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It would have to be my chair workout I learned from greg plitt! I actually did a video of it 8 years ago when I was really into fitness. I kid you not this workout is BRUTAL

It involves 2 circuits consisting of 3 rounds, each round has 3 exercises

Round 1

Angle Pushups

30 seconds per exercise, max intensity, so you do 90 seconds in total per round and then have a 45 seconds break

Round 2 (30 seconds per exercise)

Stand ups/downs
Sit down and up on the chair (harder than you think)

45 second break

Round 3 (30 seconds per exercise)
Chair Sit Ups
3/4 Body Twist
Leg Ups

This workout honestly is so much more intense than it seems, you do 2 rounds of it. Whats good about is it that it is really adapatable. Round 1 is upper body, 2 is lower body and 2 is abs. You can edit any exercise you like, changes the intensity of how hard you do it. Also you can do more or less rounds and adjust the rest timings to your liking. Honestly this workout helped me get a 6 pack at one point

Limal's avatar

Here's the story of how a video game led me to enter the gym. During the COVID-19 lockdowns, we bought a Nintendo Switch and I picked up "Ring Fit Adventure." For those unfamiliar, it's a fitness game that uses a Pilates ring and Joy-Cons to track movements and strength. You attach one Joy-Con to the ring and another to your leg, then battle monsters by performing various exercises.

Here's a video to give you an idea of how it works.

It might look easy, but trust me, setting the difficulty to hard, which increases the HP of the mobs, makes squeezing that ring 30 times in a row no joke!

As I got more confident and consistent with the game, I decided to join group sessions at a local gym. Now, I attend two Pilates sessions weekly, focused on cardio and stretching, and one power training session, which combines various workouts with added weights. I can't name the exact movement sets, as I’m completely in the hands of my trainer and simply follow her guidelines.

Shovel's avatar

What a great bounty!!

For me it’s pretty light at the moment.

I tend to go in alot of walks with the desire to turn it in to running at some point. I also love using my Ring Fit for cardio.

With working 9-5 Monday to Friday, it’s important to stay active as much as you can, so the below is what I tend to stick to.


15 min walk before work

20min walk during lunch

15 min walk after work Whole Body Workout


15 min walk before work

20min walk during lunch

15 min walk after work

Rest evening


15 min walk before work

20min walk during lunch

15 min work after work Meal Prep 3.5 days


15 min walk before work

20min walk during lunch

15 min work after work.

Whole Body


15 min walk before work

20min walk during lunch

15 minute walk after work (Rest evening/plan meals)


60 mins of walking

Meal Prep



60 mins of walking


okayameji's avatar

ok so I will tell you about my experience about the sports that I usually do in my days.. well some of the sports that I do are jogging, working out at home, and badminton. if I have free time in the morning I will choose to jogging 5km. when I don't have much time, usually I will just work out at home, the workouts that I do are like push up 10 times, sit up 10 times, plank 2 minutes, squat jump 30 times, shoulder stand 1 minute and many more. on weekend nights I usually do badminton with my friends. oh sometimes I will also do yoga.

Translator by google translate

Sturmer's avatar

My workout routines are designed to keep me fit with minimal effort, as I consider myself a bit lazy when it comes to sports. I've created a minimalistic daily workout plan that works well for me. Since I do a lot of cycling—at least 4 hours per week during winter and about 12 hours in the summer—my legs and cardio are in great shape. My cycling training typically involves a mix of extreme anaerobic workouts with cooldown sessions to maintain my heart rate below 145 BPM. Sometimes, I tackle power climbs on several 12-22 degree hills, each about 1.5km long, so you can sprint them up... at about 185 BPM =)

To balance out muscle fatigue from cycling races, I incorporate pull-ups and planks into my routine. I aim for 5-10 pull-up sessions until I can no longer perform them correctly. Planks, which I do for a maximum of 3-4 minutes, help keep my core fit. This combination ensures I maintain overall fitness without overexerting myself.

Kane Carnifex's avatar


20 Minutes every 7 Days.

It's 4 Seconds Impuls, 4 Seconds freedom.

2-3 Minutes Jumping Jackets or impulsive Jumping
-> Warm Up, also we slowly start to increase the electric

5 Minutes Upper Body

5 Minutes Legs, down Body

2 Minute plank (with or without leg movement)

As much Push ups you can do
Once you can´t just move slowly down with impulse.
Go Up again once you have freedom.

Last and best is

Slowly go full power.
Make your body to a ball, push the hips forward.
Everything during impuls until you reach 20 minutes and 100%.

Love it, best cheating ever.

Makster's avatar

I love this bounty!

I've been on an abs and core kick recently after starting a relatively stationary job from home. So I've linked a few pages from my favourite manga series that shows off the exercise routine I've been peppering in-between my free weight sessions

Typically my workout is my body part so:


  • Bench Press 3 x 8-10 (PB 90kg 198lbs) - this is often superset with bent over bar rows

  • DB inclined chest press 3 x 10

  • DB inclined chest flys 3 x 10

  • Fly Machine 3 x 10


  • Dead Lift 3 x 8-10 (PB 90kg 198lbs)

  • Pull ups 3 x 10

  • Bent Over Bar Rows 3 x 10- often super set with bench press but inclined this time

  • Seated Cable Row 3 x 10


  • Romanian Dead Lift 3x 10

  • Squat 3x 10 (PB 100kg 220lbs)

  • Barbell front squat 3 x10

  • Bulgarian Split Squats (my new favourite exercise)

  • Front Squat 3 x 10

I've not changed my workout routine in a long time so I do this almost on auto-pilot when I go to the gym. I've tried doing more cardio but I just don't enjoy it as much as lifting weights. Plus I find that if I take a break from cardio it's a lot harder to build back up to your peak than it is with weights

Ford James's avatar

Nice one! There's a 100-word minimum on this bounty to be eligible for a prize though - could you go into a bit more detail about how this routine works for you, if any exercises are tougher than others, if you have to substitute any, etc? If you've been doing it for a while, it'd be interesting to know the results you've seen so far!


I like to workout at home i had a C-section nine months ago so have some baby fat to loose so a lot of my workouts focus on my thighs tummy legs and arms .

My first workout is using two steps up the stairs going up and down them constantly so I am doing a bit of cardio and working my leg muscles .

My next workout I put my feet under the sofa to keep me in place while I do some sit ups to help with my tummy muscles .

I climb over the baby gate rather than opting it when I’m going in and out the kitchen

I use my Baby as some weights for a good arm workout .

Then I have a bit of a workout dancing in the kitchen to amuse myself whilst doing boring chores .

Iallsp run up and down the stairs throughout the day with washing .

And lastly at the end of the day I will make one more run up the stairs to work out my legs to jump into bed .


Now we're talking!

This is a favourite of mine that I used to do 2-3 times weekly during lock down.

For time, complete 4 sets of :

20 sit ups

20 squats

20 burpees

20 push ups.

It doesn't necessarily sound like a huge workout but it's brutal as it's all anaerobic exercises. I don't usually have a problem with a good number of push ups, but when they come straight after burpees they start to take their toll, especially on the last couple of rounds!

It's a great workout to push yourself to best you time and great to compete against a friend at a similar level, or even motivate yourself to push towards the level a friend of colleague is at - It can get quite competitive!


If you dont mind ill take a copy of this for me, as im terrible at making workout routines. I mainly follow some youtube fitness people to do my workouts


Absolutely, let me know how you get on. Good luck 👍

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

My work out routine is going to work.

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Ford James you might need to include the word minimum in the rules.


My bad, hadn't read the intro properly, unless it's been updated since I posted!

mar1gold 's avatar

I guess my 'workout routine' is 10,000 steps and half an hour of other types of moving. Sometimes I do a dance workout thing or some stretching or swimming..

I used to have a bit of a weird relationship with exercise, so I've shifted what I do from a 'workout routine' to more making sure I move every day to make myself feel energised and healthy :)

maybe i will have a routine again at some point who knows hehe

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

So we go into the gym and stow our stuff in lockers.

We then hit the treadmill, 15 minutes high speed walking followed by 10 missions jogging for around and hour. Then we are onto the stair machines and ski like machines.

Then we go downstairs and hit the towing machines for 30 minutes and then into weights.

Then it’s back into the studio for sit ups and press ups.


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