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Scrbzy's avatar

Not sure how widely known this is, but you can throw a grenade in the red vents on the front of the Automaton fabricators. This will destroy them without having to use stratagems, took me a stupid amount of time to figure that out...

As a secondary more in depth tip for those who want to get more involved in the galactic war, the planets have 'supply lines' that are invisible in game but dictate which planets you can move on to depending on which one you control.

You can see said lines on some third party websites, I personally use

Ford James's avatar

You've blown my mind with that grenade in the vent trick for the Automatons. I find fighting the bugs can often get more chaotic than the bots, but I like being able to just chuck a nade and destroy the holes one by one. Didn't realise you could basically do the same thing for the bots!

Yeah, is brilliant. Those supply lines are going to be crucial if we're to make it to Cyberstan...

Scrbzy's avatar

Sadly the bots aren't covered in the tutorial, so I'm not sure how you're expected to know!

Keep up the good work brother, Super Earth needs you 🫡


The 500kg bomb is perfect for bug nests. Saves so much energy just to set one of those off instead of messing around getting all the eggs.

Also, don't forget about mines! They aren't meant for me!

LukeH's avatar

I just start to think I'm getting the hang of the game and then I walk over a mine making me question everything...

Ford James's avatar

There is nothing more satisfying in this game than embedding a 500kg bomb in the side of a Bile Titan, I love that thing to bits. The only downside is how short the range is on it, the damage fall off means you need to be super accurate, when you'd think a bomb of that size would have more of a gradual decline.

Also, just a heads up - this is great advice but to be eligible for the bounty reward we're looking for at least 70 words or more, so you may want to add a little more detail or an extra tip or two to your submission!

cyruz's avatar

This is going to be an incredibly simple but at the same time very important tip.

Don't dive alone.

Even if none of your friends are currently playing, go queue up with some randos. It doesn't matter. Diving and protecting democracy together is so much more fun and efficient. You'll rob yourself of a great group experience if you dive alone. There's a reason why there are 4 of them on the cover art!

The good thing is, if they aren't your friends, you don't have to feel bad about accidental (?) friendly fire. Helldivers are expendable!! 💀💀

(Obviously, if diving alone is your thing, no harm in it! But this is literally the best tip I can give.)

EVEIL's avatar

Exploring everything Helldivers 2 has to offer is its own reward, but there are some things you can do to give your squad the edge even before you find that perfect loadout:

  • Utilise the markers on your minimap to communicate with your squad, whether using voice comms or not. These markers will then be displayed on the compass, letting players navigate without having to take their eyes off the fight.

  • If you’re passing the extraction point with pockets full of samples, drop them for collection later. That way, if you die before completing the mission, you don’t need to worry about recovering the samples until you’re ready to extract.

  • Resupplying has a cooldown. If you’re on a defence mission, be sure to call down resupplies as soon as the cooldown expires. Before long, you’ll be swimming in excess ammo and grenades.

  • Shrieker nests can be seen across the map. If you spot one, launch a few rockets/quasar rounds into it to negate the shrieker threat before they become dangerous.

  • Speaking of the quasar cannon, it has quickly become my favourite weapon. Unlimited ammo and decent accuracy, use it to snipe bug nests and fabricators from safety. It takes down dropships with ease. Two of these in a squad really lets you put out some damage, covering each other between shots.

  • The orbital laser can destroy fabricators, so throw one of these at a large Automaton base and it’ll do most of the work for you.

  • Know your enemy! Each enemy has its own behavior and weakspots, be sure to know when to go for the headshot and when it is safer to take out the legs.

  • Sharing is caring. If you find yourself in a squad of weaker players, consider offering them your stronger equipment strategems, especially if you’ve already called one down for yourself and it has come off cooldown. A squad’s worth of guard dog rovers is effective, just try to avoid getting in each other's crossfire.

  • When things get too hot, fleeing IS an option. Break contact and either move on to the next objective or flank around for another try. You can't succeed if you're dead!

So what are you waiting for Soldier? Get out there and spread some managed democracy.



Run the laser charge canon takes armour out of chargers and multiple shots end bile titans. It also doesn't run out of ammo and can switch to other weapons during cool down.

I like to run it with a mortar which seems to last a lot longer than all the other sentries.

Then the eagle airstrike for coverage plus high explosion rate

And finally something like the airburst strike for clearing small targets but also damaging big targets like chargers.

In terms of missions. Try and complete the main objectives first because you can always do the side stuff after and if you die you get the points from completing the mission . It' good doing the side a stuff and failing the main mission.

Spread democracy !

Daniel's avatar

If you're struggling with survivability, consider investing in defensive stratagems like the SH-20 Shield Generator or the REP-80 Healing Drone, as they can significantly increase your team's durability in combat.

Good luck!

Ford James's avatar

Hi Daniel, we have rejected this submission as we believe it was created with AI and no human input. Your entry references the SH-20 Shield Generator and REP-80 Healing Drone, both of which are stratagems that only featured in the first Helldivers game and are not in Helldivers 2. Our policy on AI content and our Community Code of Conduct clearly state that we require AI-generated content to add value to the community and to contain human input and why. We brought this up with you last month, and hopefully this second warning encourages you to reconsider how you are using generative AI on our platform.

AlexGra 's avatar

If you want To maximize your effectiveness in Helldivers 2, prioritize completing planet events and influencing the Galactic War map, as controlling key regions can unlock valuable bonuses and reinforcements for your faction's war effort.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Heat Management

Think about which you and your group are filling a bucket with water. Once the bucket is full you trigger a scout wave crossing your current position. Which will highly escalate :P

  • Means if you are a Squad of 4 you may want to stay closer together to have one big bucket instead of 4 smaller ones.

  • Calling Tactical Stuff will also fill your bucket as well as doing your objectives.

  • Means killing enemies in the beginning or lower difficulty is fun but later you are more short on stuff which means you may want to choose your fights.

But honestly if you didn't care about it now, and your running and gunning, bugs falling left and right; That's a good fight.


It's important to be aligned in your goals - there are objectives all over the map and whilst nipping off to clear out a small nest sounds like a good idea, it can quickly escalate and mean the rest of the team need to come and bail you out, which also rarely goes to plan. Stick together as a group and communicate about where you are heading and who is doing what.

Once you have that down, you can probably survive long enough to extract.

Now, to optimise. Be sure to use your dive A LOT - it's the best tool for getting out of a tight spot quickly.

Don't save your stims, you can resupply often and usually find some restocks along the way, use all the stims all of the time. Same with your grenades. You can't take these with you when you die and when you're health is less than 80%, there's a big chance that a big hit is taking you out.

Clear waves before pressing on. Usually you can run into multiple waves or roaming groups by trying to escape - it's usually safer to stay and clear the current wave before moving. Or else you will get overrun.

Also - just enjoy yourself, it's a bloody brilliant experience with friends.

Sturmer's avatar

Rapid-fire tips for mastering Helldivers 2

  • Focus on objectives instead of mindlessly shooting everything that moves.

  • Boost your survivability by equipping a laser drone or personal shield generator.

  • Use terrain to your advantage; high ground provides strategic benefits.

  • Napalm solves problems, most of them.

  • Utilize lower difficulty levels to familiarize yourself with new weapons, strategies, and enemies.

  • Remember, sometimes the best strategy is to run.

  • If you see something white, fast-moving, and tongue-flicking, eliminate it immediately.

  • Avoid standing on patrol routes to stay out of unnecessary trouble.

  • If you got swarmed - move out and change your strategy.


To spread democracy around the galaxy follow these beginner steps to turn you into a mean green democracy bug squishing machine!

1 - DO THE TUTORIAL - I know us gamers like to skip them but just don't, it will put you in good stead learning the controlls and you will unlock a nice achievement!

2 - Never Jump alone! - Always play with friends or others as it makes it a way more fulfilling experience and way more achievable to win! Also watch out for that friendly fire so don't shoot each other!

3 - Use Stratagems Wisely - Stratagems are powerful tools that can turn the tide of battle, but they also have cool down times and can potentially harm your own team if not used carefully.

4 - Use your mini map all the time, it makes getting about the map to various objectives so much easier!

5 - Don't be afraid to try out new gear and weapons - Experiment with different weapon types, stratagems, and perks to find a play style that suits you and complements your team.

6 - Communicate and have fun - Use your microphone or in-game communication tools to coordinate with your squad mates to have the best chance of slaying the bad guys, or calling for help lol plus I've found most randoms I've been paired up with to be pretty sound and up for just trying to complete the missions which is a refreshing change from some games!

7 - Get some new gear! - Remember there is a free battle pass that you can unlock a bunch of cool costmetics, perks and weapons!


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