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Shovel's avatar

There’s a character called Elsa Bloodstone who is a monster hunter but she has superhuman abilities which she inherited from her father. She’s knows for her expertise in combat kinda like black widow!

If she joint the MCU, Elsa would bring a cool Supernatural edge to the already existing universe. We are seeing marvel explore darker themes with Moonlight and now Blade, so Elsa could fit perfectly as a monster hunter.

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Moon Knight

I have always been a big Moon Knight fan and have been hoping that he would be in a film one day even before the TV show was announced but after seeing what they did with the TV show I think it would be perfect to either for his own film or a team up film, he's even been a part of a few different avenger teams.

Marc Spectre was revived by the moon god Khonshu to act as Khonshu's champion and became the Moon Knight.

Rixx Javix's avatar

I believe I saw that they are moving ahead with a Season Two order.

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

I'm hoping that he will be included in the next Avengers film.

Makster's avatar

Scorpion (Mac Gargan)

Heading towards the B-list tier of Spidey's supervillains, I love this character because of his power and connection with angry web head hater J. Jonah.
The power's of a scorpion should be comparable to a spider outside of spinning webs and instead throwing acid and yet, Mac just can't complete against the better of Spiderman's rogue's gallery.

I do hope we get a version of Scorpion that is as powerful and intimidating as Mysterio in Far from Home (who was also kind-of a B tier villain)

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

Hi Folks 😊

l recommend WINDEAGLE is a Dominican/American Super hero that can fly (Or Planing) and was a opposite to Black Panther but could be a nice representative of the Latin community specifically the Dominican very common in NYC

Have a nice day people 😊👍

SIRCAM's avatar

Sleepwalker, looks interesting.

INFO: It possesses superhuman strength, exceptional durability and resistance to injury, and flotation-like flight. He is also capable of the projection of crude images of what he's seen from his eyes.

Kings Court's avatar

hahaha you got the one I was gunna go for !! GG and good choice !

SIRCAM's avatar

Hahaha, we really have good taste my friend, GG and thanks. 😂

EidLeWeise's avatar

I need me some Squirrel Girl! She's awesome, she's defeated Thanos, works with Spidey and others and hosts a podcast, plus she can talk to Squirrels, I mean that HAS to be better than Ants, right???

Gaypengwing 🔜 Ren Faire Uk's avatar

I can understand why she isn’t because her comic counterpart is strong as hell and it would make a lot of our heroes now look very weak in comparison but I would just love to see Squirrel Girl live action. Maybe even just in something stand alone? 👀


The Wendigo

The Wendigo first appeared in The Incredible Hulk #162 of January 1973 and was created by Steve Englehart and Herb Trimpe. The Wendigo is the result of an ancient curse that transforms any person who eats the flesh of another human within the Canadian wilderness or just Canada in general.

I first saw Wendigo in the TV show Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H, with the episode featuring Wolverine. One of the most recent stories that I read involving the Wendigo was Amazing X-Men Volume 2: World War Wendigo, written by and drawn by Craig Kyle and Chris Yost respectively.

This is a villain that would be perfect for a future MCU movie or TV show. The Wendigo is an enemy to the Incredible Hulk, Wolverine, the X-Men, and Alpha Flight, and a majority of these heroes are coming to the MCU. This creature would also prove to be quite a challenge due to how its curse works because of its mystical nature.



Vector possesses incredible string telekinesis powers and is able to fly as a result, as well as hurl objects at incredible speed at his enemies.

He's one of the few Marvel villains who has managed to damage Hulks skin, which highlights the extent of his powers.

In the comics, he is also the leader of The U Foes - a criminal group that are often seen as the anti-Fantastic Four.

As a singular villain he would be a cool addition to the MCU, and he could also span a number of movies given he is part of a team also.

His outfit is also pretty cool and could see a really interesting interpretation on the big screen!

Eddie's avatar


Nightmask was a character from Marvel's New Universe imprint (1986-89). He was a character that could enter into other people's dreams. He uses this ability mostly to help them deal with mental health and other struggles. Struggles he himself is no stranger to since the therapist/inventor of the device that gave him his powers attempted to murder him with a bomb, leaving him in a coma, his parents dead, and his little sister paralyzed.

That's the real hook to this character. He's complex and dark at times. The Nightmask becomes a kind of separate personality that torments him and those he helps. The nature of his powers makes it difficult for him to tell dreams from reality and it's his little sister that keeps him grounded. He is haunted by the memories of the therapist behind the attack. It's an interesting take on the genre and really good storytelling when its written well.

Paul's avatar

So, this may not count as technically hes in the first Deadpool movie for like 5 seconds but my submission (pending mod disqualification) is

Hydra Bob!

Bob is/was a regular hydra goon that became best palls with Wade, later becoming his on and off sidekick.

Obviously I came accross Bob while reading Deadpool comics.

I dont see him being a lead character however I think he should become a mainstay in Deadpools universe as hes such an iconic character with him.

Bob does actually become a superhero (off brand Ironman style) to protect Las Vegas during one storyline so hes not completly useless.

Rixx Javix's avatar

Machine Man

Honestly just adapt this limited series, which was incredible. Machine Man was created by Jack Kirby for his adaption of 2001 A Space Odyssey, but has become a regular MCU Character over the years. His potential is vast as a android struggling with his own humanity, set against the light of immortality and all that he has seen. Plus he has awesome android comic book powers like telescoping arms, and machine hacks, and super strength, and lots of whatnots of a technological variety.

Plus we need a new android hero since Vision... whatever happened to Vision.


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