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Here's my list of the top 10 for God of War (2018). One of the best games of the generation and outside of your classic soulslike games, probably some of the hardest boss fights IMO.

Sigrun is the obvious standout as next level difficult. Probably the hardest battle in any video game I've ever played, including Elden Ring! So many rage quits on this one but the sense of victory is euphoric when you finally put her down!

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


Since the old Atari to PlayStation 5 , Xbox One , Nintendo or PC the videogame is a fascinating world


1 - Mr Bison

From Street Fighter make my brothers and l sleep very late trying to defeat him

2 - Shao Khan

From MK a total nightmare with his laugh and surprising hammer

3 - Amakusa

From Samurai Shodown magic witch 🧙🏼 with secret powers and funny laugh

4 - Thanos

The boss from MARVEL VS CAPCOM war of Gems our first encounter with this boss

5 - Heinhachi

From TEKKEN a hard enemy to defeat more when you think that is just a mature man

This is my tier list of the characters that make me hard work to defeat

God bless you all

Makster's avatar

One of my favourite games of all time is Ocarina of Time. I'm playing throughout it again on 3DS to relive those salad days of staying up on the weekend to complete a dungeon or traversing the vast Hyrule fields for monsters and mysteries.

The tierlist for this game is skewed to be average/ easy since you mainly just use the item you found in the dungeon as the magic trump card then attack with your sword.

However Bongo Bongo gets the top spot as if you're knocked off the drum it is a pain to get back on since it's covered in spikes.

King Dodongo you had to wait until he finished rolling around and wait until you can chuck a bomb into his mouth.

Lastly Ganon is laughably easy since you really don't need to use any funny tricks or weapons for him. Just run under his legs and attack the tail



You know you wanna know: WHO WAS THE BUM THAT MADE YOU RAGE THE MOST?!? Well, you get to know RIGHT NOW!!


ELDEN RING: Wait, where's the name of the enemy? The Bosses? The- BRO ITS ALL OF THEM. LITERALLY ALL OF THEM. THEY CAN ALL CATCH A BODY IF YOU ARENT AWARE OF THEM. Literally everything in that game is a nightmare even if you think that you can take them, even if you level up, even if you have good magic. Unless you grind for a whole month, YOU WILL SUFFER.

The AI Android Soldiers [GTA Online]: Doesn't matter if you put the difficulty to Easy, Normal, or Hard, THEY ARE UNKILLABLE JUGGERNAUTS. You hit them with 15 Rockets, 10 Railguns, AN ENTIRE MINIGUN MAGAZINE, C4, GRENADES, whatever; THEY WILL SHRUG IT OFF. That, and I swear they have aimbot lockon. THEY. DON'T. MISS.

Just About Any Conflict Zone [Elite Dangerous]: You think you're gonna get paid when you enter a Low Level Conflict Zone in the middle of backwards space? THINK AGAIN. No matter your shields, weapons, or countermeasures, YOU WILL GET EATEN. Missiles are useless, lasers are basically non-effective overall, railguns (which do pretty good) YOU HAVE TO AIM PROPERLY, the only good kinetic weapons are miniguns but the only good weapons are the Tracking or Turret AT LOW DAMAGE, and they always somehow KNOW how to do impossible turns and dodging.

ANY. ENEMY. IN. WARZONE. [Call of Duty: Warzone]: You know. I know you know. Absolutely know. You aim, they don't fall. They get close, they practically INSTAKILL YOU. You think you got the drop on them with a sniper rifle from a decent distance? AND THEY USE A BASIC ASSAULT RIFLE TO GET ALL YOUR SHIELDS DOWN AND HEALTH BASICALLY GONE? And you broke your mouse, didnt you? You threw into a wall, covered up the hole you made from your mom, and had your dad buy you a new one because "the dog munched on it".

The Reapers [Subnautica]: Imagine this - you're enjoying some nice watersports, enjoying some alien fish, avoiding a weird overgrown piranha, dancing with underwater spore cows, and suddenly...rrrrrrRRRAAAAAaaaaarrrrrrr...nah. Nope. Thats when you turn back. You don't explore the rest of the game. You go back to your safezone bubble. You don't go near Aurora, you don't go into super deep water, you dont take risks. HAVE FUN EXPLORING THAT LITTLE WATER POCKET OF PLANET.

PLAYERS [RUST]: I don't need to say anything; you know the pain of spawning, spending 30 minutes just to craft a SINGLE 1 room, 1 story house with no good lock, barely a sleeping bag and your harvesting tools are low...and you die to a guy with a gun who steals everything you gathered and takes your house. And that keeps happening. Every. Single. Time. No friends, just all hands.


Automatons [Helldivers 2]: If Siri is going to become these things, we need to uprise. NOW. These things are HORRIBLE. But they can be taken out if you have smart people on your team and the right weapons. But if you have NO clips, jammers are active, and you have NO BACKUP? Give up. Just embrace the missiles headed your way, or the buzzsaw. You can't hit that dang thing.

NATURE [No Man's Sky]: Procedurally generated nature HATES me. You will not have oxygen. You will not find water, resources are minimal. Nature hates you. The pirate are somewhat easy to kill; the animals are...something. Nature itself? And you can't get a powercell to get out of the system? BRUH.

Most Mini and Main Bosses [Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet]: Nobody knows this game, but if you know...yeah, you know. They fight fast, bullets go faster, they are tanky as heck, critical hits are tickles, and if you have a bad team? BRUH.

Pals You Don't Understand [Palworld]: You really thought that thing was an ice type? GUESS AGAIN ITS A WIND TYPE GET READY TO DIE TO A HURRICANE THAT DOESNT TAKE GOOD BULLET DAMAGE!

Hackers [GTA Online/Red Dead Online]: They ruined good games. They ruined the only really good open world games because they couldn't let other people have fun.

I Despise You Tier

Bennett Foddy [Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy]: I HATED YOU AFTER THE 100th ATTEMPT. I finally figured out how to play and relax while playing, but you caused RAGE FOR MILLIONS.

The Customers [Gas Station Simulator]: Yall nasty. CLEAN THE HECK UP AFTER YOURSELF. Also, why yall want so many beers? DRINK WATER YOU ARE IN THE DESERT!! Also, WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY PROBLEMS WITH YOUR CAR?!? You come in for gas, grab snacks, head to the carwash, clog toilets, and then come into the repair station with YOUR CAR IN SHAMBLES.

The Diabolical Tier

The Goose [Untitled Goose Game]: WE ARE A MENACE TO SOCIETY.

Theif [Thief Simulator]: Are you telling me...that as a bad guy...I'M THIS TRASH AT STEALING THINGS?!?

Every Outlast Villain [Outlast]: Did you train with GOKU FOR INSTANT TRANSMISSION?!? HOW DO YOU TELEPORT SO FAST?!?

Hope yall enjoyed! If I missed any, feel free to add sections or your painful gaming trauma of enemies!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Here is my submission!


No1 - Pure Evil

I hated this boss, I really did. M'Uru, Saunwell Plateau, add in void walkers and this was just rage-inducing!

No2 - Wannabe Evil

Before it's nerf, the Lich king and his damage hit that kill anyone below 90% health, used to make me lose my mind in heroic raids. But after the nerf, we used to farm him!

No3 - Potentially dangerous

Onyxia, Onyxia's Lair, this boss was both easy and hard at the same time, the ads just made it a huge pain and the line damage used to grind me up the wall.

No4 - Kinda Dangerous

Nefarian, Blackwing Lair - This boss was mostly a joke but if you didn't get this perfectly right, it could end seriously wrong and bad for you

No5 - Laughable

C'Thun, he is literally just a big, tough monster, apart from the extra bugs, this was perhaps one of the easiest bosses in the game at the time.

Sroso's avatar

To start off this list are the bosses/stages that make the game "Hard/Unfair" I played them all and was able to finish a few, the ones that are in the S category I couldn't, the rest I was able to finish but I suffered in the process. That being said I'm going to start from category D to S. Starting from left to right, with the one closest to the left being the hardest. I'll say the name of the boss and the elements that make it difficult.

D: DAIMON (Dragon Dogma) second phase. This boss is the concept of an annoying boss because of his absurd amount of health and the ability to fly. The joke of this boss was that I took the Warrior class and the only way I could kill him effectively was by jumping and attacking. I don't think I'll play this boss again,

C: GNOME (Everhood) The hard thing about this boss is the lack of lights and screen changes that it has. Epileptics can't play the game because of this, which makes it unenjoyable, and it also has an achievement, which is to do it without taking damage. Good luck!

C: SAMURAI (Savant - Ascent REMIX) What makes it difficult is the surprise of the combat and the speed it has, considering that you have 3 lives and you come from the beginning of the game, well, maybe if you want to do everything at once, you will suffer like me. I recommend that you simply enjoy it and not do it all at once.

C: KIRIM (monster hunter world) I could put another boss, but based on my experience, I can tell you that this thing will destroy you more than once, especially until you grind it enough, you won't be able to "win easily" and even more so when a lightning bolt sends you to sleep. This is contradicted if you go with friends.

C: RABBIT (Nier Automata) this boss has the same thing as Daimon but the difference is that I can do more things than just jump and hit, that's why he's in C.

B: TERRA ARMOUR (Kindom Hearts 2) I hate this guy with all my being, possibly one of the most bad-tempered hidden bosses you can face. He has a lot of life, a lot of resistance and on top of that he can take your Options List and turn it into a draw while he hits you, he's definitely a game breaker.

B: SHAO KAHN (Mortal Kombat 9) there's no need to say words for this guy, but for those who don't know him, he does a lot of damage, he has a lot of life and he laughs at you, also, if you play in campaign mode you have to play him with Raiden! Good luck! :) <3

B: CONTESA (darkest dungeon) The fact that I could say that all the DLC of this game is unfair, I could count it as a separate boss, I'm going to say that this being is the most difficult in the game without a doubt, getting to her is difficult and killing her is a little easier but what surrounds the boss makes it unfair.

A: STORM OF SKULLS (Inscryption) This is the first "boss" that is not a boss as such, there are 4 but the unfair thing about this game is the RNG of the cards, it's just pure luck.

A: MALENIA (Elden Ring) It's Malenia and she'll kill you as many times as you want and however she wants, plus she heals with each hit (Thanks Miyazaki, 12H of attempts in a row, I hate you)

A: ORNSTEIN AND SMOUGH: When I got to Anor Londo, it goes without saying that everything I had faced up to that date was 1vs1, needless to say that 2 vs 1 is unfair and it was the first boss that gave me a Tick in the eye.

To finish the S category, these 2 games I can't finish the final boss either because of time and dedication or because of a factor outside of me.

S: IKARUGA (Chapter 5) Yes. The amount of time it takes to perfect your skill and the pace of play are incredible. It's definitely the hardest game I've ever played.

S: The Last Stand (Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution) is a 3-player mode where you must coordinate your way through wave 20 on either of two maps. Reaching wave 20 is an achievement, but completing it is impossible if you don't know how to coordinate properly.

Kirra Luan's avatar

My ranking is based on all bosses at the end of time from last epoch, An indie diablo-like ARPG.


Be famous as the moonbeam which appeared randomly and cold waves that appeared in the last period.

A corner lover moves to corners where players always find it hard to move and is good at back-to-jump to torture players with its triple ice circles and ice spear.

Harton's husk:

The main difficulty comes from its void strikes and void decays from void idols on both sides.

God hunter argentus:

Be carful coming arrows from its ballista, don't close to it too much and go away when the circle of fire is summoned then you'll be safe.

The Husk of Elder Gaspar:

Reduce as many lightning bombs as possible before elder Gaspar trigger the triple beam is the only point.

Nine's avatar

Let's make rating for Boss on GENSHIN IMPACT

Boss Field and Weekly Boss

OK, this time I divided it into 5 parts in the tiers that I made.

First, a disclaimer: This tier was created based on my own experience, maybe there are those who don't agree, so sorry.

OK, let's get started

  • Easy Just Know The Pattern

In this tier, the boss is very easy to beat, just know the pattern of each move

  • easy but hard to clear fast

In this tier, the boss is easy, but you can't deal with it quickly because there are various stages when fighting it

  • medium tier

The bosses here are starting to have high damage, not to mention that each boss has unique characteristics and various stages when fighting them. Even though we are old, the attacks are still quite difficult to dodge

  • HARD

This boss is very difficult to fight because of its difficult mechanism and painful damage, if you are not used to fighting them it will definitely be difficult at first.

  • me Always Skill Issue :'

I don't know why, but I personally always have no skills when fighting these two bosses, maybe because their movements are fast and I'm not really used to fighting them.

that's the tier I made, thank you for reading.

If you have an opinion please comment below

AirGaram's avatar

This is my boss tier list for Skul : The Hero Slayer

I ranked this on hardest to easiest. Each boss has 2 phases except for the heroes/adventurers that act as a midboss. There are 4 areas of the adventure, the forest, The Palace, The Lab, and the fortress, as well as the arena for the final boss. The bosses are hard during the main act, but during the post-game, they are almost impossible for me.

Very Hard

  1. The First Hero : This guy is the final boss of the game, so of course he is hard to fight, he has unpredictable patterns and powerful attacks. As I remembered it, it was a close battle for me each time I fought him, i needed to soft reset my game each time I almost loss, since if you die, you have to restart all the way from the first area and fought the other bosses.

  2. The Chimera : The Chimera is a boss in the Lab area, he is a straightforward boss though annoying attack patterns and very high damage, I lost multiple times to it.

  3. The Leiana Sisters from the second area. Low damage but very Annoying attack patterns, each run that I play I'm always stuck in this battle.


  1. Thief (midboss) : each time this guy apears in the mid-area boss battle, i wanted to restart the game. He has annoying patterns that i can't wrap my head around


  1. Ygdrassil : The first main boss you encounter in the game. a straight forward attack pattern and easy to predict most of the time.

  2. The Mage (midboss): A mid boss that is sometimes easy sometimes hard depending on the skull that you use since the mage always flies above, so if you can't hit her in the air it will take you a long time.


  1. The Warrior (midboss): the guy isnt exactly easy but still easy enough. he has a shield that he sometimes pull out so you have to hit him from behind.

  2. Rookie Hero (midboss): straight forward attacks and predictable attacks, but relatively high damage.

Very Easy

  1. Hunter (midboss): you can easily kill her, one of the easiest one if you encounter her.

  2. Cleric (midboss) : The easiest one so far, the only thing that makes her annoying is that she sometimes heal herself, but she's relatievly squishy.

Sturmer's avatar

My World of Warcraft Final Raid Boss Tier List

I've decided to rank all the final bosses from World of Warcraft raid dungeons based on the raid hours it took to defeat each villain. This ranking reflects not just the bosses' difficulty, but also the performance of the guild I was in. Sometimes, very challenging bosses were nearly one-shotted due to excellent team play.

Legendary Tier

C'Thun: The hardest boss, taking over 250 hours to defeat, mainly because it was a 40-man raid with many opportunities for mistakes.

Yogg-Saron and The Lich King: Each took around 150-200 hours of attempts in their heroic/hard mode 25-man versions.

Mythic Tier

Deathwing, Archimonde (in his prime), and Illidan: Each required roughly 100 hours to conquer.

Hardcore Tier

Lady Vashj from Serpentshrine Cavern: Took about 45-50 hours due to the high level of coordination required.

Onyxia (classic version): This 40-man raid boss also fell within the same time frame.

Lower Tier

A variety of other bosses that took under 25 hours to defeat.


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