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yan57436's avatar

I really like amaterasu because it's an excellent option for playing solo, I think its kit is incredible and very complete, with immunity, crowd control and excellent self sustain. Let's move on to her abilities:

Passive - Illuminating Strike: When you attack an enemy three times with your auto-attack, it will mark them and they will receive more damage (including from your allies), and it also affects those close to them

Skill 1 - Divine Presence: You will heal yourself over 4 seconds, alternating between one of the following two effects:

Gold buff: You receive a life and movement speed bonus.

Red buff: Gives a bonus to attack speed, strength and intelligence.

Skill 2 - Heavenly Reflection: The amaterasu will charge your mirror and reduce all damage received while charging, and can be reconjured to fire a projectile forward.

Skill 3 - Glorious Charge: Causes silence in those in front of you, moving forward afterwards (Beware, you will stop at the first god).

Ultimate - Dazzling Offensive: You will become invulnerable and attack 3 times forward.

Leveling: I like to max out 1 first, then 2 and then 3 (Obviously the ultimate whenever possible).

Gameplay: Amaterasu grows a lot in the mid/late game, but I believe your lane is quite efficient, you don't have to be afraid to play, but don't abuse it haha.


Your gold buff is very effective in sustaining exchanges, remember that.

Your mirror is very good at times when you're going to receive a burst, and can totally turn a fight around.

Cloggedbean's avatar

My quick guide for Ama
this one was unfortunate timing since Ama is removed from the game atm so I couldn't get any in game footage


Amaterasu is a great Solo in smite 2. They bring a great crowd control, a crowd control immune ultimate, solid burst damage and great self sustain.

Amaterasu had some reworks done in this new Smite, primarily around her ability 1 which gives movement speed, strength and intelligence but also has a 6 second additional effect.

Her ultimates, final strike now does a full AoE swing around her.

------------------------------- Abilities ---------------------------

Passive - Illuminating Strike

Basic attack an enemy 3 times to illuminate their weaknesses, causing them and other nearby enemies to take more damage from all sources.

Ability 1 - Divine Presence

Heal yourself over 4 seconds and alternate between the Gold and Red Buff effects.

The Gold Buff provides a health shield for 6 seconds on activation and a persistent movement speed buff.

The Red buff provides attack speed buff for 6 seconds on activation and a persistent strength and intelligence buff.

Ability 2 - Heavenly Reflection

Charge your Mirror and decrease all damage you take while charging.

Reactivate the ability to fire a projectile that deals Physical Damage to enemies increased by the mirror charge amount. Deal and take damage to charge the Mirror. Base Damage is doubled when mirror is fully charged

Ability 3 - Glorious Charge

Silence enemies in front of you for 1 second, then dash forward and deal Physical Damage. Pierces through and damages minions but stops on first god hit

Ultimate - Dazzling Offensive

Become CC Immune and then attack 3 times to deal Physical Damage to enemies in front of you each time. Attacks deal more damage and have bonus effects on each subsequent successful hit. 2nd hit deals 1.2x damage and Slows by 30% for 2 seconds. 3rd hit deals 1.4x damage and Stuns for 1.5s (AOE Around you if you hit the first 2 hits).

------------------------------- Ability Leveling Order ---------------------------

First start by increasing 1 level in each skill. At level 4, start increasing the Divine Presence to the maximum level. The second skill to be maximized is Heavenly Reflection and lastly Glorious Charge. Don't forget to level up your ultimate whenever possible.

------------------------------- Builds ---------------------------

This for me is the best Amaterasu build currently. With this build, Amaterasu becomes extremely tanky and still manages to return a large amount of damage throughout the game, making life very difficult for the opponent and managing to create advantages over the opponent.

This build is more for fun, I tried it when I had to play Amaterasu mid and I found it very interesting. I recommend trying it out, but not ranked.

------------------------------- Tips ---------------------------

Always try to farm as much as possible during the Early game but never overdo it. She grows a lot during the game, with the right items. In the Mid/Late game it is very strong. Always try to use auras and your ultimate in the best way possible.


I HATE THAT SHE WAS DISABLED TWO DAYS AGO WHEN I WENT TO RECORD AH. I waited last minute to see if she was re-enabled but alas, I have to make do with just the stock footage. Lame, but here it is!


Here is my guide, this one is a bit more formal than the last one but I think I did a really good job. Smite 2 content grind here I come. (At the time of submission the video is apparently still processing. It will be all sorted shortly.

Elech's avatar

Amaterasu Guide

Amaterasu is the newest warrior to hit the battleground and will likely be a huge contestant for the best Solo laner and potentially top support in Smite 2.

Amaterasu's Role

As of right now Amaterasu is traditionally a solo warrior.

She provides great self sustain and boxing potential all while being hard to gank due to her long dash and ultimate. She thrives with fast rotations and quick clears which helps her impact the game massively.

While she does have her strengths in the solo lane as of right now we don't know if this pressure will continue but I do think Amaterasu in support will be a great contender in this role. Her ability to help the ADC clear so much quicker than any other support and being able to out rotate any support will give her huge value in this lane and I do believe if you are having bad luck with Amaterasu in the solo lane. Try her in support and you will see great results.


PASSIVE: Illuminating Strike

Amaterasu’s auto attacks illuminate enemies for a short duration. Every three consecutive hits on the same target provide an aura that increases the damage they take by a small percentage. This passive provides a consistent damage boostin fights, allowing Amaterasu to amplify damage for herself and her teammates and also get away with her speed stance.

ABILITY 1: Divine Presence

Amaterasu switches between two auras: The gold aura heals nearby allies and grants them health regeneration, while the red aura boosts the movement speed of her and nearby allies.

ABILITY 2: Heavenly Reflection

Amaterasu charges her mirror, mitigating damage, and after a short delay, she can fire a line skill shot. The more damage she does. Traditionally charged with her autos, the stronger the attack becomes.

ABILITY 3: Glorious Charge

Amaterasu dashes forward in a straight line, passing through minions and stopping on the first enemy god hit. This dash also silences the enemy allowing you to disrupt abilities and close gaps quickly.

ABILITY 4: Dazzling Offensive (Ultimate)

Amaterasu slashes three times in quick succession in a cone in front of her, with each strike dealing damage applies a slow and If the third hit connects, it stuns the target for a short duration.

Where to Play Amaterasu

Amaterasu is primarily played in the solo lane due to her safety, moderate wave clear and ability to sustain while boxing. She is better in long engagements where her passive and abilities can stack up damage and healing over time.

The Raw dash engage combo

Start by engaging with Glorious Charge (Ability 3) to silence the enemy and get within melee range. Apply three auto attacks Immediately follow up with Heavenly Reflection (Ability 2) This generally will do the majority of a squishy God's health but dashing in does allow the enemy to get away. This combo is best when you're looking for quick poke or to secure a kill.

The biggest burst combo

Start by walking or blinking on a squishy God. Follow up here with auto attacks to see what the enemy will do. In the instance the enemy does not attack you continuously auo attack them until the dash/jump away or fight back. Upon the enemy running away follow up with a Heavnly reflection (Ability 2) and hold it while you use Dazzling Offensive (ultimate) This way you are mitigating damage while charging your ultimate. Once you stun the enemy god release your 2 and finish off with a few autos and a dash.

Amaterasu Tips

Tip 1: Stay in you gold aura when farming in lane or during prolonged fights for the sustain, but switch to red when you are in a fight. You can always switch away from the red stance to disengage and heal up

Tip 2: Late game your two is really key in mitigating as much damage as you can. You can always get damage off with it but when you are in a more lengthy game your job is to disrupt while getting in and out. Balancing your ultimate and two play a huge part in keeping Amaterasu alive.

Tip 3: To stun with your ultimate you do not need to hit the same enemy 3 times. You can hit minions, 2 seperate enemies or even 3. As long as you hit 3 the final hit will stun whoever it lands on. This is good for switching up who you stun in a pinch to catch people off guard.

Amaterasu Build

  1. Starter Item: Conduit Gem/warriors axe – Both good items to help Amaterasu's early game. Conduit gem is more aggressive and requires better control over the wave to not receive too much poke.

  2. Item 2: Helm of Radiance – This Item is a great early item for solo laners as you gain defenses when hit by physical damage. Your lane opponent more often than not will be physical especially when more warriors enter the game. Not only this the minions will hit you aswell stacking the passive.

  3. Item 3: Triton's Conch - I high HP stat stick item which also provides an aura for lategame fights. Scales better with level.

  4. Item 4: Genji's Guard - This will be your main magical defense item when antiheal is not needed. This is great as Amaterasu requires cooldown and the passive alone assists in getting your cooldowns back quicker.

  5. Item 5: Prydwen - Again another item that gives cooldown on top of bonus damage when ulting. As Amaterasu is mainly using her ult to finish off an enemy. The added damage helps without sacrificing too much compared to going damage items.

  6. Final Item: Spirit Robe - As a solo laner you will be hit with the majority of the CC during the fights, This item gives massive amounts of protecion for 4 seconds. This could be a make or break if you survive or get out of a fight and hoenstly one of the best solo lane items you could pick up.


To play Amaterasu in Smite 2, it's crucial to understand her role as a versatile warrior, capable of dealing damage while supporting the team with mobility and buffs. Here’s a breakdown of tips and strategies based on detailed guides on playing Amaterasu:

Abilities and Usage:

  • Aura of Valor (1): Switch between increasing damage or movement speed. Early in the game, focus on speed to help in laning phases, while the extra damage becomes more impactful mid-to-late game.

  • Heavenly Reflection (2): This is your primary damage ability. Charge the shield, and aim to hit multiple enemies when it detonates to maximize its effect in team fights.

  • Divine Presence (3): Provides healing and an area buff. Use this ability to heal yourself and allies during prolonged battles, giving your team more sustainability.

  • Dazzling Offensive (Ultimate): A powerful tool for initiating or locking down enemies. Use it to stun multiple targets, capitalizing on the disorientation effect in team fights.


  • Starting Items: Go for items that boost your survivability and lane-clearing ability, like Warrior's Axe or Bluestone Pendant.

  • Mid-Game: Focus on items that improve your resilience and engage potential, such as Gladiator's Shield or Berserker’s Shield, allowing for more efficient trades.

  • Late Game: Add items like Shogun’s Kusari to increase durability while boosting your team’s attack speed and strength.


Amaterasu excels in the solo lane, where she can grow stronger through farming. She can also be played in the jungle, using her mobility and damage to gank lanes effectively.

Overall, play patiently in the early game, focusing on farm and objectives. In the late game, use your auras and ultimate strategically to control the battlefield and have a high impact in team fights​

Toretto 70's avatar


Amaterasu is a hunter best for mid lane.


  • Passive (Illuminating Strike) : basic attacks illuminate enemies, causing them to take more damage from all sources

  • Skill 1 (Solar Flare) : Amaterasu fire's a solar projectile that damages and slows enemies

  • Skill 2 (Sunstrike) : Amaterasu leaps forward, dealing damage to enemies in it's path

  • Skill 3 (Solar Beam) : Amaterasu fire's a beam that damages all enemies in it's path

  • Ultimate (Celestial Wrath) : Amaterasu calls down a powerful beam of light that damages and stuns enemies


  • In Early Game focus clearing minions wave's, poking enemies with skill 1 force them out of position, and leveling up to unlock Ultimate skill

  • In Mid and Late Game Position yourself in the backline during team fights to maximize your damage, Save your Ultimate skill for high priority target, and focus build your item that enhance your damage and survivality


Guía Completa para Jugar con Amaterasu en SMITE 2

Introducción Amaterasu, conocida como "La Luz Brillante", es una diosa solitaria con alta movilidad y daño de área gracias a su habilidad definitiva. En esta guía, cubriremos el estilo de juego, habilidades, objetos, estrategia, fortalezas, debilidades y contrincantes.

Estilo de Juego Amaterasu es una diosa versátil que puede moverse rápidamente por el campo de batalla y causar daño masivo con su habilidad definitiva. Es ideal para jugadores que disfrutan de un juego agresivo y estratégico.


  1. Radiant Blessing (Bendición Radiante) - Amaterasu invoca la bendición de su joya, ganando velocidad de ataque y sanándose a sí misma cada segundo durante 4 segundos. También crea un aura persistente que mejora a los dioses aliados cercanos. Cada vez que se activa esta habilidad, el aura cambia entre Valor y Benevolence.

  2. Solar Flare (Llama Solar) - Amaterasu lanza un ataque solar que inflige daño a los enemigos en línea recta y crea una explosión de energía solar al impactar, causando daño adicional a los enemigos cercanos.

  3. Celestial Beam (Rayo Celestial) - Amaterasu dispara un rayo de energía celestial que atraviesa a los enemigos, infligiendo daño y causando una pequeña cantidad de daño de área.

  4. Dawn's Embrace (Abrazo del Amanecer) - Amaterasu invoca el poder del amanecer, creando una explosión masiva de energía solar que inflige daño de área significativo a todos los enemigos cercanos y otorga un escudo a los aliados cercanos.


  1. Hacha del Guerrero: Aumenta el daño físico y proporciona regeneración de salud.

  2. Guantelete del Devorador: Aumenta el daño de habilidades y proporciona regeneración de maná.

  3. Kusari del Shogun: Aumenta la velocidad de ataque y proporciona protección contra el daño mágico.

  4. Escudo Berserker: Aumenta el daño físico y proporciona regeneración de maná.

  5. Escudo del Vacío: Proporciona protección contra el daño mágico y aumenta la regeneración de maná.

  6. Espada de Qin: Aumenta el daño de habilidades y proporciona regeneración de salud.

  7. Escudo del Cambiante: Aumenta la velocidad de ataque y proporciona regeneración de salud.

Estrategia Amaterasu es una diosa que se beneficia de la agresión y el control del territorio. Usa tus habilidades para moverte rápidamente por el campo de batalla y causar daño masivo con tu habilidad definitiva. Trabaja en equipo para asegurar objetivos clave y mantener la presión sobre el enemigo.


  • Alta movilidad.

  • Daño de área significativo.

  • Regeneración de salud y maná.


  • Vulnerable si se queda sin maná.

  • Necesita controlar el territorio para maximizar su efectividad.


  • Jugadores que pueden evitar su habilidad definitiva.

  • Personajes con alta resistencia al daño físico.

Conclusión Amaterasu es una diosa poderosa y versátil que puede cambiar el curso de una partida si se usa correctamente. Con práctica y estrategia, puedes convertirte en un jugador formidable con Amaterasu.

Boomer's avatar

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