There are 35 critters in Critter Café and they're all adorable. So why stop there? For this reward, we'd like you to design and depict your very own all-new critter. Your submission must:
Describe your critter in writing
Include an original picture of your new critter. You can use whatever medium and go into as much detail as you wish, but note that AI-generated images are strictly forbidden and will be ineligible for a prize. Good moment to link to our AI content policy, actually.
Submit your picture through connected social media (we'd love it if you tagged us and/or added #JustAbout ❤️)
It isn't mandatory, but you'll get bonus points towards the top prizes if you can tell us more about your critter, such as its personality, skills/traits, care requirements and so on.
This is a podium-finish reward in which submissions will only close and be judged on January 17, 2025. The most-upvoted, creative, cutest, effortful, or otherwise best pictures and creature designs will win the top prizes. We can't wait to see what you come up with!
Enjoy this idea? Maybe you'd like to design your own ice-type Pokémon?
already paid
$190 / 190
This reward closed to entries at 3:33pm on January 20, 2025 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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