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Video Games
Ford James's avatar

Personally, I'm back in the flow with Elden Ring again as I get ready for Shadow of the Erdtree. I didn't get anywhere near finishing it when I played it on launch, so I've picked it back up, have beaten Starscourge Radahn, and I'm now exploring Altus Plateau.

Elsewhere, I've dabbled with XDefiant and have quite enjoyed it so far, but playing Elden Ring is basically a full time job if I want to be a high enough level for Erdtree! And as usual, I'm still playing an unholy amount of Marvel Snap.

Thomas's avatar

I've been doing a fresh playthrough of Elden Ring for the past month, and last night I finally got to and beat Mohg and can consider myself DLC-ready. It's been really fun to go back to but the fact that I've been doing it specifically for the DLC has felt a bit like work at points. I think I'm gonna take a bit of a break while I wait for Shadow of the Erdtree to come out

Ford James's avatar

I think Mohg is my next boss, though I know very little about that fight, so I'm not sure what to expect! I spent last night trduging back through Caelid and Sellia to find and heal Millicent, as turns out I completely missed her when I semi-explored the area first time around.

Thomas's avatar

Mohg gave me some trouble, I had to max out my bleed resist for that fight! He's got a huge health pool and has one particularly nasty trick up his sleeve. I thought I was the right level for fighting him but when I eventually beat him he gave me enough runes for 6 levels so I guess I fought him a bit earlier than I was supposed to

Ford James's avatar

Hah, what level was that at? I'm currently at 73 and I'm loosely following this build, but it is much better against some types of enemies than others. If I started over, I definitely wouldn't pick Warrior again...

Rich's avatar

I found Mohg absolutely brutal, second to Malenia for me, but I did just about beat him without summoning (Ashes or players). He's just as vulnerable to bleed as you are so I based my build around that.

Ford James's avatar

Without summoning ashes?! Blimey, I rely on either the Mimic Tear or the Lone Wolf ashes for pretty much every fight, hah. I'm beginning to accept I'm just quite bad at Souls games!

Rich's avatar

Yeah, it's a silly purist thing, but I drop it for fights that feel cheesy or when I just want to make progress rather than really grind out a win, haha. Couldn't keep it up for Malenia, I needed to powerlevel, summon Black Knife Tiche (best ashes), and get lucky with Comet Azur to beat her. Ridiculous fight.

Ford James's avatar

Next you'll tell me you beat Starscourge Radahn without any of the summons on the floor 😄

Thomas's avatar

Oh that build looks fun! Ironically Mohg is pretty weak to bleed so it might actually work out well for you. I had dual uchigatanas with bleed on each of them, plus the Mimic Tear summon, so he was taking a fair amount of blood buildup

Sturmer's avatar

Feature request: multiple choices in polls please

Ford James's avatar

It's something the tech team are aware of and it's on the list to implement eventually!

Horror and Cats's avatar

I finally got around to Bloodborne-alike Thymesia. It’s pretty good; I’ve been streaming it on the weekends for new areas and bosses, then doing busywork like grinding and experimenting with new skills through the week.

Laura's avatar

I'm STILL finishing my first run of BG3. I hit act 3 and suddenly all motivation left me and then various things cropped up that left me without the brain capacity to make life changing decisions for the characters.

Apart from BG3, I've been right back into V Rising since its official release.

Ford James's avatar

I can't remember where I got up to in Baldur's Gate 3 - the last thing I recall doing is defeating the boss in the forge area, surrounded by lava. It's definitely on my list to return to when I have some spare time!

Nicole's avatar

I'm so like this with games which is why I haven't a very long list of unfinished titles 😬 I can put in so many hours and then all of a sudden -poof- the motivation is gone!


Just starting Persona 3 Reload on Game Pass. Also have a crazy backlog which includes BG3, Armored Core 6, Pop The Lost Crown and Capes!

So much fun, so little time 😩

Ford James's avatar

You threw me with "Pop The Lost Crown"! Had to look it up to realise which game you meant, hah - I've heard great things about it though, it's also on my eventual backlog but that backlog is so long, it's unlikely I'll ever get to it! Same for Armored Core 6.

Scrbzy's avatar

Im trying to finish off Alan Wake 2, I lost motivation to play a few months back but I've picked it up again recently and I've been enjoying it.

Ghost of tsushima is my next target, I've heard lots of good stuff about it and with the new Assassins Creed set in feudal Japan I think now's a good time to try it out.


GoT is a really well done game. The story and combat are excellent so well worth playing. If you are after platinum then some of the collectibles are a bit tedious but the duels are some of the best battles in the game. Enjoy 👍

Scrbzy's avatar

I'm a big fan of the Assassins Creed series as well as the feudal japan setting, my friend was astonished when he heard I hadn't played GoT. You're making me even more excited now!!

Ford James's avatar

Yeah, Josh B is bang on, Ghost of Tsushima is fantastic. Played and finished it on launch, but I'd love to return to it if time permits!

LukeH's avatar

I'm not happy about it but I've started playing League of Legends again...

Nicole's avatar

I started a new Stardew Valley run through. On switch. So its not even got the new update.

LukeH's avatar

Not quite the same level of toxicity on Stardew. It does somehow scratch the same itch for me when playing though!

Nicole's avatar

This is that single-player, story-driven gamer life where the only in-game toxicity I have to contend with is my own poor decisions

LukeH's avatar

And yet, that's the toxicity that keeps me up at night!

smithbodieplays's avatar

I'm pluggin away at achievements in Horizon Forbidden West!

Ford James's avatar

Nice - are there any specific trophies you're working on? I platinumed Horizon Zero Dawn, but I couldn't get into Forbidden West as much... may need to give it another shot now it's on PC!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

FFXIV mostly, finishing off some preparations for Dawntrail.

Still trying to find time for more FF7 Rebirth as I'm progressing very slowly.

FF7 Even Crisis, it has a Monster Hunter crossover event now!

Rich's avatar

Catching up on Destiny 2 after my longest-ever absence, blasting through Lightfall so I can get into The Final Shape. But I'm also about to enter Disc 4 in my Final Fantasy VIII Remastered playthrough, and I will be getting Shadow of the Erdtree. Busy summer!

Paul's avatar

Im playing alot of pokemon atm and FFvi on my GBA.

The Pokemon Im playing is a fan made remake of Gold so it isnt as pollished as the propper ones (then again have you tried a recent pokemon game 😬).

Kings Court's avatar

Play a lot of Warframe on a weekly basis !

Other than that I mix it up !
Recently played Autopsy sim, which was AMAZING !

Konquest's avatar

currently playing Soulmask, early access survival game its like Ark survival and Conan exiles had a baby. It's taking me a long time as I have a phobia of snakes and there are giant anacondas(avoiding them) they are not hard to kill I just don't want to see them :P Also I love starfield, waiting for updates ti get back into it. I might play Star Citizen again after I'm done with soulmask.


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