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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Sword Art Online was my first Anime, it will always be my fav one. The way it's written, how it progresses, how the love story goes and then climaxes at the end and how it leads into the other "online" series. I just love it.

Juuni's avatar

One of my very first was Nichijou. If you can watch it, do it.

Makster's avatar

I wish more people watched this show. It became pretty meme heavy when it was first released. I wish there was more Nichijou as Nano entered the group far too late. I think a more 'grounded' Nichijou would be Azumanga Daioh or Lucky Star which are older anime so the art style isn't as accessible or appealing nowadays but still come highly rated.

Shovel's avatar

Thanks so much for the honourable mention super appreciate it. I’m definitely going to keep this bookmarked because all of the animates mentioned that all looks so so cool and I love the fact that there’s little paragraphs as to why they should go ahead and watch it obviously absolutely no surprise whatsoever that attack on Titan is on there just like Asim said it is one of the best enemies of all time.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Awesome. Thank you very much for the compliment and the Tokyo Ghoul suggestion!


Ahh, definitely saving some I have not seen from this list. Awesome share.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Remi, glad you like it!

JHenckes's avatar

Great list! All Ghibli's movies are a must one! My favorite one is Mononoke Princess. All the movies are extremely rich.

One thing I think was missing was some options of comedy anime. Often a comedy is very easy to like and can be a great gateway into the Japanese world of animation.

That's why I think my best recommendation would be One Punch Man. It's a hugely successful anime and its subject matter is close to a Western universe, so I think it would be a great choice as the first anime for new "otakus".

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great choice! One Punch Man is brilliant and hilarious (especially season one), and I've definitely recommended it to new anime fans before.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Evangelion is amazing! Not sure how beginner friendly it is though, it's quite a heavy subject, always puts me in a "humanity is doomed and deserves it" mood, not sure if I would dare to give it to someone as their first anime, it might scare them away XD

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

It's anti-religious core and dystopia can easily be ignored watching kids pilot mechs against monsters to save the world. Some people are into that ... day zero.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

That's true, if you take away the heavy subject then it's just another mecha anime. I think I've seen it so many times, I can't just ignore that part.

And probably it is so famous that someone who heard of mecha definitely heard of Evangelion. And just like Gundam Wing, the graphics really stood the trial of time, it still looks as good as it did back in the days.

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

The Redux versions are pretty amazing with Nerv becoming a terrorist organization.

Amoni P's avatar

I don't know if I agree with this list because it in part it just looks like someone's superlist of their favorite anime as opposed to a list that introduces people the breadth and scope of anime. Additionally, Miyazaki has been pretty vocal about his feelings on Otaku and the direction of anime. Obviously, what anime a person recommends is highly subjective, but I'm the kind of person that wants to give people a good sense of anime in the broadest sense because not all anime is going to be for everyone and if someone says, "this is my favorite anime" or "I think this is the best anime that's ever been made" then they might get discouraged that it doesn't resonate with them.

Here would be some recommendations:

Hunter x Hunter (2016)- A shonen anime, that is an anime whose target audience is boys (children), that has a lot of tropes common to shonen anime and then plays around with those tropes. One of the nice things about Hunter x Hunter as opposed to, say Dragonball, is that the story arcs are pretty clearly delineated so you could watch one arc at a time to make it a more digestible show.

Revolutionary Girl Utena (1997) - A shojo anime, that is an anime whose target audience is girls (children), that has a lot of tropes common to shojo anime and does a few interesting things with it. One reason I'd recommend it over other popular shojo titles like Sailor Moon, is that it's relatively short so you can watch it and get a sense for what shojo is like as opposed to trying to watch Sailor Moon which is really long. Also, Sailor Moon has a lot of episodes that are just "monster of the week" type of things that doesn't really happen in RGU.

Gundam Mobile Suit 0080: War in the Pocket (1989) - A mecha anime, that is anime where machines are a central focus of the story and aesthetics of the show. War in the Pocket is not the best of the Gundam, but what it is is easily digestible and has a lot of the tropes common to both mecha and Gundam more specifically. Of note, War in the Pocket is an original video animation (OVA) which means that it a shortened television series format that was sold as direct-to-video rather than being aired on television. At just 6 episodes long, War in the Pocket is easily one of the most approachable in the franchise and the animation is significantly higher quality due to OVAs typically have a much higher budget than weekly-aired television.

There are so many more types of anime (sports and slice of life being two that I feel are an obvious omission) and it's worth pointing out that there are many genre or thematic labels that get applied to the same anime titles. Revolutionary Girl Utena would also be considered a Magical Girl anime where the protagonist undergoes a magical transformation as main focus of the story. War in the Pocket is also considered a shonen anime because demographically it is marketed to boys (but all kinds of people love it).


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