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yan57436's avatar

Living room: I think a robot cleaner is the best possible investment; if you buy one of a good brand, you won't be able to live without it.

Office: As I work with programming, I can't fail to recommend a good, comfortable chair, both for comfort and health. If your monitor doesn't come with the factory height adjustment function, I recommend the height adjusters they sell, which make it much more comfortable.

Garden: I can't recommend anything, I don't own one haha

Boomer's avatar

A robot cleaner would be amazing!

I wish they would invent a🧹🤖robot cleaner🧹🤖 / 🚁drone🚁 hybrid, where it can carry the robot cleaner up and downstairs...and it could dust the corners and ceiling! 😀

JHenckes's avatar

I know it's not the focus of the office, but it's made all the difference to me. My top recommendation is nothing less than an air purifier!

I've always had problems with dry mouth, dermatitis, dry skin, among other things common to people who are more sensitive to dry places.

The air purifier helped me a lot with my well-being, as I work most of my time sitting at the computer, and it was a huge plus!

Boomer's avatar

I think that would be useful around the entire house!

Sturmer's avatar

Dishwasher, it saves marriages!

Dyson cordless vacuum cleaner with laser - now kids fight over who will perform daily cleaning.

Pi-hole/Adblock Home on a Raspberry Pi or similar, or any OpenWRT router to protect your IoT devices and save the whole family from ads.

These are the top three random things came to my head. If you provide more context or current challenges, I can offer more suggestions.

Boomer's avatar

Couldn't agree more about the dishwasher. It's my favourite appliance in the house! 😆

A cordless vacuum would be great, but honestly this robot cleaner (or robo-drone cleaner? 🤔) yan57436 mentioned might be the one 😁

Sturmer's avatar

We ditched robo-cleaner. It requires extra effort for an effective cleaning, like lifting the chairs and arranging other furniture in a house.

Plus its effectiveness is like 25% of what Dyson can offer.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Gotta say, I love a speaker network. Kitchen, bedroom, living room and office all synced and playing the same song you’re vibing on cannot be beat.

I’ve only used Google Home devices, but I’ve got no complaints

mypets's avatar

I think the robot vacuum cleaner is fantastic for the home.

Smart light bulbs for every room, something like Alexa with a Black Mirror vibe lol

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Most of people must not give the due attention to the Washing Machines. Anyone who already wash their clothes by hand now how wonderful is a Washing Machine and how much time it saves!


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