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Film & TV
TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

I would love to see The Throne of Glass made either into a film or a tv series.

The Throne of Glass follows assassin Celaena Sardothien as she tries to escape her slavery and ends up working for the king in attempt to try become the kings champion and eventually win her freedom I think people that have enjoyed films like The Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner would also enjoy this as a film/tv series

this would be my cast for some of the main characters

Celaena Sardothien - Florence Pugh

King - Sean Bean

Crown Prince - Adam Driver

Captain of the Guard - Keanu Reeves

Lanah Tyra's avatar

This is not something which will ever happen sadly, but when I still wanted to become a movie director, I was dreaming about bringing the original Thrawn Trilogy to the big screen. I will stand by it still that Lucas made a huge mistake by making the prequel trilogy first, as that one requiring a completely different cast could have waited a few more years. I would have rather make use of the cast of the original Star Wars trilogy while I still could, while bringing in other new character who would have been great for other spin-off movies or even series (Rouge Squadron series anyone?)

This adaptation would have had what people already loved about Star Wars and not just characters, but also locations and ships which could have looked spectacular with CGI, which was not available when the original trilogy was made. People loved the books which now with the Disney takeover are not considered canon anymore, so definitely these movies would have been popular.

While I really would have loved to play Mara Jade myself, on this occasion I will give the role to the lady who portrayed her for the card game, Shannon McRandle.

As for the beloved villain, Grand Admiral Thrawn (even though I think Lars Mikkelsen was an excellent choice) I would have cast Jason Isaacs. There were fanarts going around at the time which depicts him with blue skin and red eyes and until they cast Lars Mikkelsen for the Ashoka series, I could only imagine Jason Isaacs in this role. One of the most popular fanarts you can find on Reddit:

Back at that time I didn't know who I would cast as the resident smuggler of the series, but The Hobbit gave the answer to that. So please welcome Richard Armitage as Talon Karrde:

Sadly it's never going to happen, but it would have been amazing to see one of my favourite books in live action. But if someone invents time-travel quickly, I'm still willing to do this :D


Up until recently I would've said the Shardlake series by CJ Sansom but Disney are doing that and I've watched the first few episodes and wasn't overly disappointed which is unique.

So my submission would actually be Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. One of my favourite books of all time.

A good movie about the first book would be very welcome but I didn't like any of the following books in the series so I don't think movie producers could ruin the sequels as they're already not my favourite

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Liam, and welcome to Just About Film & TV! What is it about Shadow of the Wind that makes you think it would be a good fit for a movie? (I haven't read it.)


It's dark and mysterious, has beautiful set pieces written into the plot of the book and it's just got a great story that I think would be great as a movie!

Limal's avatar

I made a movie page where you can see the cast and sinopsis

This adaptation would atract viewers with its blend of historical fiction and fantasy, exploring themes of identity, freedom, and the power of stories. I'm still not sure if it should be a movie or TV show.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's a very cool website!


It has to be Star Wars related obviously!

One of the most popular Canon Star Wars book is “Bloodline” by Claudia Gray. This novel explores the backstory of Leia Organa between the events of “Return of the Jedi” and “The Force Awakens,” delving into her political career and the formation of the Resistance!

This is good for two reasons.

Broadly star wars fans agreed Andor was a great Tv show that had time spent looking at politics and behind the scenes stuff this would be similar.

Star Wars fans love leia and a proper look into her life would be cool

Also It will introduce new characters and elements that could expand the Star Wars universe on screen. This is good because although nostalgia and throwbacks are cool we always want to see the universe expanded.

Scrbzy's avatar

Im currently making my way through the Red Rising saga and I pray they adapt it at some point because my god would it make for good TV.

There's a lot of content to work with 6 books currently out and a 7th on the way, it has an excellent narrative that features everything an audience could ask for and strong well written characters that you grow to love as well as hate.

The main character Darrow, could be played by Austin Butler with Mustang the pseudo female lead played by Sydney Sweeney.

If done correctly it could be the next Game of Thrones, there's similar themes with houses and stories of betrayal and war, twists and turns galore... everything that would make for a popular, compelling TV series.

Makster's avatar

It'd be the The Saga of Darren Shan

I don't think there has been any decent adaptations of this series but it is incredibly rich for a teenage/ children's adaptation into animation. Sadly I think the first few novels rely a bit too much on freaky horror rather than the action/ gothic horror it later became known for with the vampires. I'd love to have Liam Neeson as the mentor Larten Crepsley to a younger Darren played by Crispin Freeman with his opposite Steve Leonard (Dante Basco)

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me, it will always be Raymond E Fiests Magician. I think the storyline of this book, has so much to offer a film setup.

In my opinion, the storylines within the book could make for at least a trilogy, I think from the invasion to Pug's journey, to Thomas going to Elvendar, to the armies clashing etc, I strongly believe this book could easily be, as stated, adapted into a Trilogy and with films such as the Hobbit and LOTR, I think people would love to see it, especially if we got the right director for the movie itself.

The great thing about the book is it also, on top of all the action, puts love, hate, betrayal, politics, and Aruthas journey to Krondor, it would be epic to see this as a film!

Rich's avatar

Magician would make a beautiful movie. It's a while since I read it but I remember the vivid people, places, and magic clearly - would look fantastic on a screen!

Juuni's avatar

Star Trek: The Kobayashi Maru

One of my absolute favorites from the original series set of novels back in the day. I literally read this entire book in a single sitting, the only one of all the ones I bought that I did read that fast.

I'm guessing it would be an animated thing, but being able to see how all the various characters actually went through that ordeal would be interesting. Especially if they continued it into the TNG era, how did Picard handle it? Janeway?

I think it would be interesting anyway.

Paul's avatar

As a warhammer nerd and with the impending 40k film I would love to see a tv adaptation of the Gaunts Ghosts series stating with First and Only.

I have talked about this book before but basically its Band of Brothers/Sharp in space fighting chaoic zelots and struggling with political deceit.

Obviously Henry Cavil as the main character on the cover but tbh im not sure about the others 😅.

The regiment is made up of rough but charasmatic celtic themed characters with a few bad apples so reply with any ideas.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

And let's have a movie on Colonel Schaeffer's Last Chancers while we're at it!

Sturmer's avatar

Hyperion by Dan Simmons


Dan Simmons' "Hyperion" is a richly layered science fiction novel that blends deep philosophical questions with a complex narrative structure. The book's unique format involves seven pilgrims sharing their stories, each of which provides a different perspective on their mysterious destination, the planet Hyperion.

There have been several attempts to adapt "Hyperion" into a movie or TV show, but none have come to final result. Most notably, in 2009, director Scott Derrickson was attached to a film adaptation, and in 2015, Syfy announced a TV series with Bradley Cooper and Graham King as executive producers. Despite these efforts, the project has yet to materialize.


A high-budget TV series, ideally spanning multiple seasons to fully explore the depth of the novels. Each episode or arc could focus on a different pilgrim's story, allowing for rich character development and immersive world-building. Ideally 2 episodes per pilgrim and 2 more for the Shrike and final scene (8+8).

Tone and Style

The series should capture the atmospheric and philosophical depth of the novel, blending elements of epic science fiction, horror, and existential questions. Visually, it should be aiming for the cinematic quality of "Blade Runner 2049" or "Arrival", with a focus on stunning landscapes, futuristic cities, and haunting environments. Denis Villeneuve's "Dune" is also a good reference.

Key Cast for 7 pilgrims

  1. The Consul: Hugh Jackman

  2. Father Hoyt: Oscar Isaac

  3. Colonel Kassad: Mahershala Ali

  4. Sol Weintraub: Mark Ruffalo

  5. Het Masteen: Benedict Cumberbatch

  6. Brawne Lamia: Emily Blunt

  7. Martin Silenus: Ian McShane


Let's ignore the NBC series made a few years back and start afresh with this one...

The Lincoln Rhyme stories by Jeffrey Deaver would make for a great series on Prime or Netflix.

I mentioned in a previous Bounty that the Skin Collector was a great holiday read so I'm carrying on with the idea of those books being expanded on into a number of series here.

The bone collector would obviously need to be the first series to set up Lincoln and Sachs, followed by some more of the more prominent and best received books in the series, The Skin Collector (one of my personal favourites), The Burning Wire and The Broken Window.

It would stand out from other crime shows with the protagonist being quadriplegic and the bond between Rhyme and Sachs developing over multiple series.

The stories and suspense of these books would create a unique series, with those who enjoy the Reacher series, but who are maybe looking for something slightly darker, on Prime undoubtedly placing this on their watchlist!

Casting Lincoln would be a difficult one, I would personally choose John David Washington due to his acting chops being a quadriplegic would rely heavily on a believable and engrossing character.

Amelia Sachs on the other hand, I would choose Alexandra Daddario based on her ranged acting portfolio and delightful appearance!

Shovel's avatar

This one is so easy. Mine would be the hush-hush series by Author called Becca Fitzpatrick.

So I think they really missed the mark of when this could’ve been released this is your typical movie that would’ve done so well during twilight divergent maze Runner sort of era with the hunger games as well I suppose essentially this is the book about fallen angel falls in love with someone who isn’t one and it’s all about sort of like that balance.

I thought Taylor Lautner would be really good person to cast and I think there was a community at one point who kept sort of doing lots of fanfiction and casting as to how it would look it’s really good book. It was one of my first couple of books that I read in this sort of genre and I really really enjoyed it.

Like I said. The 2010’s era would’ve Ate this up! So this as a Movie series could really work because it’s been such a long time since we received films like this I know recently they just announced another hunger games book with film and already people are super excited because I think people are falling out of love with cinema and proper films because TV series are doing so well so this could be something That can help bring that back


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