Bacchus (Roman mythology) can be played as solo laner, jungler (even with a crit build) or support. This flexibility makes him a great choice for SMITE 2 e-sports, as the team who picks him can adapt their picks based on this, and you can adapt your gameplay based on Bacchus’s possibilities, for example learning multiple roles with only one god, which accelerates the process of understanding the game.
Enough of shitty chatting, let’s talk about how Bacchus work. First, you need to understand that his passive is basically what gives him those capabilities, and although it’s complex at first, soon you can master it.
Passive (Drunk-O-Meter): as the God of parties, Bacchus surely enjoys getting drunk, and this is what he does all the time. And although is not advised for us humans, that helps him! He has 3 levels of drunkness: Thisty, Tipsy (30%-59%) and Smashed (+60%). They fill up as you use 1 or kill a god (or get an assist). When Thirsty, you get nothing... come on, you gotta get INGAME drunk bro. When Bacchus is at least Tipsy, he gains buffs (Protections, Strength and Intelligence), which are even better when Smashed, and his abilities also get a bonus trait, as 3 will now also Stun enemies (when at least Tipsy) and the Ultimate gives even more Strength and Intelligence (only when Smashed). But time is the drunkener’s best friend, because the drunkenness is depleted over time (2%/s).
1 (Chug): Bacchus… chug. And this heals (hello, sustain), gives a 6s buff on Strength and Intelligence (apart from the Tipsy+ mode ones) and deals additional Magical Damage on your next auto attack which scales with you Physical and Magical Protection (hey tank build, this is for you). You can use it even without leveling it up, but you'll only get the passive filling.
2 (Belly Flop): Bacchus smash the ground with his drunken belly, knocking up enemies hit. This can be used either as mobility (8.8m range), which allows you to gank, or as a fight-turning ability, which also slows enemies if you’re at least Tipsy. This ability damage scales with an impressive 85% Strength+60%protections.
3 (Belch of the Gods): As a great drunker, Bacchus burps at enemies faces, hitting them 4 times with an Intelligence damage scaling. The final hit will quickly stun enemies if you are at least Tipsy. Also, you apply Anti-Healing and are immune to knock up while channeling it.
4 (Intoxicate - Ultimate): There’s no party if everyone’s not getting drunk too. So, this Intoxicates all around you for 4s (making them wamble around), dealing lots of Magical Damage that scales with Intelligence. If you’re Smashed, you gain a powerful Strength and Intelligence 6s bonus.
Bacchus’s auto attacks and his Belly Flop (2) were changed to Magical Damage, making him a full Magical Damage dealer (although also scaling with Strength on Belly Flop). Also, his Protection's buffs have been... buffed, making him tankier.
Have in mind that his mechanics are complex because they have a LOT of interactions, specially when thinking about the buffs.
For example, using Chug (1) not only makes you tankier, but also gives your Belly Flop (2) more damage scaling, which becomes even better if you ult before you leap in, also increasing your efficiency because intoxicated enemies are easier to hit. At the same time, your ult buffs you if you’re Smashed, and makes you stun enemies with Belch of the Gods (3). Although, managing your passive (and mana) is a challenge, as you may want to alternate it with your auto attacks for more damage output.
If you’re in the middle of enemy team, you sure want to be able to Chug (1), healing yourself and getting Protections (and drunker to slow/stun enemies).
About the abilities leveling up order, you should start with Belch of the Gods (3) and then Belly Flop (2), specially as jungler, as you’re able to Chug (1) from the start (without heal/buffs), which allows you to early gank. You can either level up those abilities again to level two, before leveling Chug up, for more damage output, or you can choose level Chug at level 2 or 3 if you need more sustain, specially against a ranged poke-based enemy, or for it's auto attack damage buff, when against a melee enemy that you can constantly hit while farming (on solo lane).
Besides your ult, basically focus on leveling up your Belch of the Gods (3) if you’re on solo lane or support (for longer stun + anti-healing on enemies) and Chug (1) if you’re a jungler, for faster cleaning + sustain.
With this flexibility, it all relays on your gameplay style on each lane and the gods you're against.
The build is pretty similar for both this roles.
Either the role, start with Bluestone Pendant, a Medallion, which will be build up to a Gauntlet of Thebes (for its Protection stacks as solo laner) and a Health Chalice.
After Thebes, build Void Stone, which will increase your damage (its passive “buffs” Magical Damage) as well as get you tankier.
Then, go to Shifter’s Shield (more Protections, health and mana and its passive is worth it) or Glorious Pridwen (for a more tankier gameplay if your team is squishy). Stone of Binding is also a good choice here if the enemy teams has 2 or more tanks.
Obsidian Shard, Totem of Death and/or Titan’s Bane finishes your build. I would recommend the first two, but it depends on enemy team’s mobility: Titan’s Bane over Totem of Death helps your Belly Flop (2) damage so you can get enemy gods unsuspected.
Start with Medallion and potions.
Build up The Nemes first, so you can get a little tankier (more health and it’s passive is outstanding for getting Protections).
Then, go to Triton’s Conch (more tankier and a lil damage for it’s 45 Intelligence).
Now, build some Protection focused items, like Bagua Mirror (Magical Protection), Spectral Armor (Physical Protection + proximity debuff) and/or Stone of Binding (both Protection + debuffs when CC hits). This depends on the enemy team’s composition.
In late game, build Gem of Focus or Chronos’ Pendant (both Intelligence and CDR, check the passives and choose accordingly to your team’s needs, more damage or more utility, respectively).
Remember: a tank Bacchus is also a damaging Bacchus.