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Critter Café

Critter Café

“Yes! I’m talking about that new Critter Cafe! I went there last week for their NYE party and that’s where I met him!”

It was a few days into the New Year, and I was enjoying a chicken sandwich by the Emerald Bay lighthouse overlooking the ocean after a day at the cafe. There are no tables or anything to actually sit on, but I don’t mind sitting on the ground. It’s my favourite spot.There were two girls who were sitting down on the path below the lighthouse with the same thought process I had, as there’s nowhere to sit down there, either. They were chatting and from what I could overhear, one of them met a cute boy and they had met at MY cafe!

“Oh that one that has all the rescue critters?! I’ve been there! They’re so cute! And their coffee and catwiches are so yum.”

“Yeah! So anyways, I was sitting up the back by the arcade machines and he came through the doors. I glanced up when I heard the door bell chime and I don’t know why but he looked straight at me from across the cafe. He looked around, and then came straight towards me.”

“Ooooh like a total meet-cute! When do you see him again?”

I snuck a glance at the girls and the one on the right, a blonde girl replied, “We are planning on going to the cafe for breakfast tomorrow morning!”

Her friend, a darker skinned girl with a beautiful shade of purple hair said, “Ooooh cute! Well I’d love to go back to the cafe. I wonder if the owner has found a Starbii - I’ve always, ALWAYS wanted to see one up close!” Then she startled and said, “Oh what time is it? I need to get home.” The two girls got up to leave and I smiled. It felt good to hear people talking like that about my cafe. 

The next day I opened up the cafe, and customers started to arrive. I decided to bring Starbii to work today on the off-chance that the girl with the purple hair came to sneak a peek at her friend’s new man, so that she could meet the critter she’s always wanted to. Being good at customer service isn’t always about me interacting with the customers - sometimes it’s just having the knowledge needed to make someone’s day. 

Sure enough, the blonde one came in and sat at a table along the side wall near the bannister. She sat facing the wall and was looking out the window and only looked over when the door chimed. A smile grew over her face and she waved at the handsome man that had just come in through the door. He crossed the room to sit at her table and the two started talking. Neither of them glanced up when the door chimed again and her friend with the purple hair snuck through the door and went up the stairs to the far corner by the arcade machines so her friend wouldn’t see her.  

The couple looked ready to order so I was already on my way to them when they looked towards me and raised their hands. She asked for a latte, and he wanted a coffee from the moka pot. I went and grabbed those for them, and then noticed Purple Hair’s hand go up. 

I went up the stairs to take her order but I watched her eyes go from mine to the critters following behind me and she let out an involuntary squeal. 

“Eeeeeeoh my GOSH HE’S SO CUTE! Can I hold him????” 

I chuckled and looked down at Starbii, and said, “Yeah of course you can! He loves cuddles.” I had a feeling that the whole ISLAND heard her squeal and looked over to her blonde friend who was watching her with an amused expression. Purple Hair made eye contact with Blondie and smiled, embarrassed that she’d been caught but then mouthed, “He’s CUTE!!” And then gave her a thumbs up. I laughed and asked Purple Hair what I could get for her and she also asked for a latte. 

When the couple raised their hand again for a piece of cake, Blondie smiled and said, “It’s so great that you brought Starbii here this morning because my friend over there was just telling me yesterday how she’s always wanted to meet one in person.” 

I smiled sheepishly and replied, “Yeaaaaaah, I was actually up behind you guys at the lighthouse and overheard your conversation. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I figured that on the off chance she came to sneak a peek at the two of you, she could at least have a fun date, too.” I brought them their cake and brought a catwich over to Purple Hair who was sipping her coffee with Starbii sitting on her lap, purring. She looked up at me and I could swear there were hearts in her pupils. She was in heaven. 

Eventually the couple joined Purple Hair on the sofas near the arcade machines and they chatted and laughed until the lunch rush started and they all got up to leave. Purple Hair gave Starbii one last hug, and then placed him on the floor next to the sofa and said, “I’ll see you again, I promise.” They smiled at me and I said, “Thank you, see you later!” Blondie’s new man laughed as they reached the door and said, “I think we’ll see you tomorrow.”

They left my cafe and left a glow in my heart. This is what my dream for this place was. Somewhere you can meet new people, and come enjoy time with ones you already love. And maybe meet a new critter or two!

Rich's avatar

Lovely, heartwarming stuff. Congrats on third!

dianthus's avatar

thinking of you!! -xoxo

With a smile, I double-tap on Jessica’s wintery wonderland holiday picture, select a blue heart emoji as a reaction, and pocket the phone again. My fingers are getting numb from the cold, and I bring Mogbert onto my lap, burying my hands in its fur.

“I guess she was right, Mog,” I say softly. “I kept the café opened for nothing. I guess nobody’s looking for a latte when they could enjoy New Year’s.”

Mogbert purrs softly. Plushpeck chirps and leans its fluffy head on my elbow. Starbii has been asleep against my thigh for a while, now. Above us, the heavenly vault spreads in all its glittering splendor. The silver winter stars shine brightly in the Gold Leaf night. On a clear day, one can see all the way to the Emerald Bay, over the vast expense of the sea. On a clear night such as this one, one can even see the city lights trying to outshine the stars.

It’s easier, since we’re sitting in the dark. All the café lights are off. The chairs are on the tables, the bar is empty, the floor is spotless. There’s a lump in my throat, a sort of lonely stillness that no critter cuddle can seem to shake off. My thoughts are so loud, they drown the song of the night, the little critter noises, the ruffles in the leaves, the footsteps--


I look up from my pile of half-asleep critters onto the path that leads up to the café. Why, yes, there is someone walking up towards us. It’s a long way to Honeycrisp Grove, and it’s already late at night. Who could possibly… ?

“Excuse me!” a young voice calls out.

“Yes,” I call back, “good evening!”

I gently push the critters aside and get on my feet. How fortunate that I wasn’t done with tidying up the terrace. I switch on one of the outdoor lights, and the newcomer all but crumbles into my arms.

“Oh, I’m so glad-- I got lost-- I was so scared-- I remembered there was a café here, you know, but I wasn’t seeing any lights, and…”

Mogbert is purring with full strength, the sure sign of an upset human. Not that I need its guidance today: our new friend has a hiking backpack, a broken hiking shoe in one hand, and eyes full of tears.

“It’s okay,” I say, giving them a pat on the back. “Let’s get you inside. Why don’t we warm you up, and then you can tell me everything about it?”

* * *

“… And that’s how I found myself here.”

“What an unlucky way to end the year,” I say, pushing towards their side of the table another slice of my signature Catcus iced cake.

“Thank you…. Ah, this cake is really good.”

“Thank you, it’s our specialty.”

“Coffee, too. Really nice of you to open back for me like this.”

“Of course.” I wave away any concern. “I’m just glad you’re in the mood for latte and cream cheese.”

The customer smiles and leans back in their chair. They still look a little red on the cheeks, but sugar and fat are doing wonders to bring them back to life. I’ve set them up in the nice plush sofa by the window, the one shaped like a critter paw, with its back to the front door.

The rest of the Café is still plunged in the dark of night, with the coffee cups drying on the rack and the critter toys put aside. The critters themselves have now spread out and gone to rest. The air whispers of their soft snoring and my late-night customer’s slowly chipping away at their cake.

I get to my feet, slide behind the bar, and reach out to my trusty instant cappuccino box at the back of the cupboard. It’s the terrible, commercial stuff. Add warm milk, and you’re set. I’ll never serve that to a customer, but it’s all I used to drink back when I lived in the city. There’s something familiar, and thus comforting, in its sickly-sweet sweetness. The convenience, too. I hid a yawn behind my hand, and gently stir the mixture with a spoon.

I bring the cup to my lips, and soon my taste buds are overcome with warm, sugary, artificial flavouring goodness. Even at my lowest, I must admit that anything Jessica taught me about brewmanship is better than this, and yet--

There’s a thud outside, muffled by the window. My customer hisses, stands up and points at the window.

“The fireworks!” they say.

“Oh yes! That’s what we were outside for,” I say, quickly coming over. “Let’s go, we’ll see them better from the terrace.”

Outside is just as cold as I’d left it, although now I have the warmth of the mug in my hands, and the wonder of pyrotechnics in my eyes. Emerald Bay is entering the new year in a flurry of red, green, blue, gold… silver, pink… red again… now gold…

Mogbert headbutts my ankle, purring, and I scoop it up along with Starbii and Glowli, who was ready to climb up my leg. With each new star exploding across the dark mirror of the sea, my shoulders get a little looser, and my heart a little lighter.

Next year… next year is this year, already, so new and fragile. So tender in the crisp winter night. Yet here all the same, full of possibilities, ready to be what I want it to be. The sky lights up one last time and cleanses my doubts away.

I was right to come here. I was right to keep the café open for New Year’s.

I’m going to be okay.

Rich's avatar

...another slice of my signature Catcus iced cake...


Loved this: the implied details about your character's backstory and that the meeting was more about the validation of their own choices. Congratulations on second!

dianthus's avatar

Hehehe I'm glad you noticed it :D Thank you for your kind words!

Tootkin's avatar

“The café is opened unusually late, and is unusually full on top of that," I thought as I was lounging in my usual place. It's a hard work running a café, you know? I have to entertain the guests, receive pats and pets, deliver purrs, and I have to make sure that the Human serves the customers in a timely manner. Hard work, I tell you, for such a small Mogbert.

Tonight in particular, I am hard at work with one of my favorite patrons, making sure their lap stays warm. A calm and reserved human, with massive hands yet a delicate touch, who somehow always know where to scratch behind the ears. Their emotions are easy to smell, even through the ambient smog of coffee. They range from the acre, smokey smell of stress when they arrive, to the sweet scent of a quiet joy when they scribble in their sketchbook. No doubt portraying the charismatic profile of yours truly, as one would. Lately, though, there has been a new smell. A spicy smell. Like a weird mix of pepper, cinnamon, and sweat. I don't like that smell. It's been too often followed by vigorous and clumsy head pats, when it's not face pats entirely.

As I lay on their lap, enjoying the relative calm of this solitary individual among the noisy crowd, I suddenly smell their scent turns to spices. Here we go again! I check the front door, and Lo and Behold, there it is. The most flamboyant peacock a human can be, strutting through the door like they own the place. My place!

This human is a weird one. Always the same scent of minty boredom, with never more than a hint of variations, yet never twice the same look. They've been coming regularly for a few weeks now and have probably shown the whole rainbow at least thrice, in all possible combinations. They flap around in incomprehensible shapes of fabric, sometimes flowing around them, sometimes tighter than seems comfortable. Not that any of this "clothes" thing looks any comfortable to begin with. Truly a mysterious being.

I barely have time to make sense of their Plumage Du Jour that they grab the coffee my Human had prepared for them in advance and come straight at us. The spices fills the air in a thick cloud. My seat turns into steel. I brace for impact as they approach and speak:

"Hiii, Alex, is it? Mind if I join you?" They ask, gesturing at the fluffy paw shaped armchair in front of us.

A second pass before Alex manages to answer: "Huh? Uh, yes! I mean no, I mean... please go ahead!"

"Thank you, darling," they answered. Somehow they managed to sit down folding their layers of fabric with one hand while still holding their coffee with the other. "Nice to meet you, Alex. My friends call me Mosspatch, I invite you to do as well."

"Nice to meet you too!" They say, their voice surprisingly stable for someone currently distilling pure essence of panic. "I like your name! Hummm how did you know mine?"

"I simply asked the owner of the Café"

I don't remember them ever talking to me, but I am interrupted in my confusion by the loudest scream I've ever heard:


I jolt from my place--


--and jump in the nearest shelter available, Mosspatch's nest of fabric.


What is going on??


Is this war? Are we under attack?!


Surely nobody would think of hurting such a cute, yet refined little Mogbert?!


The whole population of the Golden Leaf erupts in screams that I can only assume are agony. Yet the smell is of joy!? What is that? What is going on? Also, could they not? Could they possibly not?!

As I hide in the layers of fabric, terrified and confused by the chaos and the screams, I feel a soft hand lay on my back and gently stroke my fur. There is something reassuring to this constant smell. Now that I'm buried in their clothes, I can see that what I thought was a thick fog of boredom is actually a complex patchwork of weariness, kindness, and a tinge of fury. The scent of someone who knows the value of anger, and the strength of compassion.

As the tumult dies down, I can hear the muffled sounds of Alex and Mosspatch's voices.

“Are they ok?” Alex asks.

“Yeah, just a big fright. It must have been quite a shock to see everyone suddenly scream at the same time.”

You bet it was! I’m glad they agree on that. Still, it takes a good while for things to calm down enough for my taste. I feel much better now, so I decide to poke my head out my hiding, to the delight of Alex and Mosspatch alike. Why, it's true, I AM a delight to have around after all. I could go back to Alex's lap, but I decide to linger on this small nest I made with Mosspatch. They are much more pleasant than I initially thought, and I can smell from here that Alex is not in urgent needs of purrs.

Mosspatch catch the opportunity of a lull in the conversation to ask Alex:

"So, I often see you draw in this sketchbook of yours. Got m curious. Can I see your art?"

At those words I sense a wave of fear and apprehension coming from Alex who freeze entirely. But I must admit, I'm also very curious! I have never seen all those picture they've made of me! So I chirp and purr a little as an encouragement. Alex opens the sketchbook, turn it around, and show us... a bunch of indecipherable scribbles.

"Oh my god! That's my outfit from Thursday!" Mosspatch exclaims, their usual scent of cool mint turning into genuine fruity delight, "you're so talented! You really captured the shapes and movement of it!"

Treason. Infamy. All this time, they've been drawing that... human-shaped bird of paradise?

"And this one is from last week! Oh but I don't recognize this one"

My charismatic profile... ignored. My honor... sullen. And they smell so proud of it too.

“This one is an idea I had after seeing your coat from Monday.”

“I need it, it looks amazing!”

Dejected, I hop down from Mosspatch’s lap. Clearly those two don’t need me. And they don’t deserve me either! They don’t even notice me going away. This is ridiculous. This café is going downhill-- I need to talk the Humanager!

Rich's avatar

Gosh, this was just delightful. Inspired choice to write from Mogbert's perspective and I so love how you've captured the attitude.

Is this war? Are we under attack?!

Congratulations on first!

Tootkin's avatar

Thank you!

It was a lot of fun to write. I was a bit scared of being off topic by not choosing the player as the owner of the Café, but the idea was too funny to leave behind!

mypets's avatar


The clock struck 11:45 p.m., and Sofia was still in doubt as to whether going to the Critter Café that night had been the right choice. Her initial idea had been to spend New Year's Eve with friends, but everyone was busy or traveling, so Sofia found herself alone. She decided that she would at least have a special coffee in a nice place to mark the date and not just stay at home. New Year's Eve arrived with a welcoming chill, making the atmosphere cozy. In that place and on that night, among the lively customers and the critters bouncing between the tables, two strangers would meet, with no idea that that night would change everything for both of them.

She was adjusting her scarf around her neck and trying to balance a cup of cappuccino when the door opened and the café was blown in by a cold wind, followed by a young man with disheveled hair wearing a blue scarf. He seemed to be lost as he observed the place and examined the details: a clock marking the remaining minutes of 2024, the group laughing in the background, the critters, it was really charming... but then his eyes met hers.

- I'm sorry, but... are you alone today too? - he said, coming closer.

Sofia smiled, not knowing what to say.

- I think... yes. Would you like to join me?

James accepted without hesitation. He was in front of a beautiful woman, and apparently beautiful company. He ordered a coffee and sat down to enjoy the drink that was now warming him up, and to enjoy a conversation that he hadn't expected to be so good. They began to talk about various subjects... how beautiful the city looked at that time, about the weather, and they had fun with the cutest critters who tried to steal cookies from the table. Sofia talked about her recent move to the city, how much she missed her family, but also her excitement and plans for the new year. James talked about his tradition of spending New Year's Eve there, while appreciating the tranquillity and beauty of the place and the very welcoming company of the critters. Then they realized that they seemed to be old acquaintances. It didn't seem strange, it was something natural.

Then it was midnight, and the fireworks lit up the city. Sofia and James sat outside the café as they looked up at the star-filled sky. Their eyes met and stayed there for a few seconds. How could they feel so much in such a short space of time?

- I couldn't have started the year in a better way. - he said, turning to her.

- Neither do I. Who knows what else the future holds? - she smiled back, feeling in her heart that that night was just the start of something really new.

- To a year of discoveries and unexpected new connections? - James asked.

They smiled, raising their own cups.

- To new stories that can be written. - she said.

And under the magical glow of the New Year's lights, while the critters purred contentedly among themselves, that night marked the beginning of something special.

yan57436's avatar

Every December, the Critter Café would see a great deal of traffic. The cozy atmosphere, marked by its golden lights that resembled stars on the ceiling, scented candles and a sweet smell of hot chocolate marked the room, whose main decoration was the little critters running around between the tables, each with its own specific detail of cuteness. Among them, a little pink rabbit with a crooked bow tie, Petalpuf, attracted attention not just because of his bow tie, but because he stopped and curiously watched the customers, almost as if he was curious to know their stories and how they got there.

In this large, cozy environment, our character entered the scene, tall and wearing a dark coat, covered by a worn leather backpack that had surely seen better days. He was notoriously nervous, he didn't know his way around and there was a rabbit wearing a tie staring at him (although very cute, it can be embarrassing). He only knew the place from the various comments he'd heard, and it was the perfect occasion, New Year's Eve, just a cozy, private place for those seeking peace. The rabbit, still staring at him, jumped up and sat on a girl's lap, watching the scene from a distance. A young woman was looking down the street, her fingers twirling briefly around her cup, had she seen him? He knew that pale face and her black hair well. He hesitated for a moment, but with a startled gasp, the rabbit that had been watching him came hopping up and started pushing him from behind towards a table in the window, the one the girl was standing at. Without understanding how Petalpufs knew that they knew each other, he eventually reached the table and what had once been slightly tanned skin was scarlet red and hot, he could feel the sweat dripping from the corner of his forehead and, although out of breath, he approached.

- We're finally here - he finally found the courage to speak.

- I didn't think you'd come,” she replied, smiling shyly and blushing as she avoided eye contact, clearly feigning interest in Petalpuff.

He pulled out a chair and sat down facing her.

- Me too, but I felt I should. This will be a good place to end the year,” he said, his face beginning to return to its normal temperature.

- I agree,” she smiled, relaxing a little.

Our dear rabbit observer jumped into her lap, and the young woman leaned over to stroke his fluffy head, the critter letting out a brief noise, as if approving of the moment, while watching the emotionally charged exchange of glances between the two of them. An unspoken apology, a silent promise.

And as midnight approached, they talked about everything and nothing. About how the last year had been full of challenges, but also of lessons learned. About how the future before them seemed uncertain, but at the same time promising.

Five minutes before New Year's Eve, customers began to gather near the large window to watch the fireworks.

Time was ticking away and now the clock read 11:59 p.m. and outside the fireworks were already lighting up the sky. The two young people looked at each other and without thinking too much, he asked her.

- Shall we watch it together? - She felt her cheeks heat up again.

She accepted, with the chill in her stomach and the unexpected warmth she felt when she touched him. The fireworks then exploded in the sky and illuminated the café in shades of gold and silver, as they toasted with their already warm mugs of coffee.

- Happy New Year,” he said, holding out his hand to her.

She took his hands, and their cold fingers found an unexpected warmth.

- Happy New Year - another smile.

And while the café and the city buzzed with celebrations, the two of them just stood there, in their own world. Not all stories need an ending. Some just need a fresh start.

(Petalpuff is the rabbit I made in the bounty to create our critter, admit it, he's cute.)

deboborah's avatar

"Virtually Together, Really Here"

The cold winter wind blew softly through the streets of Gold Leaf Isle, carrying with it the scent of snow about to fall. The Critter Café, cozy and illuminated by warm lights, seemed like the perfect refuge for those seeking to escape the cold. The New Year's decorations were in full swing: bright garlands, golden balloons, and a Christmas tree in the corner, still kept up by the insistence of the customers. The critters, always active, seemed more excited than usual. Silklark hopped between the tables, ever curious, while Castus and Starbii were busy looking for someone to cuddle with.

You, the owner of the café, were anxious. After all, that night was special. After months of playing together online, Anny, Jhonny, and you had finally decided to meet in person. It was a risky bet, but the chemistry you had in the game seemed promising. You glanced at the clock: it was just a few minutes before 10 PM, the agreed-upon time.

Then Anny walked in, carrying an air of hesitation. She wore a red coat and held a leather bag, looking around as if searching for someone. You recognized her immediately—after all, you had spent hours on video calls together. But in person, she seemed even shyer.

— Anny! — you called, waving to her.

She smiled, relieved, and approached.

— Finally, we meet in person! — she said, hugging you quickly.

— I’m so glad you came — you replied, guiding her to a table near the window. — Jhonny hasn’t arrived yet, but I don’t think he’ll be long.

Anny nodded, sitting down and looking around.

— This place is even more enchanting than you described — she commented, admiring the decorations.

— It’s my refuge — you replied, smiling. — And today, it’s our refuge.

A few minutes later, the café door opened again, and Jhonny walked in. He wore a dark coat and carried a backpack, looking around with an air of curiosity. When he saw you and Anny, his face lit up.

— Finally! — he said, approaching the table.

— Jhonny! — you exclaimed, standing up to hug him. — I’m so glad you made it.

— I wouldn’t miss this for anything — he replied, sitting down next to Anny. — So, this is the famous Anny.

— And this is the famous Jhonny — she replied, smiling.

For a moment, the three of you sat in silence, as if processing the fact that, after so many online conversations, you were finally together. It was you who broke the ice.

— So, what do you think of the café? — you asked, looking at the two of them.

— It’s amazing — said Jhonny, looking around. — It feels like it’s straight out of a fairy tale.

— And the critters are so cute! — added Anny, watching Silklark as he darted between the tables.

— They’re the soul of this place — you replied, proudly. — And today, they seem especially excited.

As you chatted, you got up to prepare three cups of hot chocolate, a specialty of yours that always warmed the hearts of your customers. When you returned to the table, you noticed Glitterleaf playing near Anny’s feet, hopping from side to side as if trying to get her attention. He paused for a moment, looking at her with those big, bright eyes, before doing a little spin and lying down near the table, as if wanting to join the conversation.

— He’s so cute! — said Anny, laughing softly so as not to startle him. — It’s like he wants to be part of the group.

— He loves being around people — you explained, placing the cups on the table. — I think he can sense that tonight is special.

Meanwhile, Cactus was busy exploring a cardboard box you had left in the corner for him. He climbed inside and got stuck, which made Jhonny smile.

— He looks like he’s having fun — Jhonny commented.

— He loves boxes — you replied, laughing. — Sometimes I think he likes them more than any toy.

The critters continued their antics, bringing a playful and cozy atmosphere to the café. Yoghi decided to climb onto an empty chair near the table, sitting there like a little guardian, while Cactus, tired of the box, lay down on the floor near the counter, watching the customers with a calm gaze.

— They really make this place unique — said Anny, looking around. — It’s like the café has a life of its own.

— They’re part of what makes this place special — you agreed, feeling proud. — And today, they seem to know we’re celebrating something important.

— It’s like they’re celebrating with us — Jhonny remarked, looking around.

— They’re part of the family — you replied. — They know we’re closing one chapter and starting another.

The minutes passed, and midnight approached. The café guests began to gather near the window, where they could see the fireworks that would be launched over Gold Leaf Isle. The three of you remained at your table, as if in a bubble separate from the rest of the world.

— So, what do you hope for in the new year? — you asked, looking at Anny and Jhonny.

— I hope it’s as good as this moment — Anny replied, smiling.

— I hope it’s the start of something new — said Jhonny, looking at her and then at you.

You felt a warmth in your chest, knowing that, on that night, something special had begun.

When the fireworks started to explode in the sky, lighting up the night with vibrant colors, the three of you stood up and went to the window. The café guests cheered and shouted, "Happy New Year!" but you remained silent, looking at each other.

— Happy New Year, everyone — you said, finally.

— Happy New Year — Anny and Jhonny replied, smiling.

And, in that moment, under the light of the fireworks, the warmth of the critters, and the ambient music, everything seemed possible.

TeaLeaf's avatar

It's New Year's Eve, I was excited to celebrate it with my family, as it's been a while since I've seen them. But they decided to cancel last minute, again. Extra frustrating as it was quiet the distance for me to travel to get here. I sigh as I walk down the snowy street. There are still Christmas decorations up. I notice a tear trying to come out, but I shake it off and tell myself to try to ignore it. I may as well try to have a good New Year's Eve even if It's by myself.

As I walk down the street, I see a sign pointed towards a cute little Café. I'm hearing strange little chirping and animal sounds coming from it. Smoke is coming from the chimney and it looks very warm and inviting. I decide to head over and check it out. Outside of the Café I see small little pawprints in the snow, how cute!

I open the door. "Welcome in!", says the Café worker smilingly. As I enter, something swiftly runs past me and I nearly walked right into it. "Oh please be mindful you don't stumble over our little critters, they like to roam around!" says the worker laughingly. I get a better look at the critter, and I notice there's a few of them here. I've never seen any critters like these before, they all look so different. And they are so cute! I've already completely forgotten why I was sad. Now I just feel excited to get to know more about these little critters, and to pet them!

As I look for a seat, I notice a cozy little seating area in the back with sofas, pillows on the floor for the critters, and a warm inviting fireplace. I head on over. On the pillow in front of the fireplace there's this most adorable fluffy little round critter. He looks like he wants to be pet, so I sit down next to him and scratch him behind his little ear.

There's a guy sitting next to him as well. "Isn't he cute?" He asks. "Very." I answer while happily petting him. "Mogbert is his name, he seems to like you" he says. "Oh how sweet. Hello there little Mogbert." I say as I continue to pet the little critter. "Have you been to this Café before?" I ask the guy. "I come here every week, if you want I can introduce you to all the critters here." He answers. "I would very much love that, thank you!" I answer excitedly. "My name's Sarah by the way." I smile at him. "Lovely to meet you Sarah, I'm Nico!" He smiles back.

The evening continues in so much joy, as he shows me around in the Café and introduces me to all the cute little critters, and shows me photos of the ones that are currently at the Habitat. We enjoy a lot of friendly chatter over some strawberry cake, tea and other tasty snacks throughout the evening. This turned out to be one of my most enjoyable New Year's Eve celebration ever.

JHenckes's avatar

It was a freezing day in the Bonocoffe café, with the cold winds of the last hours of the year. It was New Year's Eve. The whole region of Gold Leaf Isle was abuzz with preparations for the party. The coffee shop? Extremely busy, as it always was at this time of year. The owner loved this time of year and kept the café open until early evening. But one thing was different that year. It was as if Cupid didn't want to take a vacation...

Two people arrived at the café almost at the same time, asking for a table for one. They didn't know each other. They were a young girl with golden curls, green eyes and a beautiful voice called Jaqueline and a young, somewhat shy, tall man with black, wavy hair called Mayk. But the café was full, there was only one table available, so the two young men were asked: “Would you mind sitting together? The queue might take a while... Sorry about that!”. Jaqueline was afraid of the proposal, but when she saw that the young man seemed helpless, she accepted. Meanwhile, Mayk was lost in thought, loving the chance to sit next to such a beautiful girl! He hadn't taken his eyes off her since the moment he entered the café. And so they both sat down at the only table available at Bonocoffe.

After a moment of silence at the table, with views ordered, paying attention to what was happening at the tables around them, they began to talk. The conversation was funny at first. Mayk was almost quizzing the girl, he had no experience of conversation and was very shy. But Jaqueline thought it was cute to see this young man trying to get to know her and this look of appreciation only increased as the conversation went on. They both ordered a slice of cake and coffee. They realized that they had similar tastes and that was attractive. When the café was about to close for the night, they paid their bill and decided to play with some Critters who stayed in the café until it closed. Jaqueline loved the fluffy ones with tails, but Mayk thought the ones with horns and paws were cuter. It was one of the few times they had different opinions, but they were both very fond of each other and it was in their differences that cupid's exhaustive work became apparent. Nothing could explain the “soul mates” who had just met and in a few hours already seemed like best friends for many years...

The café then closed, most of the customers heading to the beach in Emerald Bay to watch the fireworks display from the boats that night. It was a tradition in every town. But Mayk didn't have that custom. Because he had few friends, he preferred to spend New Year's Eve at home, playing video games or watching movies. So the young man said goodbye to Jaqueline with a kiss on the cheek and turned away. But the young girl loved the fireworks and after that spectacular afternoon in the cafeteria she only wanted one thing: company! So, as Mayk walked away, she called out to him in a trembling voice and said: “Don't you want to go with me to watch the fireworks? I'd love to watch with you...”. Mayk was startled. He stood still for a few seconds, not knowing how to react. Trying to disguise the huge smile he was trying to make, he turned around and said, “Of course! I'd love to see it with you too!”. And so the lovebirds headed off together with the others towards the beach. Halfway there, his face already red from the night, Mayk grabbed Jaqueline's hand. Even though she was scared, she squeezed his hand tightly, as if to say “yes”. And they were both happy all the way.

On the beach, they spread out a towel and sat down next to each other. Mayk bought snacks and drinks for both of them in the little shop that was open to locals and tourists who wanted to see the fireworks on the beach. They were both nervous. Everyone was anxious, but the two young people had a different kind of tension in the air. It was as if the future was still unknown, but much to be desired, just as the arrival of a new year is for us!

Lost in the midst of their fun conversations, looking at each other with a look of pure admiration, the countdown to the turn of the year began: Ten... Nine... Eight... They both smiled and shouted as they stared at each other... Seven... Six... Five... Four... They didn't know if the count was really the seconds left until the new year or the distance between their faces, which was decreasing with every second... Three... Two... One... Happy New Year! That was the cry coming from the entire crowd on the beach as the first fireworks burst into the sky. But that moment was neither seen nor heard by two people. Two young people who at that moment were emotionally and physically present for each other. And that's how this couple's first kiss happened. A passionate kiss, full of desire and fun.

The fireworks continued to go off for several minutes. At that moment they both hugged each other and watched the fireworks with great joy. Their future was filled with many wonders. Wonders that will be told later. But one thing was certain! A new love was beginning on Gold Leaf Isle!

Nine's avatar

On a small island called Golden Leaf, leave a group of Critters with a peaceful, quiet, and prosperous life. There is one unique story happening between a pair of critters who live there. The pair of friends were named Ferry and Jessica. They have been friends since they were little until now. They often spend time together to play, study, or take a moment to help each other.

Incidentally, Ferry has apparently had feelings for Jessica for a long time. So, he plans to shoot Jessica on New Year's Eve. Incidentally, Ferry and Jessica have one of their favorite places when they want to hang out together, namely at Nine Critter Café They often go there until the employees there recognize the two of them and once thought that they were lovers because they were that close.

During the day before it was time for New Year's Eve to arrive, Ferry visited Nine Critter Café himself with the intention of booking a special table for the two of them tonight, but with a slightly more romantic vibe at their table later. He had also ordered Jessica's favorite food and drinks and Ferry himself of course. Perry also left flowers and a gift box to the employees there so that they could give it to him after dinner.

At first, the employees were confused as to why Perry would do such a romantic thing to Jessica. However, gradually they began to realize that he wanted to confess his feelings to Jessica on New Year's Eve. And without further ado, the employee agreed to all Ferry's requests by making a grinning face at Ferry while saying “uhum”. Perry who knew that the employee there began to realize his actions began to feel embarrassed himself while leaving Nine Critter Café.

Ferry immediately contacted Jessica via chat. Without further ado Ferry immediately invited Jessica to celebrate New Year's Eve at Nine Critter Café as usual. He also told Jessica that he had reserved seats for two because he was afraid that the café would be crowded as usual on New Year's Eve. Jessica, who was used to playing with Perry on New Year's Eve without thinking, immediately agreed to his invitation. Perry who read Jessica's reply immediately felt very happy because he felt that his plan this time would succeed.

As the night approached, it was time for Perry to meet Jessica. Because Jessica usually had to help her parents before going to the cafe, Perry arrived at the cafe first. The employees there who saw Ferry's presence at the cafe immediately smiled to themselves. Perry, who was aware of the ridicule, immediately ignored the ridicule and asked if the table was ready or not. The employee replied that the table for him and Jessica was ready. One of the employees there led Ferry to the table that had been decorated so well by the employees there. Perry who saw it started to feel embarrassed again. The employee who had delivered Ferry immediately left while grinning at Ferry.

Perry immediately sat down while waiting for Jessica to get to the cafe. Not long after that, Perry saw a beautiful and graceful woman entering the cafe. That figure was Jessica, the woman he had been waiting for. Perry's face almost turned red seeing her beautiful face like seeing a beautiful flower garden with various beautiful flowers growing in the garden. It didn't take long for Perry to realize because Jessica saw him sitting and approached his table.

Without further ado, Jessica immediately sat down just like usual without thinking anything.

“Have you ordered, Fer?”

“Oh, of course I have. This time we both eat and drink our favorite. Don't worry, I'll pay this time, it's New Year's Eve hihihi”

“How nice of you. What's the wind? Hahaha.”

“It's fine. I'm usually good too. You just think I'm bad all the time. Huh!”

“Hehehe, yes Fer, you're a good person. Jokes and jokes.”

While they were chatting as usual, their order came. Those who saw it felt happy and as usual, Jessica took the precious moment with Ferry and their dishes through Jessica's Smartphone. After that, they began to eat their dishes deliciously while continuing to talk.

Before they knew it, their food was gone. Perry, who wanted to carry out the plan he had made, immediately began to carry out his conversation with Jessica more intensely.

“Jes, I want to confess to you. But... don't be mad at me...”

“What confession? What are you doing again Fer? Geez you're really bad.”

“Uh, not the negative one, Jes. I don't know if this is negative or positive for you, but I promise you won't be mad at me,” said Ferry while thrusting his little finger in front of Jessica.

“Yes, yes, I'm not angry.” Jessica replied to Perry's words with her little finger wrapped around his little finger.

“So, what sin do you want to confess?” Jessica said curiously.

“Actually, I've liked you for a long time, Jes. Moreover, we've also been together for a long time. Playing together, hanging out together, learning new things together, everything together. Gradually, I feel comfortable with you. Hehe.”

Jessica made a surprised face at the statement she heard from Perry's mouth. It was as if she couldn't believe that the man who had been her friend since childhood had confessed his feelings for her.

“You... you really said that Fer? You're not joking right? I'd be lazy if it turned out to be a lie.”

“I'm talking seriously, Jes. If you think I'm lying or joking, it's okay. Hehe.”

Perry and Jessica were silent for a moment and let go of each other's little finger. They were both silent as they drank their drinks and looked at each other in embarrassment. Perry who had already expressed his feelings to Jessica immediately spoke again.

“I want you to be my girlfriend, Jes. Do... you want to be my girlfriend, Jessica?”

“Before that I want to make sure of something first, Fer. If you've liked me for so long, why are you talking to me now?”

“Well... finding the right time and the courage to say something like this is not easy, Jes. Because I myself also consider the good and bad if I do this. And only now, on New Year's Eve, I think it's the right time for me to say it.”

“Hmm... But, are you really sure about your statement, Fer?”

“Of course! That's why I'm revealing it to you now, Jes.”

Jessica, who had a shy face, started nodding her head, signaling the answer to Fer's question that Jessica would accept him as a boyfriend.

Of course, Perry, who got that answer, immediately felt very happy. But because he realized that they were both still in the cafe, there was no way he could hug Jessica right away. In reply to Jessica's answer, Perry immediately signaled the employees there to carry Perry's previous message. One of the employees who saw Ferry's gesture immediately rushed to take Ferry's message and delivered the items to their table.

Jessica was surprised to see the flowers and gifts delivered by the employees there. The employee who delivered the flowers and gifts also grinned at the sight of them blushing at each other and immediately ran away. Without thinking, Ferry immediately gave the flowers and gifts to Jessica.

“Here are flowers and gifts from me. Consider it a new year gift from me. Hehe... and thank you for being my girlfriend.” She said with an embarrassed look on her face.

That New Year's Eve became a happy story for Ferry and Jessica as a couple who had just become lovers. That's all.

projectazone's avatar

It all began on a day with a leaden sky and even though the air in the café smelled of celebration, outside you could smell the rain. It could have seemed like an end of the year like any other, where people would have celebrated, wished each other well, hoped for a better year, but something was about to happen, two people would have changed their future, something new was about to appear in someone's life. And it is precisely in that cafe that a different life begins for Chris and Mackenzie. Two people apparently different but with a single dream, to meet someone who would cover the other half of that bleeding heart. Both had experiences behind them, a difficult emotional baggage, but nevertheless in the little things they had found their dimension, their comfort. Chris, with a tormented past, was looking for someone who could understand him but had lost all hope of being able to find that right person who could understand him, who could support him, who could be his goal. And that day, with his group of friends he had decided to spend that end of the year in that cafe. A carefree evening, where he could relax, chat, toast and end that end of the year in the best possible way. He would have thought about other thoughts at another time, not that evening. On the other side of that cafe, the lonely Mackenzie, a girl like many others, dressed in neutral colors, simple, minimal but with a little squirrel that kept her company. She never parted with her, along with her books that she loved to immerse herself in, she wanted to spend her New Year's Eve in a perhaps chaotic place, at least that's what she thought, until she arrived at that Cafe. As crowded as it might have seemed, it was created specifically to give a place of its own to people looking for a destination. In fact, wrapped in a raincoat and hit by the rain, she enters the cafe and approaches the window where there was that table that would become her favorite. The time to sit down and she looks around, she likes the environment and exclaimed under her breath "just right for me", she sits down. She takes out the squirrel that she had protected from the rain and puts it right next to her, on the chair next to her. She didn't like to talk much, she really didn't want company, and yet her gaze met for a moment with Chris's who, even though they were in company, wasn't one for many words that evening. He orders a drink, she orders a hot chocolate, he notices her... she notices him. Only looks and no words... he would like to know more about her, she more about him... but neither of them has the courage to take that step that would change their future. But nothing happens by chance, the squirrel, so quiet that evening, runs away towards Chris, perhaps because Chris had some food in his hands... and that chance gives the two of them an excuse to talk. She runs quickly towards Chris for the squirrel, he holds it in his hands and offers it to her with an unusual sweetness. She thanks him, takes the squirrel and remains there frozen in front of him who does the same. A few moments before he decides to exchange a few words with her and they decide to sit at that table near the window and after a few minutes they understand that they had a lot in common to share. That evening passed so peacefully, and while others were celebrating it seemed that time around them had stopped, nothing existed anymore. The rest is history.

Shovel's avatar

So, this is going to be super random (and I hope this bit of text doesn't count towards my word count) but I have been binging romance novels and I just finished watching Culinary Class Wars on Netflix and I now am a big fan of Chef Edward Lee lol so my submission is more on the romance side. Don't worry though, this is all PG!!!

The Critter Café glittered under the sunset on the shore of Gold Leaf Isle, its storefront images shimmering like warm sighs of spiced apple cider, laughter and a universe of cups of tea and coffee. Inside, Taylor sat alone at the counter, her sketchbook open but untouched. She wasn’t sketching tonight—not yet. The otherworldly world of a cosy café, the cheerful glow of fairy lights, and the smell of cinnamon had put her into a dreamy state of daze.

Edward Lee slipped in quietly and was the sort of fellow who caught people's eye with his cool poise. The clean sheen of his chef's jacket glowed even in the dimness, but tonight he wasn't in the kitchen, cooking. He’d lived for months, repeating the mentoring of chefs in culinary competitions all over the island, but the coffee shop had been his refuge—a domain where the food was familiar and there lingered a sense of possibility in the air.

He caught sight of her as she came through the door, when her loose hair flowed at her back, streaming down her shoulder, dancing around the movement of writing implements against the surface of her lips absently. Taylor was magnetic without trying, a quiet spark amid the lively café. Edward approached, sliding onto the stool beside her with a casual smile that still managed to disarm her.

“Do you always draw this seriously, or is this just your warm-up? he asked, his voice low and velvety.

Taylor glanced at him, her cheeks already warming. “I—uh—was just thinking. About the way this place feels. Cosy, but alive. Like anything could happen here.”

Edward tilted his head, intrigued. “I like that. I think that’s why I keep coming back. Mind if I sit here?”

She shook her head, smiling softly. “Not at all.”

Their presentation passed like a calm run of the espresso machine in the back. He shared with her the course of his career as a chef, in how cooking, and food was his means of communicating without language. She described the extent to which she'd always felt more at ease depicting the other folks' fictional universes than creating her own. There was a forced draw between them, a flash neither could dismiss.

The clock read eleven-thirty, and Biscuit, the café's raccoon cook, shot onto the countertop, spoon at the ready. “Alright, everyone! We’re counting down to midnight, but first, a challenge! Ed, what about a shot of culinary magic to set the mood?

Edward turned to Taylor, his eyes dark and inviting. “What do you say? Let’s make something unforgettable together.”

She stopped, her heart racing, but the look in his eye—steady, sure, even slightly dangerous—pulled her under. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

Off the counter, it was claustrophobic, their bodies bumping in a shared motion as Edward guided her arms through the steps needed to make a deeply rich, decadent chocolate soufflé. His voice toned in her ear, and it brought chills down her back. “Gentle, like this. You don’t need to rush it—just feel it.”

Taylor laughed uneasily nervously, her hands shaking, when he brought his over hers to support her. “You make this look so easy,” she murmured.

"It's not a matter of being perfect," he whispered, and his voice became softer, more intimate. “It’s about enjoying the process.”

And then, as the soufflé was finished and waiting for its finishing touch, Edward turned to her, their faces touching. The noise of the café seemed to fade, leaving only the heat between them.

“Midnight’s close,” he said, his voice a whisper now. “Do you have a New Year’s resolution, Taylor?”

She met his gaze, her breath catching. “Maybe to take more risks.”

The café erupted into applause at the stroke of twelve, but Edward's gaze remained fixed on the clock. Just do it now, he whispered, and before she could reply, he brushed into her, his mouth meeting hers in a kiss as gentle and long as the snow falling on the window.

By the time they tore apart, Taylor was gasping, her cheeks hot, but for reasons quite unrelated to the sunshine of the coffee shop. “Happy New Year, Edward,” she said softly.

"Happy New Year", he said, in a low voice, as he lingered his hand over hers. “Let’s make it unforgettable.”

I am screaming?! the anticipation?!!! I hope you like my little entry :)

GoJapan's avatar

The year began a few weeks ago, however the incessant cold of the icy winter does not cease to diminish, spring is still far away, but in the Go Japan critter café it is already possible to breathe its air, thanks to the themed decorations, with bonzaki and cherry blossoms about to bloom, and a scent of dorayaki filling the air. Two young people enter the café, unaware that their lives will soon be united by the red thread of love. The girl sits at her usual stool and orders a latte, while the man sits a little further away and drinks a black coffee.

For a moment a quick glance brings the two together, in an attempt to establish a relationship, but everything ends in a matter of seconds, so that the man goes back to sipping his coffee and the young woman fantasizes about how she could make the his life in 2025. The man wears a long coat and darkened eyeglasses, with a hair as if he came out of a noire comic, while she is more sunny and springlike, although her clothing is heavy, due to the freezing cold that covers the streets outside the café.

Everything seems to end with that quick glance, when the man notices a detail of the young woman that attracts his attention, approaching her and offering her cordial homage, asking her where she had recovered the necklace she was wearing, so that the young woman with a sweet smile replied to the the man who was given to her by the woman who raised her in an orphanage, shortly before she was adopted.

The man's mysterious and dark gaze took on a docile and gentle appearance, taking the same necklace out of his coat. The two had grown up in the same structure, unaware that one day their paths would reunite. So I began a dialogue about the lives of both of them, about the past, present and future, and the two discovered that they had a lot in common, even though they looked totally different.

In the meantime, the outside of the place was filled with white snow, the smell of sweets and coffee filled the place, with music in the background that made everything magical, transforming their first meeting or perhaps I should say meeting, like the The ideal date of a lifetime, the opportunity for him to discover true love and for her to learn that a dark and melancholic appearance can hide a man with a heart that burns with passion.

After being adopted, she embarked on a career as a writer, while he as a private investigator, the two decided to visit the GoJapan Café, because they both loved Asian culture and at the same time wanted shelter from the cold, unaware that all this would have led to starting 2025 in the name of true love.

From that day they decided to meet often at the club, both to spend some good time together and to get to know each other better, with the hope that that meeting will be the beginning of a love story they have always dreamed of.


It was a day like any other, it was raining outside and the lives of two people were about to change forever. Both Loca and Lucas had decided to embark on a different New Year's Eve than usual, Loca had thought that New Year's Eve, in the midst of so much confusion, could give her the right inspiration to write her book. Her plans were to go to the Café, sit at a free table... maybe the most isolated one and stay there to observe the people celebrating. She had this nature of a silent observer, she loved to fantasize about people's lives simply by watching them in everyday life. And so she did, she went to that café, took her classic long coffee with cocoa and opened her notebook. It seemed like she had transported her world to that café. The notebook open, a pen, a notebook, and several literature books that she never parted with. A classic woman, with clothing that goes unnoticed. That's how she liked to be... anonymous. He loved to fantasize, to imagine... he could spend hours in that café, right in that place next to the window where he would get lost in his thoughts. Lucas, the classic party animal... had thought of going to that café to make friends and celebrate the new year, between one toast and another and some new friendships. An extroverted, enterprising type with the desire to always put himself to the test, to challenge circumstances and conventions. He never said no to some healthy fun and, even though he was dutiful at work, in his moments of pause he loved to spend his time in company. And that New Year's Eve happened like this, he went to that café to celebrate the new year in an alternative way. Fashionably dressed, he was the life of the party. Their meeting happened just like this, Lucas exuberant, Lola silent and introverted... she observed, he celebrated until he noticed that corner where there was a mysterious woman. On one hand his spirit of adventure always led him to look in that direction, but the other part of him did not want to think but only to have fun. He made friends, sometimes he danced, his free spirit took over but every now and then his eyes met Lola's. He wanted to get to know her, she watched him. In his heart he thought, but he wasn't having fun... who knows what he was doing, because he was looking at me... On the other hand, Lola tried not to be noticed and, even though she realized she had attracted the boy's gaze, she couldn't stop observing his movements, his ways of doing things, his relationships with people. She looked away but then she always ended up meeting his attention. Lucas approached, she accepted the challenge, even though she was intimidated... a hot drink versus an aperitif... He asked to sit down with a nod of his face, but without speaking... she responded in the same way, nodding. He sat down, she looked at him... a few moments of silence and then he smiled at her. The rest is history.


At Critter Café, the air was filled with the aroma of steaming hot chocolate and coffee, all enriched by the warmth and hospitality the café offered its customers. Outside, snow and wind reigned supreme in a scene that bid farewell to Christmas and prepared for the New Year. The muffled sound of the snowstorm outside contrasted with the cozy atmosphere within the café, where every corner seemed to be infused with festive charm.

A young woman named Emma rushed inside, clapping her hands to warm them. Her long coat and flushed cheeks betrayed the chill she had escaped, drawn by the café's light and fragrance. With New Year's Eve approaching and no one to celebrate with as usual, she decided to spend the evening enjoying a delicious hot chocolate, hoping to meet someone new and perhaps change the usual solitude of the holiday. The promise of warmth, good company, and the spirit of the season made this impromptu decision feel right.

The café buzzed with laughter and murmurs from patrons who had chosen it as the perfect place to wait for and celebrate the New Year. Some gathered in small groups, chatting excitedly, while others sat quietly, absorbed in the peaceful ambiance. Emma approached the counter and sat down, ordering a warm and tasty hot chocolate. As she waited, she gazed out the window at the swirling snowflakes, the twinkling city lights reflecting off the ice-covered streets. Suddenly, she heard a voice ask, "Is this seat taken?"

Emma looked up and met the gaze of a young man with a kind face and refined features. He wore a top hat and a long coat, as though he had just stepped out of another time. There was a certain air of elegance about him, yet he carried it with a humble grace. “No, it’s free,” she replied, gesturing to the chair across from her.

The man replied politely, "Thank you. It’s hard to find a seat tonight. By the way, my name is Jonas." Emma smiled warmly, feeling an unexpected sense of comfort. “I think coming here was a good idea. It’s so cozy. I usually avoid parties. Nice to meet you.” There was a moment of silence as Emma played with the handle of her cup, while the mysterious man settled into his seat with a thoughtful look on his face.

Jonas remarked, “I noticed that big Christmas tree outside the café, and it caught my eye. They say it’s magical. Do you believe that?” Emma looked up at the tree in question, its twinkling lights reflecting off the windowpane, and replied with a smile, “I’m not sure, but I think this meeting has something to do with it, don’t you?”

After exchanging smiles, Jonas ordered a hot chocolate for himself. As they sipped their drinks, they shared little details about their lives, and the conversation flowed effortlessly. There was a sense of ease between them, as though they had known each other for much longer than just a few minutes. The air in the café grew even more magical, as if the world outside had disappeared entirely. Whether it was the frosty winter, the enchanting tree, the scent of chocolate and freshly baked sweets, or the desire to spend New Year's Eve differently, their encounter felt as if it had been predestined, as if fate had brought them together in that very moment.

To make the moment even more magical, relaxing music played softly in the background, filling the space with gentle melodies that seemed to echo the sense of nostalgia in the air. The music swirled around them, almost as if it were bidding a tender farewell to the old year and the cherished Christmas now past. Critter Café: the place where a starry sky shines in the eyes of those who meet, and where new beginnings take shape in the quietest of moments.


Title: "A Chance at Midnight"

The bar was alive with energy, a microcosm of humanity’s hopes and fears, packed into one small space as the clock ticked closer to midnight. Laughter mixed with the clinking of glasses, the hum of music underscored by the occasional burst of cheering. It was New Year’s Eve, and everyone was chasing something—closure, a promise, or just the fleeting warmth of a moment shared.

He arrived first. Dressed in a simple jacket that had seen better days, he slid into a corner seat near the bar, keeping his head low. His name was Michael, though he doubted anyone would bother to ask. A scotch on the rocks materialized in front of him before he even ordered. The bartender, a wiry man with years of experience reading faces, gave a knowing nod. Michael smirked faintly, the kind of smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

Halfway through his drink, she entered. Rebecca, though she preferred Becca among friends. She wore a deep green dress, elegant but understated, her hair pinned back to keep the world from noticing how nervous she was. She scanned the room briefly, her eyes landing on the bar. It seemed a safe haven from the noise, the laughter that felt a little too forced.

Becca slipped onto the stool next to Michael, her perfume faint but warm, a contrast to the cold night outside. He noticed but said nothing, pretending to focus on his glass. She ordered a sparkling wine and glanced his way as if testing the waters of conversation.

“Busy night,” she offered, her voice light.

He nodded, not looking up. “Yeah. People chasing the idea of a perfect moment.”

“Aren’t we all?” she said with a small laugh, though her words carried weight.

For a while, silence filled the space between them. The bartender moved fluidly, delivering drinks and stories to anyone who needed them. Outside, the muffled sounds of the city echoed faintly through the frosted windows.

Finally, Michael broke the silence. “What’s someone like you doing here alone on New Year’s Eve?”

She tilted her head, amused. “Someone like me?”

“You seem… like you belong somewhere better.”

Becca raised an eyebrow, leaning slightly closer. “And you seem like someone who’s had a rough year. Am I wrong?”

His chuckle was dry but not unkind. “Not wrong. What gave it away?”

“The drink, the stare, the way you hold yourself like you’d rather be anywhere but here,” she said, listing each point with a playful tone.

Michael shook his head, half-smiling now. “Sharp. Okay, your turn. Why are you here?”

Becca’s smile faltered, just slightly. “I guess I didn’t want to spend the night alone. Or maybe I wanted to see if something unexpected might happen.”

“Unexpected?” he repeated, intrigued despite himself.

She shrugged. “Meeting someone. Finding a reason to hope. Doesn’t have to be big.”

The countdown began, and the room swelled with anticipation. Michael and Becca sat quietly, as if the noise around them faded into the background. When the crowd shouted “Happy New Year!” and champagne corks popped, neither of them moved to toast. Instead, their eyes met.

“Happy New Year,” she said softly.

He hesitated, then smiled—not a smirk, but something real. “Happy New Year, Becca.”

“Michael,” she added, as if to seal the exchange.

The room buzzed with celebration, but for them, the world felt quieter, more open. The bar had done its job, bringing two strangers together at the edge of something new. Whatever the new year held, it began with a spark, barely visible but undeniably there.


Title: "Midnight at the Glass Lantern"

The Glass Lantern sat tucked into a quiet corner of the city, the kind of bar that seemed to belong to a different era. Strings of golden lights framed its frosted windows, and the hum of soft jazz mingled with the occasional clink of glasses. Inside, the air smelled of spiced cocktails, citrus, and the faintest hint of pine—a nod to the fading holiday season.

It was New Year’s Eve, and the place was alive but not chaotic. Locals crowded around tables, murmuring over drinks, while a few solitary souls kept to themselves at the bar.

Eli sat near the far end of the counter, staring into the amber depths of his old-fashioned. His phone sat face down beside him, a deliberate choice. No messages, no calls, no interruptions. He told himself he preferred it that way. It had been a long year, one full of closed doors and missed opportunities. He didn’t make resolutions anymore—they were just empty promises waiting to be broken.

At 11:42 PM, the door opened with a burst of icy wind, carrying Mae into the warmth of the Lantern. She paused at the threshold, her cheeks flushed from the cold, her breath still visible in the air. Her friends had bailed at the last minute, leaving her to wander the city alone. She hadn’t planned to celebrate—what was there to celebrate, anyway?—but the golden glow of the Lantern had drawn her in, a fleeting hope that maybe she didn’t have to spend this night entirely by herself.

She approached the bar, shaking snowflakes from her coat, and ordered a glass of red wine. As she scanned the room for a place to sit, her eyes landed on Eli. He wasn’t extraordinary—dark hair, glasses, a quiet demeanor—but something about him caught her attention. Maybe it was the way he looked so utterly alone, yet perfectly comfortable with it. Their eyes met for a fleeting second, and he gave her a polite smile. She surprised herself by smiling back.

“Is this seat taken?” she asked, gesturing to the stool beside him.

He shook his head. “Nope, all yours.”

The silence between them was comfortable at first, both of them nursing their drinks and watching the bar’s quiet revelry. But then Eli spoke, breaking the barrier with a simple question. “Not much of a party person?”

Mae chuckled softly. “Not tonight. My friends ditched me. What’s your excuse?”

“Didn’t need one,” he replied, his lips curling into a small grin. “I’ve spent the past year editing books I don’t even like. Seemed fitting to end it with a drink I don’t entirely enjoy.”

She laughed—a genuine, warm laugh that made Eli glance at her in surprise. “That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard,” she teased. “And also relatable.”

From there, the conversation flowed like an easy river. They talked about everything and nothing: the worst dates they’d ever been on, the strangest places they’d visited, and the one thing they wished they could do over in 2024. For Mae, it was a client project she’d rushed and regretted. For Eli, it was letting his best friend drift away because he was too busy to pick up the phone.

Time slipped away until the countdown began. The bar filled with shouts as the clock on the wall ticked closer to midnight.

Mae glanced at Eli. “Do you think next year will be better?”

He tilted his head, as if considering the question seriously. “I don’t know. But... it feels like we’re off to a decent start.”

The crowd roared as the clock struck midnight. Glasses clinked, champagne bottles popped, and people embraced around them. Mae and Eli didn’t join in the noise. Instead, they raised their glasses in a quiet toast, their smiles soft and unspoken.

“To a better year,” Mae said.

“To a better year,” Eli echoed.

And in that moment, as the world outside celebrated, two strangers found a connection neither of them had expected. It wasn’t love, not yet, but it was something just as rare: hope. And on the first night of the new year, that was enough.

The rest of the night was unwritten, but one thing was certain—they would never forget the New Year they met at the Glass Lantern. 🌟

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

Title: Tonight at the Critter Café

New Year's Eve at the Critter Café seems like a surprising fresh journey. Nestled in a nook of Gold Leaf Isle, often known as "another land," the little café is where time appears to slow down and the bustling noises of life are muted in the calm of the massive, tall trees. The café turned into a gathering place for numerous species from many planets with a sky speckled with glittering stars and the sound of the waves.
That evening, the cafe's indoor lights shone warmly outdoors, emphasizing the snow cover on the street. People, or more accurately animals from many worlds, started to assemble. Inside, the smells of gingerbread cookies, tea, and coffee permeated the heated air. Someone complemented the evening with a musical instrument, therefore fostering a laid-back environment full of optimism.

One of the tables had a young guy standing at the entryway, pausing just before entering. Nathaniel was a young guy from another planet, come to celebrate the New Year in a somewhat unusual manner. He appeared like someone who had travelled far from home with his slightly rumpled leather jacket and exhausted-looking face. Still, that evening everything felt different. Perhaps he had come here looking for something he had lost, or perhaps simply to spend some time away from the hectic city. Looking around, he sought a spot to sit.
One lady was seated by herself in the cafe's corner. Her name was Lira, a time-traveler looking for answers—what they were, he knew not. Her keen eyes looked around the room, and even if she seemed composed, her eyes revealed something unsaid. Like Nathaniel, Lira had arrived with unclear expectations, as if tonight might provide anything more than just a calendar adjustment.
Their eyes crossed by accident, without anything said previously. An unforeseen meeting, but like an unseen signal linking them. Though they had never met before, Nathaniel thought the lady seemed familiar.
Slightly smiling, Lira realized he had seen her. She nodded automatically toward the vacant seat in front of her. Nathaniel came over and sat down quite unsure.
"I think this is a good place to escape for the night," Lira remarked calmly.
Nathaniel grinned, just relieved little. " another year, huh? I had never really noticed it before. Usually, I just move locations.
Lira nodded, staring out the window where the softly falling snow persisted. "Me too," also New Years' is just a symbol. Still, tonight seems different in several ways. Like everything is about to change, even if we have no idea.
Their talk moved slowly at first. Nathaniel shared with her the world he left behind, one with highly ordered life-too organization and sophisticated technology at sometimes. Lira related her adventures in the corridors of time, seeing unspoken history, and coping with the reality that the future is always more foggy than we would like.
"You are not terrified of what is ahead?" Nathaniel queried.
Lira gently laughed. Fearful? occasionally. Still, more frequently I find myself wondering. The future is erratic, which adds to its fascinating aspect. I only know one thing: I cannot halt time; however, I can decide how to handle it.”
Their chat helped the cafe's ambiance to become cosier. While a group of dancers with brilliant wings covered a corner of the room, some of the most unusual animals were laughing at another table. This café was a place free of time or location restrictions. Each person present had a unique narrative full with opportunity and mystery.
The café seemed ideal for reflection as the clock neared midnight. Outside, sparks started to burst, startlingly loud disturbing the night's quiet. Sitting side by side, Nathaniel and Lira relished the perspective absent from their home planet.
"I guess we don't really need resolutions for the New Year," Nathaniel replied softly. "Perhaps just... moving ahead."
Looking up at him, Lira's eyes gleamed in the lamplife. "Sometimes all we can do is that. Forward, without too many inquiries. New Year's is about who we are as we negotiate it, not about what we get.
That evening, they exchanged more than just light banter. They understood one other based on unsaid experiences. Their world was always changing, but they understood one thing for sure: New Year's Eve is the ideal time to begin something fresh, even if it's just a little wish.
Two spirits met at the Critter Café as sparks burst outdoors, not with great ideas or defined objectives but rather with a basic awareness that something larger out there was just waiting to be discovered.
That evening, they both advanced.


Title: "Crumbs of Connection"

The Critter Café was buzzing with its usual charm on that chilly New Year’s Eve. The fairy lights strung along the windows sparkled like distant stars, casting a warm glow on the mismatched furniture. The scent of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the delectable aroma of pastries, and the soft hum of conversation provided a mellow soundtrack for the evening.
Amid the bustling activity, two strangers found themselves seated at the same table, a coincidence orchestrated by the Café’s seating shortage.
Maria was nursing a pumpkin spice latte, engrossed in a book on the history of Metal music. She was a regular at the Critter Café, drawn by its cozy atmosphere and the eclectic mix of patrons. Her passion for Metal was relentless, tracing back to her teenage years when she first heard the raw, visceral power of Iron Maiden.

Just as Maria turned a page, she heard a voice.

“Who's your favourite Metal band?”

Looking up, she saw a man about her age, with shaggy brown hair and a kind smile. He’d been watching her book with visible curiosity.

“Oh, that’s a tough one,” Maria replied, marking her spot with a finger. “If I had to choose, it would probably be Metallica. Their influence on the genre is undeniable.”

“Good choice,” he nodded appreciatively, taking a sip from his mug. “I’m Alex, by the way.”

“Maria.” She smiled, shifting her book slightly towards him. A new year, a new friend perhaps. “And yours?”

“Opeth,” Alex said without hesitation. “There’s something about their blend of extreme and progressive Metal that speaks to me.”

“Interesting,” said Maria, leaning forward. “They're definitely unique. I’m more into the classic sound, but Opeth has some incredible compositions.”

The conversation flowed smoothly from there, like a fine-tuned guitar riff. They debated the merits of various bands and eras, from the pioneers like Black Sabbath and Judas Priest, to the modern titans like Gojira and Mastodon. Each had their own anecdotes and experiences, cementing a shared appreciation for the genre’s rich history and diverse evolution.
As the night wore on, the Café’s crowd thinned out, leaving Maria and Alex in a pocket of calm amidst the New Year's Eve festivities. The anticipation of midnight hung in the air, a promise of new beginnings and undiscovered opportunities.

Maria closed her book gently, setting it aside. “So, what brings you to the Critter Café tonight?”

“I heard they were doing a special performance,” Alex replied. “Acoustic Metal covers. Thought it would be interesting.”

“Acoustic Metal covers, huh?” Maria raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “That’s not something you see every day.”

“I know, right? That’s why I had to come check it out. I love the way Metal can be transformed. Taking something so heavy and aggressive, and turning it into something soft and intimate, it’s like finding beauty in chaos.”

Maria nodded, sensing a kindred spirit in Alex. “Music has a way of doing that, doesn’t it? Uniting people, transforming emotions.”

Before either could continue, the Café’s owner, a jovial man named Sam, took to the small makeshift stage. “Alright, everyone! We’ve got a special treat for you tonight. Please welcome our local talent, The Purring Pandas, with their Acoustic Metal set!”
The lights dimmed, and the musical duo began their set. Familiar Metal anthems took on a new life through their acoustic renditions, filling the air with hauntingly beautiful melodies.
Maria and Alex exchanged glances, their shared love for Metal deepening their connection. They listened intently, their conversation weaving between the music. The Critter Café, with its whimsical charm and inviting atmosphere, had brought them together in an unexpected and delightful way.
As the clock approached midnight, Sam reappeared on stage, a wide grin on his face. “Five minutes to midnight! Let’s make a toast to new friends, great music, and a fantastic New Year!”

Maria raised her coffee mug, and Alex did the same. “To Metal,” she said with a laugh.

“And to new connections,” Alex added, clinking his mug against hers.

The Café erupted in cheers as the countdown began, voices blending into a harmonious chorus. As the clock struck twelve, the room filled with jubilation, hugs, and well-wishes.
In that moment, amid the celebration and the echoes of Metal turned acoustic, Maria and Alex found a new harmony in their serendipitous meeting. The Critter Café had played its part in weaving two lives together, set against the backdrop of a shared passion for Metal music and the promise of a new year.


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