So apparently it's "if it hadn't been for Cotton Eye Joe, I'd (have) been married (a) long time 'go". And if it hadn't been for poor audio mixing, obscure language, strange choices in emphasis by the singer and a host of other reasons, we'd all have understood many more lyrics a long time 'go, too.
For this bounty, give us a few other misheard song lyrics. They can be either real - that is, songs where you actually can't make out the words - or you can change a letter here or there to invent your own and give us a laugh; same principle as the Lizard of Oz bounty over on Film and TV.
Give us your funny or common misheard song lyrics in writing, with optional but encouraged links to the official video that inspired them. The 10 best submissions get $2 apiece! (You can still enter with Cotton Eye Joe, by the way. I've no idea what I thought the lyric was either.)
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$20 / 20
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