We had a lot of success with our first mixtape bounty; so much so that we're going to try a few more, each aiming to strike a particular mood or theme. Playlist builders, rejoice! This is how we as a community are going to share multiple great songs with the same vibe, all at once.
And the first vibe? Feeling good, baby. To go along with our 'songs with a positive message' bounty, we're looking for you to share custom playlists full of songs that lift the mood.
Your submission must include the following:
A link to your playlist on some suitable music-sharing platform. Spotify and YouTube Music are fine, but if you're going to use regular YouTube, ensure you're sharing a link to the full playlist and not just a single video on it.
A few words from you giving an overview of your playlist. 'Feelgood' can mean different things to different people, after all, and someone looking for chill summertime vibes may not appreciate a playlist full of high-tempo trance. Name a couple of the artists on your playlist and tell us how it gives an uplifting vibe. Is it chilled? Upbeat? Energetic?
The best 15 submissions get $2 apiece!
already paid
$22 / 30
This reward closed to entries at 2:12pm on June 25, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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