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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
RicZA's avatar

This is a great piece!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks RicZA! Feedback is always appreciated (especially when it's so positive).

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

Looking on LinkedIN about 20% of Frontier UK (not their Canada branch -Warhammer- which should probably of targeted more of Asia for it's launch, the biggest RTS in the world it seems, but didn't) is marketing. Which is really, really weird for that many marketers to be at a small company, especially since I have seen very little marketing for Elite: Dangerous in ten years. And players like myself that 'Blazed their own trail' with lots of CMDR logbooks and original art and video were simply blocked from places run by Fandom / Reddit Admins. In fact, when Odyssey was released myself and many others were banned for nothing more than making a lot of positive posts, enjoying the game.

Maybe this was not the kind of Elite Factoid you were wanting.

And since mentioning Thargoids, I'll drop this uncommon list of things here.

Kinda upset with Salvation for taking our data to complete the long-range-broadcast using the Thargoid Device (Transmitter).

We're not too mad at Salvation here. Using the Transmitter did seem to cost him an arm and a leg.

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

We are not any closer to having an answer to this 'pulsing' question.


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