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Film & TV

Film & TV
Alex Sinclair's avatar

Oh I would so watch this! Don't forget to verify on socials though EveOnlineTutorials

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Edited, sorry, I keep forgetting to do that xD

CelestialFlea's avatar

I think he'd be a better Agent Smith tbh? There's only one, one!

Horror and Cats's avatar

Can you imagine the unhinged antagonist from Human Centipede 2 being Cage-ified?

Philip's avatar

Not my work. Found it on Pinterest.

Nine's avatar

Nicolas Cage Jump into JUMANJI !!
end say " you no say it !! "


Nicolas Cage stars in the blockbuster movie the little mermaid!

Sturmer's avatar

I understand the rules, but honestly, I prefer not to share it on social media as it might be offensive to Nicolas.

p.s. I believe he could be an actor in that movie for real!


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