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Sturmer's avatar


also known as Peat bog or Submerged forest

Here are few of my photos for reference:

As you can see in my photos, there are few trees; they are weak and small, usually 2-3 meters above the surface. But in reality, these trees are 10-15 meters high, submerged 75% under the surface. These bogs are very dangerous, as the ground is extremely unstable. It looks like a mossy surface, but mostly it’s floating on hidden water.

Minecraft's New Biome Features


  • Sinking Surface - The ground can pull you under if you stand still for too long. This sinking effect is similar to falling into deep snow - you’ll need to dig your way out using a shovel before you run out of air.

    • Mossy Blocks: These slow you down, just like soul sand.

    • Sinking Blocks: These pull you down, requiring quick escape.

    • Sponge-like Blocks: Stable but bouncy, similar to slime blocks.

  • Navigating the Bog: You'll need to build wooden paths and bridges to move safely, as stone blocks will sink beneath the surface.


  • Explore exposed water patches for rare materials unique to this biome.

  • The submerged trees provide "Bog-Stained" versions of birch, pine, and oak wood, which are darker and offer 25% better fuel efficiency.

  • Various types of moss for alchemy or decoration.

  • The bog is home to standard mushrooms, cranberries, and bog blueberries.


  • Birds: Ducks, cranes, and herons inhabit the bog, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

  • Snakes: These creatures add a layer of danger as they slither through the bog and can poison you, they are hostile only if you step on them.

Hostile Mobs:

  • Wraiths- flying enemies appear at night, glowing with blue light and chaise you down, similar to phantoms. Resistant to physical (unenchanted) weapons.

  • Bog Zombies- zombies and zombie villagers can traverse the bog without being affected by the sinking or slowing effects, making them particularly dangerous when you’re trying to escape.


Love the visuals on this

PandoraRupture's avatar

Biome: Sugar Rush

This biome came to mind while thinking back to the movie “Wreck-It Ralph” and the candy land it displayed.

The unique feature of the Sugar Rush biome is that all your actions have a speed increase of 25% or possibly even 50%. However, staying in the biome for more than 15 minutes results in a "sugar crash," leaving you unable to move or take any action for 30 seconds. A simple display of your sugar level, represented as a cake that slowly fills up, will help you determine when to leave the biome or ensure you're safe during the sugar crash period.

Monsters in this biome would drop biome-specific candies or ingredients that can be used to craft candies. These candies increase an aspect of your character's abilities by an additional 10%—for example, movement, mining, or swimming speed. However, consuming these candies also fills up your sugar crash meter.

Similar to Soul Sand, blocks glazed with sugar will significantly slow you down. Normal grass and earth blocks above ground have a high chance of being covered in glaze unless they are under trees. With a shovel, you can remove the glaze from blocks and collect it for sugar, just like gathering snow in a snow biome. This would be a new main crafting ingredient, along with other blocks that can be collected while mining in the biome.

Blocks that could be mined include Marble (cake), Vanilla (cake), Gingerbread, and similar materials.

A new, long-lasting debuff called "Diabetes" can be obtained if you experience a sugar crash three times each day for a total of seven days. This debuff results in a 20% decrease in movement speed and blurry vision. Abstaining from any kind of sugar for seven days will cure this debuff.

A biome boss can be encountered at random: the Gingerbread Monster. It is based on the Zombie mob, but with a unique gingerbread man appearance and a size increase of 200%. Every time the boss hits you with a candy (a long-range attack) or his sugar cane (a short-range attack), your sugar crash bar will fill, making it essential to avoid his attacks unless you want to be left vulnerable without the ability to resist.

A new armor set and weapons can be crafted that are themed around cake and sugar. The weapon, crafted with cake and sugar materials, acts like a diamond sword, and getting hit by it will fill your sugar crash bar just like the Gingerbread Monster’s attacks. The armor has the same stats as a diamond armor set but is much easier to obtain. However, it comes with a significant drawback: coming into contact with water while wearing it will instantly destroy the armor.

Since last time I got called out for using maybe AI here is my original text without AI, the prompt was "Stay as close as possible to the original fix grammar, spelling and the like":

Ford James's avatar

Hey PandoraRupture, thanks for acknowledging and explaining your AI use; we appreciate that and your usage here falls within our rules. That said, the original text was already of great quality, so we'd say you didn't need AI's assistance in the first place! If you do continue to use AI in this manner, please keep including the original text as you have here, but rest assured this submission would've been worthy of awarding without using AI to enhance it. ✌

TrialByStory's avatar

Biome: Cracked Archipelago

This biome is comprised of a string of small to medium-sized islands. It technically has the same chance to spawn as a jungle biome but is functionally slightly more rare due to the fact that it can only spawn in Deep Oceans and only a fair distance from any large landmass. The waters between and around these islands are filled with a large amount of squid, and the islands themselves consist largely of standard dirt, grass, and stone blocks. The structures on the archipelago are all fragmented ruins, with maybe a crumbling section of wall on one island, half of a stone archway on another, etc, and all these structues are made laregly of fully-oxidized copper. These elements of environmental storytelling are meant to indicate that the archipelago was once a single island that played home to some kind of temple, and this knowledge informs what you are supposed to do here.

The largest, most intact structure contains a broken altar, and you can find its missing pieces by searching throughout the rest of the islands. If your exploration stretches past nightfall you will find that while hostile mobs do spawn as expected here, they seem to have some aversion to approaching the islands' waterlines. If you do some experimening you may learn that they actually seem reluctant to approach the squid that live in the water. Regardless, if you retrieve the missing pieces of the altar and return them to their proper place you will reveal the reason that original island became 'Cracked' into its current state: By restoring the altar you've released the Kraken!

Visible as only monstrous tentacles surrounding the archipelago, the Kraken is neutral towards the player until you either attack it or attempt to leave the islands. In the ensuing fight, the tentacles will hit you, grab and throw you between islands (resulting in damage from the hard landing unless you've taken precautions against fall damage), and throw squid at you. While avoiding these attacks, you must attack the tentacles in order to force the Kraken's head to surface, allowing you to damage the creature's main health pool. Defeating the boss rewards you with a saddle designed for squid. Riding a squid allows you to either move with greater speed across the surface of bodies of water, or have an extended breath meter while below the surface. Additionally you receive a cosmetic trophy block you can incorporate into one of your structures: an enormous eye whose gaze seems to follow nearby players.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Giant Flowers Forest

A super rare biome as rare as a mushroom fields, and there you will find some similarities, such as Giant Flowers like the giant mushrooms and you find Flower Cows like the mushroom cows and you will also be able to milk them but you will need an empty bottle of glass to do it, because each kind of cow will give you a different portion.

  • Dandelion Cow: Potion of Strength

  • Poppy Cow: Potion of Healing

  • Blue orchid Cow: Potion of Swiftness

  • Allium Cow: Potion of Regeneration

  • Azure Cow: Potion of Slow Falling

  • Tulip Cow: Potion of Fire Resistance

  • Daisy Cow: Potion of Invisibility

  • Lily Cow: Potion of Leaping

  • Cornflower: Potion of Night Vision

The rest of the biome will be made by the mostly grass and moss and will have a chance of spawning a different kind of spider that is the same size the the normal one but little more skinny and neutral, will only attack you if you attack it first, the main difference of this new spider is that she is able to create webs in real time.

And for the final touch you will be able to find another biome of lush cave below the Giant Flowers Forest, you be able to find variants of glow berries and spore blossom, it will have the same utility than the original one but will have a hard time to find it if you want to redecorate your base.


We all have wanted it, we’ve all watched the old YouTubers cover mods for it, and it’s always something we grew up thinking we’d have more encounters with:


Extremely rare, this biome is a vent found occasionally underwater and occasionally on land, where magma blocks, magma + lava can all be found. Burning hotter than lava, magma generates beneath the (normally) sealed caldera, and can only be collected in insulated containers, instead of the typical bucket. It could have a myriad of uses, but its primary would be as a type of renewable fuel for the black stone furnace- allowing faster or more effective collection of ingots and materials!

The biome produces ash and smoke in large quantities, filling the air with haze and causing a desolate landscape in the area surrounding- on one hand, if a player has been in the area long enough, the volcano erupts, devastating the nearby area with a pyroclastic flow which can Level structures and trees- but on the other hand, successful installation can relieve the pressure of magma buildup and cause the volcano to remain dormant- and the ash it produces can be collected and used to create more effective farmland- or over time will suffuse into the earth, generating astoundingly tall trees and lush vegetation- creating a veritable paradise! That is, as long as the volcano is tended to… danger looms permanently: its power to bring death is rivaled only by its power to bring life- and thus, to command reverence.


Biome: Corrupted (Ruined Portals Overhaul)

The idea is going to play off of a already in-game feature that is present in the game since it's addition in 1.16 while also back-boning off of a mod that exists within the community.

I would love to see a corrupted version of biomes added into the game that are caused by the ruined nether portals scattered across the world. Depending on which biome the ruined portal spawns it provides us with a more "horror-esque" tone for that biome. It would be esentially a small biome inside of a biome but have a much larger radius of curroption than the current ruined portal design.

Similar to how the ruined portals already are designed with the nether leaking into the overworld we could have it introduce new blocks into that ecosystem that are suited for said biome. Example for this is that the desert portals would naturally turn the surrounding sand into soul sand and etc.

I think a cool feature would be to make it so that if any biomes would naturally have trees the blocks instead would be turned into ash piles scattered around. And breaking these could give us ash items similar in design to gun powder and use them to recreate the ash block which can be smelted for other designs. Could also introduce the mechanic with the cauldron that if you take 9 ash and throw it into the water it'll turn into a single piece of gun powder as a node that gunpowder uses that within it's recipe. You could make it so that if you put wood in a normal furnace you get charcoal and if you put wood in a blast furnace you get ash due to the extreme heat.

Just an idea, not really sure how far it would go, but I think it would be interesting to give the ruin portals more of a reason of being around than what they already provide for us.

  1. Biome : Toxic

  2. Rarity : Rare

  3. Biome Minerals : Duranium

  4. Plants : Toxic Flower

  5. Mob : Toxic Zombie

The Toxic Biome is a biome containing plants that spray poison and a terrain with dark grass, inside the biome it is possible to find in addition to the plants it is also possible to find the Duranium stone, an ultra-resistant material to create building blocks such as stairs, trapdoors, leavened duranium stone etc.. to be able to collect this stone however a diamond pickaxe is necessary, furthermore to explore the biome it is necessary to have the Diamond helmet with toxin protection to be able to explore it without taking damage, it is also possible to meet a particularly strange zombie capable of applying the toxic state to the player, always in the biome it is possible to find copper and coal in high quantities. being a dangerous biome to explore given the high toxicity the player will have to prepare with adequate equipment such as diamond armor to at least be able to resist the toxins that the toxic plants will generate. Furthermore, in a very rare way it is possible that a small structure in leavened duranium containing chests that can contain different loot is generated, obviously the structure is full of traps.

AbyKwon117's avatar

Bioma otoñal 🍁🍂

Una gran oportunidad para hacer que este bioma aparezcan los zorros, tener un nuevo entorno tranquilo de naturaleza.

Agregar otros animales como:

  • Ardillas

  • Venados

  • Mapaches

  • Osos etc

Autumn Biome 🍁🍂

A great opportunity to make this biome appear foxes, have a new quiet nature environment.

Add other animals like:

  • squirrels

  • Deer

  • Raccoons

  • Bears etc.

JHenckes's avatar

Biome Name: Elderwood Grove

The Elderwood Grove is a mystical and enchanting biome characterized by its ancient, towering trees and bioluminescent flora. This biome is shrouded in a perpetual twilight, with a magical atmosphere that hints at an ancient, forgotten world. It is a place where nature reigns supreme and the ordinary rules of Minecraft are subtly twisted.

1 - Terrain:

Ancient Trees: Massive, twisted trees with thick, gnarled trunks and expansive canopies. These trees have a distinct, deep blue bark and large, glowing leaves. Their branches are often draped with glowing vines.
Mossy Ground: The forest floor is covered in lush, bioluminescent moss that emits a soft, greenish light. Patches of luminous fungi grow among the moss.
Glimmering Pools: Small, clear pools of water that reflect the bioluminescent light, giving off a sparkling effect. These pools occasionally contain rare herbs and aquatic plants.

2 - Blocks:

Elderwood Log: A new type of wood with a unique blue-green hue. It can be crafted into Elderwood Planks and used for decorative purposes.
Luminous Moss: A glowing variant of moss that can be harvested and used to craft lanterns or decorative blocks.
Elderstone: A rare block found in underground caverns within the biome. It’s a dark, slate-like stone with faint runic patterns. It can be mined to obtain Elderstone Bricks.
Glowing Vines: Vines that grow on the trunks of Elderwood Trees and emit a soft light. These can be harvested and used for crafting or decoration.

3 - Mobs:

Elder Sprites: Small, ethereal creatures that flit around the biome. They are generally peaceful but will become hostile if provoked. They drop Essence of the Grove, which can be used for crafting magical items.
Ancient Guardians: Tall, tree-like golems that patrol the biome. They are neutral until provoked and drop Elderwood Sap and rare crafting materials upon defeat.
Glimmering Fireflies: Tiny, flying insects that emit a soft light. They can be caught in jars to create glowing lanterns or used as ingredients in potions.

4 - Structures:

Elderwood Ruins: Ancient, overgrown ruins scattered throughout the biome. These ruins contain hidden treasures, such as enchanted artifacts and rare resources, but are also guarded by ancient traps and mobs.
Grove Altar: A large, mystical structure in the center of the biome, adorned with glowing runes and surrounded by a protective aura. It can be used to craft powerful, nature-themed items or perform rituals to summon rare mobs.
Elder Grove Portal: A mysterious portal found within the biome that leads to a special dimension called the Fae Realm, where players can encounter unique creatures and resources.

The Elderwood Grove is a rare biome, found in about 1 in every 50 generated worlds. It is typically located in the more remote and less explored regions of the Minecraft world, such as deep forests or isolated mountain ranges. Its rarity ensures that discovering this biome feels like a significant achievement and rewards players with unique experiences and resources.

Special Mechanics:

Magical Aura: The Elderwood Grove has a magical aura that affects gameplay. Players within the biome have increased regeneration and faster growth rates for crops and animals.
Mystical Weather: The biome features a unique weather pattern, with soft, glowing mist that enhances visibility and creates a serene, otherworldly atmosphere.

The Elderwood Grove would offer players a blend of exploration, adventure, and enchantment, with its unique resources and magical atmosphere providing a refreshing change from more common biomes.


Hi! This was probably an AI generated submission 🙃

Ford James's avatar

Hi JHenckes, this has been mentioned to you already but just as a reminder, bounty submissions made solely with generative AI are banned on Just About. Please refrain from using it in future to ensure you're eligible to win rewards. ✌

fosteriboza's avatar

I'm still waiting for some video, film or cinematics bounties🫣🫣

Ford James's avatar

They're coming, don't worry! 😄

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Biome - Energy Waste Lands
Rarity - 1-2 per 50k blocks
Biome Minerals - Energy Crystals & Building Blocks
Plants - Duplication Crystal Plants (based on an episode of Stargate)
Mobs - Roving human NPC groups like Mad Max style with energy weapons

The energy biome is a very dark, misty biome, where the blocks and crystals can used in conjunction with each other to create colored energy blocks that fit together to create walled patterns.

The blocks would be limited to stairs/tiles/doors/blocks

The NPC's would carry loot such as energy weapons which need to be in the biome to naturally recharge, they would also carry a supply of diamonds and emeralds on them which they classify as "treasure"

You would also have enemy mini strongholds which would contain energy armor pieces and this is the only place you can get them as they would not be craftable.

Essentially imagine the nether but darker, with a mist that is always there and a much more dangerous biome, but worth it, if you had the courage to go in. It would require Netherite armor to survive more than five seconds there.


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