Howdy JAvians! We hope you enjoyed your weekend (and you didn’t bankrupt yourselves on Black Friday deals). As tradition requires on a Monday, let’s look back at some of the best member-created content from the past week.
We’ve loved watching the streams originating in our newest community, Just About Critter Café. They’re cosy, cute, and full of wholesome goodness. You can find them all here, but we recommend starting with argenie's:
And in dianthus's case, we were delighted to learn that our reward encouraged them to stream for the very first time:
Pretty adorable, huh? On the opposite end of the gaming spectrum, we have the enjoyably ruthless galaxy of EVE Online, where there’s not an adorable critter in sight (cat ears excluded). A lot has happened in New Eden in the last month, and Sturmer reported on the latest bloody developments. Sturmer earned one of our first Curators’ Pick badges for that report, as did LukaZaharin for this one.
The galactic tides of Elite Dangerous wait for no one. In a similar reward, asking about the latest stellar shenanigans, LiquidMorkite reports on the Thargoid War, Powerplay, and the upcoming addition of a colonisation system.
While we’re discussing the celestial, let’s move onto the gods in our SMITE 2 community. Daxonn created a god-tier guide for Nemesis; it’s a must-watch video for anyone playing the game.
Meanwhile, Empen shared a great video about Thanatos, which you can find below. Remember, JA’s feeds are yours, and if you have anything fun, interesting, and relevant to share in them, you’re more than welcome to do so!
Resurrection isn’t just for the gods. We’ll leave you with this post from Just About Tech that’s bound to please the retro gamers among you. x0xShinobix0x has taken a vintage arcade machine and given it a new lease of life:
Jason is away this week, so if you see any great posts around that platform that you’d like to highlight for next week’s Member Monday, tag Alex Sinclair, Ford James, or RSJ in the replies; we’ll check it out!
Today’s question of the week: Did you buy anything in the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales? What was it?
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