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Video Games

I think for me it would have to be Cody from it takes two, i woulld talk to him about what made him fall in love, good and bad memories he had and why did he feel his marriage was heading to a divorce and what would he do differently to change that


I'd easily choose Cayde-6 from Destiny/Destiny 2, he's my biggest comfort character and one I easily relate to. I'm personally not a big fan of Ramen, but Cayde LOVES Spicy Ramen, and I'd totally go out to have a bowl with him. I'd definitely discuss my favorite bands and music with Cayde. I wonder what his thoughts on DEVO and Talking Heads would be...

Shovel's avatar

For me, it has to be Ezio From Assassin Creed. He has a loT of history and historical friends such as Da Vinci - I could sit there all day and listen to the things he has to say! I feel the same with Altier too!

In a time where Templars were active, finding out more of the brother hood and why they think that helps Would be so interesting.


Nathan Drake from the Uncharted Series. You know he's got some great stories about exploration and travel. I'd also go on a deep dive about conspiracies, ancient mysteries and history since he's pretty knowledgeable on those subjects. Plus if we're just hanging out he seems like a pretty chill guy.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

As an Eve Online fanatic, I would like to have a conversation with Zorya Triglav, who is essentially the de-facto leader of the Triglavians, the newest faction to cause holy hell in Eve Online. I would personally like to talk to them about, where they came from, their home, their beliefs, and how their people became the very powerful people they are today, I would also like to understand their history, did they start as a unified race, was it war? Were they like humans and had wars and still do in their own home zones?

I have so many questions!

taha's avatar

Here's the video game character I'd love to share a drink with! He's also one of my favourite cosplays to do so I couldn't resist making some slides about it with some of my fave photos!

Gaypengwing 🔜 Ren Faire Uk's avatar

I would love nothing more than to sit down with Nathan Drake and just hear about all of his adventures, what he’s learned from them and how they brought him to the man he is. As a big lover of the games, to hear in detail what each part made him feel would be everything 🙌

SIRCAM's avatar

Master Chief from the Halo saga, for sure i would learn from him how to be humble despite being so strong and almost invincible.

I would love to ask him if he was really in love with the Smart AI Cortana, probably he will keep that in secret.

AirGaram's avatar

The Witcher, Geralt of Rivia

I've only just played Witcher 3, and to me Geralt is a simple Witcher. A monster hunter by traded that is just dragged into messier things and have a unique view on the world. He's a hardened warrior and a thoughtful person, he has seen the worst in people while also capable of showing great compassion despite it. I'd probably talk about his life on the path, why he chose the choices he did, and how did he manage to maintain a sense of honor and duty in a world that often lacks both... is it ciri?

Lanah Tyra's avatar

He would be my choice as well for similar reasons! Mind if I join? Drinks on me :D

AirGaram's avatar

Haha, of course the more the merrier! I’ll gladly take you up on those drinks though!

Doc's avatar

As a Fallout fan I would love to talk about life with Joshua Graham. The man is authentic, has authority, and a badass voice. He fit perfectly into his role in Fallout: New Vegas, and that scene where he is checking a pile of M1911 guns is outstanding! Amazing character and dialogs. I must watch some of them again now :D

0ffworld's avatar

I would love to have a drink (Just one or two, we know where this can lead.) at a beach bar with Max Payne after the events of Max Payne 3.

As one of the most tragic video game characters, I think he'd enjoy not having to dive through glass, dual wielding a pair of SMGs, for once. We would talk about anything but what happened in the games though - reliving those moments would be awful. Instead, we'd talk about everyday things - everything that passed him by while he was busy bullet-dodging and having people around him taken away.

Side note: This character came to mind mainly because I'd give a lot to hear the voice of James McCaffrey. again. Unfortunately, he passed away in December of last year. To me, he was one of the most iconic voices in video games and I have no idea how the remakes of Max Payne 1 and 2 will turn out now that he's no longer with us.

Am I hoping for a new voice for Max that will do the character justice? Would I accept AI voices trained to sound like him even though everything involving AI these days is awful? I'm conflicted.


Image credits:

  • Official Max Payne 3 wallpaper from rockstargames dot com/games/maxpayne3

  • James McCaffrey, Eric Reichbaum/Everett Collection

ScreamingRaven's avatar

Johnny Silverhand.

Honestly i just want to drink a Beer with him. Sitting there and chat about the broken World we live in. Maybe going to party. That would be Great.


Bowser would be my choice.

I would love to hear his reasoning on his continued plots to steal Super Stars and his obsession with Princess Peach.

Would also be great to hear more from him about his origins and what has led him to a life of infamy and hate towards Mario!

Maybe even get an idea if he has any alternative career choices in mind they may help him stay on the straight and narrow 😂

CelestialFlea's avatar

Aurora Cassel

Phantom Liberty Spoiler Warning:


Conker The Squirrel from Conker´s bad fur day, i mean it should be so interesting talking and sharing a beer with him, no specific subject but one thing is certain, i have no idea how the night would end

Sneaky_Prawn's avatar

Chen Stormstout from World of Warcraft.

Chen is a legendary Pandaren brewmaster known for his wisdom, adventurous spirit, and love of a good brew. He would be an interesting character to ask about his adventures across Azeroth and his philosophy on life and balance.

Chen's stories of exploration and his perspective on the importance of enjoying life would make for a fascinating conversation over a drink. Also he might even supply all the booze!


Ezio Auditore da Firenze. The guy lived through so much. I believe it would be endless hours of chatting about life experiences. All the wisdom he would have to share as well. Through his youth to his old age he kept his mood: stilysh and fun. Imagine asking him all the things he chatted up with Leonardo Da Vinci as well O.o. There are even some rumors he invented Cafe with latte (That day in Venezia, with the leader of the comunity thieves). So many history misteries could be solved just by havig a small talk with the Grandmaster. Hey Ezio! Let's have a cup of coffee!

Sav's avatar

Link from Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom. I just feel that just because he is the silent type doesn't mean he doesn't express his feelings.

I do enjoy hearing his thoughts when interacting with the various races across Hyrule and he seems to enjoy blending in with the monsters and observe their daily routines.

I also we'll get along fine since we both are massive foodies and I'll let him cook some delicious veggie food by the campfire at one of the local stables.

Plus with the meal we'll have some Lon Lon Ranch Milk to wash down the food 😋

avrona's avatar

No one else but Johnny Silverhand. The way he's written in the game is phenomenal, giving so much depth to his rather morally dubious actions of detonating a mini nuke in a city. That, plus wanting to know what it's like to be just a cyber construct stuck in someone else's head makes him the perfect option in my opinion.

Foolish_Imp's avatar

Lydia from Skyrim. I've got a bone to pick with her and some boundaries to set. She and I have a love/hate relationship and half of the time, I don't know why I bring her anywhere. No matter what playthrough or device I play on, I swear Lydia's sole purpose is to cause me emotional turmoil. For starters, 8 out of 10 playthroughs she goes missing likes she's in witness protection or something. She doesn't go back to Whiterun or any of my houses, she just vanishes. I just need to know where the heck she goes and why for so long. I also need her to understand that if I ask her to wait somewhere (which is usually because she'll attack something) and forget to call her back to my side, I shouldn't have to painstakingly comb the crevices of a far-off mountain in a week, just go home. My second biggest issue is 5 out 10 playthroughs she'll absolutely wipe the floor with my character or gets herself murdered because she'll step Infront of my attacks. Also, she fights better when she's killing me than any enemy. We need to talk about situational awareness and what to expect when you step in front of people's attacks. Lastly, I need to ask her to stop guilt tripping me into letting her be the housecarl of Lakeview manor. For some reason she seems to genuinely sound hurt when she brings up the question for this manor and I say no. I always feel guilty after her sad response and have to tell her immediately after that she can be housecarl.

NarratorID's avatar

Leon S. Kennedy ( Resident Evil 4)

I wanna ask him if he ever had a horror experience on his life?

I wanna ask his permission to add him to my Fantasy Novel, so he will experience more wider things instead of killing zombies .

mar1gold 's avatar

Joel from the last of us - he probs would take a while to open up though!

I find people who are hard to read/closed off quite interesting to try and get to open up to me! also i imagine he would have some good stories to tell...


Grdon Freeman. Give the guy a hug and tell him that the resonance cascade wasn't his fault.


I just wanna know if he actually speaks lol.

Rich's avatar

Excellent idea QUACKQUACK! Though it might be a bit of a one-sided conversation...

Just to say, though, that you've left this as a normal reply to the thread rather than an official bounty submission (that's why your post doesn't have a gold border). We can't technically award replies, but it's an easy fix: if you could copy and paste this suggestion using the big purple 'submit' button above, we can consider it for a reward when the bounty closes!


I think maybe Esbern from the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim would be pretty interesting to talk to (so long as he doesn’t nod off) he could probably tell some interesting historic blades tales


Lara Croft, the game series is one of my favourites, i started playing it because of my mother and to this day i own all thr ps1 originals both sets of reboots on pc and a few other variants of the game. It wpuld be cool to sit and talk about the artefacts she discovers ans the battles she goes through in order to secure her prize


The massive chicken from.Chuckie Egg. Just want to know what their prblem is? 😁

SIRCAM's avatar

Master Chief from the Halo saga, for sure i would learn from him how to be humble despite being so strong and almost invincible.

I would love to ask him if he was really in love with the Smart AI Cortana, probably he will keep that in secret.

Rich's avatar

Good questions, SIRCAM! Just to say though that you've left this as a normal reply to the thread rather than an official bounty submission (that's why your post doesn't have a gold border).

I'm afraid we can't technically award replies, but it's an easy fix: if you'd like to copy and paste this suggestion using the big purple 'submit' button above, we can consider it for a reward when the bounty closes!

SIRCAM's avatar

Thanks a lot Rich, published using the big purple 'submit' button.


Trevor from gta 5. I think it would be interesting to see how this person is in real life and if he would talk about his heists.


Johnny Silverhand
the rocker boy would be a hint of fresh air to this decaying world


I'd easily choose Cayde-6 from Destiny/Destiny 2, he's my biggest comfort character and one I easily relate to. I'm personally not a big fan of Ramen, but Cayde LOVES Spicy Ramen, and I'd totally go out to have a bowl with him. I'd definitely discuss my favorite bands and music with Cayde. I wonder what his thoughts on DEVO and Talking Heads would be...

Rich's avatar

I'd love to go for a ramen with Cayde. Just to say AstroWolf that you've left this as a normal reply to the thread rather than an official bounty submission (that's why your post doesn't have a gold border).

I'm afraid we can't technically award replies, but it's an easy fix: if you'd like to copy and paste this (excellent) suggestion using the big purple 'submit' button above, we can consider it for a reward when the bounty closes!

Toretto 70's avatar

I will to ask Franklin for a job and I want to learn many thing's from him

okayameji's avatar

xiao from genshin impact, why did i choose him.. because i think xiao has a good temperament in leading but not very good in character.. but he likes to help. he is one of the yaksha from liyue, who has a duty to protect his country, he has several friends and subordinates.. but some of them have died or disappeared due to war and the side effects of their own powers.

Translator by google translate

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

Hey and what about Duke Nuken..?

is the perfect company for to enjoy a nice Bar Saloon conversation about Harleys Davison , Shotguns and what is the best Cigar

I’m still waiting for the right new DUKE NUKEN new game 😊

God bless you all


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