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Retro Stu's avatar

I'm looking at options to vote on and honestly nothing strikes me as needing obvious attention.

I'm a big fan of the "What's happening?" on the right hand side by way of a content feed, it's a nice touch.

Menu structures and things I think are clear, coherent and not confusing unlike other platforms at times.

I'll have a good ol' think about it and try to come at it from an accessibility point of view (only because I have to take accessibility into account with my day to day work!) but honestly, for a beta incarnation of a new site, this has been a dream to navigate.

Boomer's avatar

What I'd like to see is the ability to edit poll titles after they're shared! Anyway, would you have guessed we're keen for members to leave a reply? 😅

Dave's avatar

O now I remembered one! I make loads of typos and I nearly always miss something. I'm sure we used to be able to edit the new discussion posts but now we can't. Request to bring that back. If it was done for a specific reason then how about as a compromise you can edit for the first hour after posting before it's locked?

Dave's avatar

Same with me really, I'm pretty happy with it all other than things that have already been discussed and is coming in future updates like a button on mobile for what's happening so we can be lazy and not have to rotate to portrait to view it.

I don't use the search so I'm not really fussed about it, but when I tested it out just for the sake of it in the past I didn't like it. The behaviour is non standard how the results appear in a little drop down box just with the title and no context. Then if you press enter, instead of getting a full page of results load up , it resets as though you aren't using the search at all.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

JA website has been designed with perfect precision on how it should work, my only issue was not knowing I had to lick "JA" in the top right, not the menu button, to show all posts from all areas.

Thomas's avatar

I, for one, am pleased that you read the logo as JA

greybill's avatar

I dislike round shapes. Were it for me, everything would be rectangular. But that's personal taste.

One thing I'm missing is links to people's socials/websites on their profile pages. Sometimes people's comments spark interest in looking at their content. But It's not that easy to find sometimes.

What I like the most is the "What's happening?" feed on the right and the notifications. Good features to keep updated. At least for the moment. I could see it becoming a bit much when traffic grows. Options to filter might for personal preferences might be nice at that point.

Rupert's avatar

Totally agreed that the Live Feed will need controls as we get busier. And perhaps consolidation when there’s multiple updates from a single busy thread.

And agreed re: fleshing out the user profiles to include links to (and content from?) connected accounts!

Can’t help you with the rectangles, though…


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