Update: we've reviewed your best propagandist efforts and produced this piece of curated content, Elite Dangerous power propaganda, for voluntary and convenient brainwashing 🫡
For the Alliance! For the Federation! For the Empire! Given the recent release of PowerPlay 2.0, we believe it's time to fly your colours high. Whichever your chosen flavour of superpower, we want you to create a propaganda-style video singing that superpower's praises. Put yourself in the shoes of a galactic propagandist and think to yourself what video might win those pesky fence-sitters to your cause. Make it persuasive and stylised, and go make something awesome.
As well as 12 $10 rewards, we're offering a $50 reward, a $30 reward, and a $20 reward for the most entertaining videos. Don't forget to connect your video account before submitting to the bounty; it's how we confirm authenticity.
Image credit: Frontier Developments and Zolaries, as seen in our planetary showcase of Elite Dangerous screenshots.
already paid
$140 / 220
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