The correct answer is for $1 million… which is it? 🤣
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The correct answer is for $1 million… which is it? 🤣
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Deffinetly the mom one 😂 the concept of 'online' was just alien
none of the above - it is Micro-transactions
True I'm probably meaning the aggressive nature it is pushed on consumers. It's on the main menu, it's on the advertising before and after the game has released, sometimes it is even in the game.
At least with paid DLC it is sometimes limited to the title screen and post-game release advertising but the micro-transactions are almost a hindrance as to be part of the game itself.
A and D are the ones that drive me crazy!
I'll go with C.
We got so many DDoS attack in FFXIV lately that it's really upsetting. No idea who is behind it, competition, a pity revenge from banned gold sellers or whatever. But when you have limited time to play and get constantly disconnected in the middle of a dungeon or just trying to do story quest it's really frustrating. Luckily players are understanding and waiting for each other to try and get back but I had to cancel not one raid session because we constantly got disconnected.
Most of the times it is sadly related to dupes. At least that was the case in Albion Online and various times in WoW as well as ArcheAge. Might be just the same case here.
Gotta say moms and girlfriends not realizing you can’t pause an online game has left me with traumas the likes of which will never heal.
I think D is the worst, but I can understand parents having no idea hahaha
For me the worst is definitely losing connection. having bad teamates is a simple fix of 1. playing with people you know or 2. playing solo. mom calling me mid match also isnt a big deal because it's honestly not that often and you can always just leave and get into a new game. personally I never had issues with low fps, unless your playing an online shooter game for tends to not really matter all that much. but losing connection for me however tends to always happen at the worst timing possible or lasts for such a long time I cant play for a long period of time.
Im gonna be honest for me its absolutely D. I still can remember when i started playing EVE Online and when my mom use to shout teas ready, or a job needed doing and trying to explain to her im flying through space and need to dock up for safety. The amount of times i had to explain when she shouted "just pause the damn game", and me shouting back i cant its bloody live. XD aaah good times
Not start the game , JUST NOW
Yes I get a new game YEAH now l put de CD , take the control and… and… and WHAT..!! the game must DOWNLOAD 30 gb DAY ONE PATCH ok l back in 1 hour
them … the game must comfigurate 😑 ok l do it YES time to play
and now..? I WANT TO PLAY
Now l’m Finnish my tutorial so now LEVEL 1
Before Start the game you need to UPDATE to new ACTUALIZATION Etc etc etc
2 hours since insert the CD and can’t play
better l go to see YouTube videos
FOMO in video games, welcome to your doom.
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