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Video Games

Video Games
remedyroses's avatar

Ooh! I have a good handful of games in my library, but this one takes the cake:

It's easy to put in hours with a game that constantly updates! My second most played game is a rhythm game at 1,600 hours... Needless to say, FFXIV takes up much of my time comparatively 😆

Boomer's avatar

Now that's a commitment! Lanah Tyra and TheGreatestBanana12 - looks like a fellow Final Fantasy fan has joined the fray!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Hello fellow Warrior of Light!

Glad to know I'm not the most addicted around here XD

Though I started playing originally on PS4 and still log in sometimes from there when I just want to get comfy on the sofa pressing my crafting macros so that might add some extra time to it.

TheHermit's avatar

I just dove into the free trial a week or two ago. Been having fun! Thinking about getting the base game soon.

Boomer's avatar

Halo is easily my most played franchise, but I was surprised to see the playtime was so low...then I remembered the Xbox!

Makster's avatar

Probably CS:Source or Left 4 Dead 2

I’ve not been a PC gamer since before the 2010s tbh

dianthus's avatar

I thought I was playing a lot on Steam and then I saw this thread ahahah!! I will have to share my own screenshot later!


Command and Conquer Red Alert 3

greybill's avatar

Steam has the most hours logged in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord with 1.116 hours.
Part of that is because it's a great game to play while listening to a podcast or "watching" a video on a second screen.

But it's likely not my most played game.

Do people here remember X-Fire? There was a time when I logged my hours of the original Star Wars: Battlefront II with that...

TheHermit's avatar

This makes sense. I played the campaign twice, once on Normal, then a LASO run (Legendary, All Skulls On). Then soo many hours in multiplayer. I haven't played in the past few seasons, but I was all-in for a good amount of time.

Horror and Cats's avatar

remedyroses Lanah Tyra greybill CMDR Henckes I feel silly being like "wow 116 hours in ONE game, I should share this" lol

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Now you know why do I know so much random stuff about FFXIV. It's been pretty much my life for years and I don't intend to stop 😅


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