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Alex Sinclair's avatar

CelestialFlea 0ffworld I've been listening to a lot of Eivør; I owe you my thanks 💛

CelestialFlea's avatar

Plenty more where that came from but yeah, she caught my attention with her unique sound and the unique live performances. I need to catch up with some of their later stuff.

FUN INC's avatar

Sturmer if you ever get the chance... go watch Daði Freyr do a headline show. I went to see him last year - it was absolute genius!

Sturmer's avatar

Hope to meet him again next year at fanfest!

FUN INC's avatar

that would be ace if they did that again!


Thank you for using my post!

Cristian J. Hidalgo's avatar

What a great surprise with this beautiful post and music selection, congratulations to everyone.

Gracias totales! (Total thanks!)


I loved that they went through Brazilian music! Even the composer of the song “Ai se eu te pego” is from my town and it was very common to see him play.

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