. In season 2, a kind of Link King was discovered and a mysterious, apocalyptic plan put into motion, leaving the season on a cliffhanger which the creators clearly expected to revisit. But, alas, it was not to be.
There are two ways a return of Special Unit 2 could go, the first of which is to finish the story. Landes and Lee return as O'Malley and Benson and, given the hilarious schlock the show already sported, don't even address the 20+ years of aging they have both done. Better yet, use an established Link to explain the rapid aging (no spoilers as to which Link that is).
The second way would be to tell the story of SU2's inception, possibly starring a young Richard Page at the early days, or O'Malley's rookie years. But, this is certainly an "as well as" option. We need, nay, deserve to know what happens.