Helldivers, it's time. The fight for democracy never sleeps and there are new recruits coming onboard every day to push back our enemies.
To help fresh Helldivers survive for an extra 30 seconds on these wartorn planets, we want to hear your top tips that could go straight into a Super Earth combat guide. Perhaps you've spent your hard-earned Super Credits on a specific warbond to unlock some gear or you've found a strategy to help deal with those blasted Bile Titans.
Whatever it is, we want to hear it. Anything that new recruits need to know or that will help them stay alive is eligible. Please submit as many tips as you like; submissions of at least 70 words or more (or 60 seconds of video) will be in with a chance of earning $4 each. We thank you for your service, soldiers!
Wondering what's up with these game-focused bounties? Here's the plan.
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$32 / 40
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