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JHenckes's avatar


This subreddit just amuses me so much. What I like most about it is that it's not a montage of images from the internet, they're real shirts that people wear and each one is crazier than the next hahaha.

Limal's avatar

Wolves with Watermelons.

A fantastic and cozy place where you can enjoy your favorite hobby or watch other members enjoying nature, wolves, and watermelons.

Some people scroll cats to relax; I scroll wolves with watermelons. While this subreddit may not be for everyone, I definitely recommend Horror and Cats check it out.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Oh my goodness. So niche, yet so me lol

ayebawl's avatar

I've been a redditor for a while and have a decent collection of funny, obscure and downright weird subreddits, all SFW of course. This is one :-


FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I have personally been a member of this one for quite some time.

Fairly small base (less than 100k) and if you are a Trekkie like me! This is the sub Reddit for you!

Marukosu's avatar


This one is essential for gamers, because the people share all free games that appear around the internet, it can really save you a lot of money

ENDERS's avatar

I do rabbit holes. I don't get caught in them, I willingly dive into them.
It happens when I'm interested in something. I begin to spiral rapidly as I realize the creators hide or weave things into them... The obsession begins.

Alternate Reality Game contest that ties in with a cool game?

I'm all over it.

Hidden location or mystery in game with few leads and no obvious goal?

Lets start digging...

Aaaand there's a subreddit for that... There is also probably a Discord for that...

clicks Join

This is FF06B5, it is a Cyberpunk 2077 conspiracy theory/ARG rabbit hole sub.

It is dedicated to one major obscure mystery in one game, but has become a endless dump of theories and people noticing details and concocting something out of vitrually almost nothing... and I love it.

Communities like this accomplish amazing things, and make headlines.... but most of the time they are just lots of hot air... lol

deboborah's avatar

I love handmade things and I’m always researching to learn something new. Currently, I’m focused on r/papercraft/ to learn more about papercraft and r/Amigurumi/ because amigurumis are just too cute. Moving away from crafts, I always check r/InfinityNikki/, and now that there’s a version for PS5, I’m completely hooked.

greybill's avatar

I have a combo for this one: r/battlestations is great for inspiration. Because if we spend so much time on our desks, we may at least make them nice places.

And while you are improving your place, you can always have a look or post at r/shittybattlestations and be glad, it's not that bad! :D

T0Nejy's avatar

r/IllegallySmolCats is where I go to find tiny kittens that are to small to be real. As a cat person I find this subreddit funny.


As a big fan of the PlayStation Portal i would have to say the PlayStation Portal Sub reddit is a fav of mine as there is always such positive vibes, good chat and so many people showing off their proud purchase of the Portal which is always cool to see, also very cool to see all the different places all over the world people are using their portal! Currently it has 93k memebers!

Sinclair's avatar


This subreddits are like an archive for the (G)old menus around the world, so i think this is my winner so far, like its so fascinating to see what people like when ordering menus on the (G)old time.
Like this menus from a Hotel from Paris for example

projectazone's avatar

It is a community, in my opinion, destined to grow because many of us love plants. I try to put as much greenery as possible at home, not only because they are beautiful on a decorative level, but also because having greenery at home helps psychophysical well-being. Personally, I find it relaxing to have a small garden at home, even if there are sporadic plants here and there. It is not easy to take care of them, to have the so-called green thumb and to know which ones can go inside your home and which ones outside. This community gives very interesting advice.


I like /r javahelp, because you can learn of other user's doubts and projects.

dianthus's avatar

This is going to be really niche, but I love r/disabledgamers! They've helped me more than once, and they're always so supportive and creative in finding accommodations for themselves and others.

I also really like r/TinyGlades, which is devoted to the game of the same name. Tiny Glades is one of those "sandbox" games where you can build your own little diorama, and I love watching what people come up with!

avrona's avatar

I very often frequent r/2visegrad4you, a mostly just meme-based subreddit that serves as a great reminder actually how culturally similar the V4 nations of Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, and Hungary are. It's mostly just self-derogatory and irreverent stuff that pokes fun at ourselves, and is just a great way to stay in contact with our closest neighbours, even if literally no one outside this little bubble will care about any of the stuff posted there.

LeoMo's avatar

you can have cool and weird conversations with the bot

CMDR Henckes's avatar


Elite Explores is the place for the players of Elite who have the main activities the exploration of the Milk-way, in this subreddit we have a lot of players journals of his explorations expeditions, bunch of great discoveries and screenshots and it is a great place to engage of Elite explorers community!


for me this is hands down : r/ClassicalMusicMemes/ my reason isn't that i love classical music but i enjoy the good laughs i get from their memes it brings a different kind of classical music appreciation and laughter is good medicine in my book so id 10/10 recommend it.. short , sweet , simple.

SIRCAM's avatar

Hands down!


Probably the the most talented and funniest photoshop professional you could ever know.

Makster's avatar


Unlike some subreddits dedicated to a franchise which are heavily moderated by that same company thus becomes an echo chamber, this feels like a proper community subreddit of A1Up enthusiasts from those that purchase to play, those that mod, and those that want to see the company make cool and newer stuff!

What I also like about it is that if A1Up make blunders or release poor products, you can feel and see the community react accordingly. When the MvC2 machine released without online, then laggy online, and then without further fixes you could feel the divide between those that just wanted to play, and those that were hardcore into the game and the failures it showed/ mis-management by A1Up

yan57436's avatar

Dark Souls Memes

I just love it, as I love the whole saga, I end up identifying with many of the jokes there haha. Like this one:

TrialByStory's avatar

This is an easy choice for me: r/soloboardgaming. I love tabletop gaming, but my group has been scattered around the country for the last several years. And yes, TableTop simulator is a thing, and an excellent way to remotely get your fix, but the d&d meme about scheduling holds true for board games as well, especially when you're working across multiple timezones. For these reasons I've begun seeking out boardgames that can be played alone as well or instead of in a group, and this subreddit has been a treasure trove of information. The number of times I've found an incredible new game, or been given more info from someone with experience in a game I'd been considering easily place this among my top subreddits.

Sturmer's avatar

Oh, this one is quite easy!


Do I really need to explain why? =) Ok ok, well obviously is it about the game I like and support. Secondly, I think this is one of the few Reddit communities with a normal atmosphere. People there are friendly and always helpful. No hate, drama, elitism, and usual Reddit stuff.


I don't have personal preferences, but here are a few lesser-known music-related subreddits that you might enjoy:

  1. r/WeAreTheMusicMakers – A community for musicians, producers, and composers to share ideas, tips, and music-related discussions. It’s great for networking and learning.

  2. r/IndieHeads – Focused on indie music, this subreddit shares new releases, discoveries, and discussions about the indie music scene.

  3. r/LiveMusic – A place to share and discuss live performances, concerts, and music festivals, with posts about upcoming events and past experiences.

  4. r/MusicTheory – If you’re into the technical side of music, this subreddit offers discussions and resources on music theory, composition, and analysis.

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

The "Elite One" subreddit centers on *Elite: Dangerous* for Xbox, offering a space for players to exchange tactics, discuss rankings, and optimize gameplay. It's a community spot for Xbox players to connect, plan events, and share their game experiences. This is my favourite because I’m a fan of Xbox and Elite Dangerous! 🫡


I love r/SteamDeckTricks because it’s a niche yet incredibly helpful community dedicated to sharing creative tips and practical hacks for Valve’s handheld gaming PC. From optimizing battery life to installing unexpected apps, members regularly post ingenious solutions and tutorials that make the Steam Deck experience smoother and more enjoyable. The smaller subscriber base fosters a welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable asking questions and sharing personal experiences, which helps create an ever-growing archive of tricks, advice, and friendly camaraderie.

Boomer's avatar

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