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Critter Café

Critter Café
mypets's avatar

The habitat is a very important part of the game and being able to customize it is one of the things that makes me love this game. It's the moment when we can let our creativity flow and decorate the way we like. My idea was an environment that conveyed greater tranquillity (I kept thinking about how I would like to live there haha), with colors that harmonized and a setting that conveyed the idea of nature and freedom. But there are those who like to mix things up and create several environments in one, which I think is pretty cool too. What I suggest is that you don't leave things too close together, it's always good to make the most of the space and leave the environment free for the pets. I, for example, like to leave this space between each item and leave a free area for the critters to stay.

I always like to think about the well-being of the critters and how they are interacting with the environment... I know it's difficult at first with the items we have, but a few plants/rocks already decorate the environment, and as you unlock new items, you can modify it until it looks like you want it to :). In general, I like an environment with this idea of nature, a flowery and colorful place that you can build and revisit as you progress through the game. So get creative and enjoy the game!

Limal's avatar

My Tips for Habitat Development

Your first stop should be the Blueprint Guides here – Blueprint hunt! Share images or videos of the ones you've found | Just Critter Café

Check out community submissions to make sure you haven’t missed any hidden blueprints in locations you’ve already unlocked. Some of them are tucked away pretty well.

Blueprints unlock some unique decorations and my favorite is the train! With a bit of creativity and castle arches, you can build an entire train station with a tunnel.

The core progression loop is simple:

Unlock critters > Unlock new locations > Hunt for blueprints > Build a beautiful habitat!

Unfortunately, you can’t assign critters to a specific spot or call them to a location. If you’re trying to set up the perfect screenshot, you’ll have to wait it out (trust me, I’ve tried running in circles and dashing around, no luck). I really wish we had a whistle mechanic to call nearby critters, similar to the bell system.

Lastly, explore every corner of your habitat. It’s much bigger than it seems and features multiple biomes, which can help you reinforce a unique theme for your park.

yan57436's avatar

For those who don't play the game or don't know about the Habitat system, it's the area where you look after your rescued Critters and use your creativity to create a nice, fun place for them. At the start of the game, few options are available, so the place ends up being a bit forgettable, but various decorations are unlocked over time and allow it to be a very pleasant place to use the options!

Even so, at the start of the game you can make good use of the habitat. You can test out the mechanics and decorations available and already see your place taking shape! Gradually, the number of creatures increases and so do the decoration options, making it a great place to become a born decorator 😂! You unlock decorations by increasing your level through the café and also by unlocking them through the map! From there, keep in mind not to do it just any old way, but to create regions in the habitat. Make scenarios, you know? The biomes are unlocked from the mid to late game and allow you to make beach, forest and snow scenes, it's the coolest part of the habitat, and using these scenes to decorate makes it more fun and more friendly for your pets.

So to reinforce: Play the game to unlock the decorations, organize the places in the habitat properly to focus on specific biomes and also try to be very creative. Don't just make structures, make wooden paths, walkways, bridges and decorate your surroundings. Your critters will love it and you'll be pleased with the result!

Sturmer's avatar

I haven’t finished the game yet, so I wouldn’t call myself a full expert, but I do have a few tips to share.

This game doesn’t require any resources to build decorations, meaning you can place them anywhere without restrictions. But my advice: don’t go overboard. Since there are no bulk editing tools, every misplaced bush or structure has to be removed manually, which can be tedious.

As others have mentioned, try to keep open areas free for movement and use large decorations on the sides. Smaller pieces can act as accents to enhance the overall aesthetic without cluttering the space.

Since the camera can’t be rotated, be mindful of where you place tall structures. Positioning them at the back, against rocks or trees, helps maintain visibility.

Or, you can take a different approach, build something unique, like the mysterious castle ruins I created.

The beauty of this game is that there’s no efficiency or resource management to worry about, so design at your own pace and make it as cozy as you like!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

The habitat will work like a big canvas for your decorate as you please, since the objects bordering you to walk won't be a problem like it is on the Café.

To start with the customisation you must see that there are some biomes in the habitat and this must be your start point, the biomes will give you direction to the style of your decorations

Try and abuse of the inventory category it will help you to maintain you decorations cohesive

for the desert I choose some beach elements, the ones that aren't from the sea to compose this place

And for the beach I will star choosing the same elemenst plus the ones that are from the sea like shells and a Lighthouse over the rocks, and this logic you can use in every single biome to populate and give life to the habitat. In the rocks you can put some ruins, at the snow some fireplace and let you creativity flow!

JHenckes's avatar

I see this mechanic as a relaxing moment in the game, you can use and abuse your creativity in this moment and make unique and pleasant scenarios for your critters!

Just like the Café part, it's also important that you play enough of the main story to unlock various objects and decorations to make your habitat beautiful and with lots of options! So don't be too hasty, start simple and expand over time as you unlock the options (I used to play the game and think “this object I've won would look nice at the entrance to the habitat” and so I'd go there and gradually increase my space).

One personal thing I've done a bit is to create themed areas, and this can be biomes (snow or plants), style of objects (wood or stone) among others and this makes the place richer!

Finally, as with the café, remember not to overcrowd the place, it's important to have space to move around the grounds and also to have room for your critters!

Express yourself with everything you like, your critters will certainly like it if it's done with dedication and care!!!

zawn's avatar
  1. Pay attention to coloration.
    Color is a main topic if we talk about design something, no matter the topic. but, lets talk about this topic then. Combining color is not that hard, especially with natural color such as green from the tree and brown from the stone. just dont make each other looks so bright because of other color.

  2. Pay attention for height.
    Height is matters. especially when you have multiple height items to put. dont put super tall items next to very small items. except it still in the same theme, like rock with pebble.

  3. Don't put everything at one place
    Dont make your habitat look so busy, they need space too.

  4. Enjoy your design
    Put everything as much as you like it. you the player, you the one who enjoying the game. put it as your vibe.

    That's all from me

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

So for this one, I looked into the actual benefits for the habitat and there really aren't any except for creating play areas for this I am going to share three images for customizing your habitat.

I would suggest for the habitat to create a "feel" or "zone" in each area that mimics maybe a irl place or just a theme you like and as you collect critters, I have 16 now so, there are lots of them running around.

  1. I have made for this area a little pool that is semi-secluded for the critters to play in and put some soft bouncy balls down as well.

  1. For this one, I created a beachfront feel for the critters.

  1. So over here, Icreated a Winter Wonderland kind of feel for the Critters

GoJapan's avatar

My advice for customizing the habitat is not to rush. Initially you don't have too many tools available, but you can already do something. Putting some plants certainly enlivens the environment and even some tree bark helps. The advice is not to put everything close together, because the critter may not be too encouraged, it needs freedom and an environment that gives it calm. Then as you go forward you unlock new things that can be added to areas already structured. The important thing is that each area arranged is not finished, because during the journey you return to it many times and it improves.

projectazone's avatar

Initially I put a few things in the habitat, at least those I had available but you can unlock many interesting things to make the environment for your critters absolutely relaxing. Like the cafe, I also like to create the habitat immersed in nature, inserting tricks of the right colors. A few rocks here and there are needed, a few tree trunks for sure, I saw that the critters wander around them. And then I put a kind of game right in the center between several trees and I also found those very interesting for the critters that wander around them. Then I chose plants and flowers of various different colors in order to create a super colorful environment.

TeaLeaf's avatar

I would say start simple, as you won't have that many items in the beginning of the game, you can always revisit anytime to add things to your habitat. You will be able to unlock more furniture and decorations simply by playing the game, completing quests and collecting blueprints.

There are no gameplay advantages to how you decorate your habitat, so that gives you the freedom to decorate it exactly how you want! Just pick your favorite furniture and place it wherever you'd like. Some fun things could be to try and match each habitat with a certain theme or color, or you can also keep things minimalistic for a more "naturey" feel. The only thing I would say is try to make sure there is still enough space to walk around and not get stuck, just like with the Café.

dianthus's avatar

I'd like to thank this rewards for offering me the opportunity to finally look into decorating my Habitat... because I was finding it very overwhelming before, and so my poor Critters were going decoration-less. That's fine because the Habitat is already a very nice place to hang-out at, but here's how I would advise to approach it:

  • as with the Café, you should go for something that you enjoy! the Critters will appreciate it no matter what, I'm sure :D

  • do not be like me-- do not think you need to decorate the whole Habitat in one go! one little ruin here, a rock there, will already make the place looks more "homey" and more "yourself" as well.

  • contrarily to the Café, there is no gameplay benefits or drawback to decorating the Habitat (or not), so you can change your mind and experiment as much as you'd like.

  • the Habitat comes with several biomes, and it can be fun to match decorations... or not!

  • have a play with the decorations normal color variants first, and then check out the color variants! I like to always start with the "normal" color variant first (it's the little "no color" button in the palette) because you never know what you will be surprised by!

Vivisector's avatar

I remember the first time i found the habitat. When I acknowledge the fact that all the area was customizable I just start doing it. At first I'm just placing things whatever it is possible but is when i understand when every zone of the habitat could have its single customization parts.

There are flowers like ice colors that is perfect for winter zone, with the snow landscapes fit very good so don't do my error in going to fast in the customization and taking few minutes for exploring all the area so you can know what is good for any zone. Don't do like me in the first run placing the ice flowers like everywhere, they're perfect for winter listen to me.

Like the ruins is very good for the forest zone with the pink flowers. The picnic basket for the beach, of course. And you go through this time after time in the best way possibile just recognizing every object how well fits in the zone.


Customizing the habitat is something that gives a boost to one's creativity because it combines personal taste with an understanding of what the creatures need.

Just like with the Café, it starts with expressing personal tastes, colors, and style. The Critters will certainly appreciate anything done to make their space special. It’s possible to improve the environment gradually and change things that clearly need to be adjusted. The key to success is creating a super welcoming atmosphere.

When it comes to furniture, I prefer choosing pieces that fit with the theme I've chosen, while adding a few elements that create a nice contrast. I like the forest and greenery theme, so I go for neutral basics and then add elements that evoke a relaxing environment for both myself and the Critters. The habitat will always be subject to transformations as new opportunities arise, but a solid foundation can already be built from the start. I choose spacious areas because I don’t like to close off spaces doing so would make everything feel more chaotic.

deboborah's avatar

The leisure area for the critters in Critter Café is really cool! When you stop to think about it, each space is carefully designed to reflect the natural habitat of the critters, creating an environment where they feel at home. As we progress through the story, we unlock blueprints scattered across Gold Leaf Isle, which allow us to create cute and charming decorations. My tip is: decorate each habitat patiently and unlock all the decorations, as some are thematic and add a special touch to each area.

At the beginning of the story, it’s easy to end up overlooking the habitat decoration, since we have so many things to do: rescuing critters, decorating the café, completing portal missions, and unraveling the mystery behind it all. But over time, we realize that taking care of the habitat is a great pastime and another relaxing activity within the game. Decorating the habitat, playing with the critters, and seeing them change variations is fun and adorable. These are details that may not directly influence gameplay, but they’re part of that cozy feeling that cozy games bring us.


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