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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
Kethervir's avatar


Zemina Torval's Underrated Imperial Faction is unexpectedly much more active than usual, from multiple fronts and in different ways, in recent months it has been attacked from all sides, even from internal relations within the empire that have been strained for many years. But it seems resist, and also appear more rich and sstable than ever.

With the neighbor Denton Patreus for example it has many disputed systems that quickly pass to one faction or the other. This is also due to the unexpected and secret strong alliance that Zemina has established with an independent faction that is always omnipresent in her system and very often shares its space stations, so much so that many are totally independent, despite being under Zemina's control.

Beyond the military front disputed with Patreus, Zemina's Systems, recently rather fragmented, are threatened by a more hostile force on the edges of its territory, Archon Delaine's faction which is the source of many attacks that even push towards the capital attacking, without the slightest success, even the strongholds. So while Archon controls more systems and has more strongholds, he doesn't appear to be an immediate threat to Zemina's grand alliance with the Independents at all.

Still speaking of internal wars within the empire, Empress Lavigny is neighboring with Zemina, but does not seem to be interested in her systems, at least apparently, investigating a little better however we understand how her moves are not very evident and she acts in secret by carrying out small actions, expanding her influence in a small window of systems between Zemina and Aisling Duval, it is not clear whether the intent of the Empress is to create a buffer to mitigate the dubious influence of Aisling, in an attempt to restore peace between the imperial factions, or if it is an attempt to conquer beyond those systems, in fact in this way her influence has brought her to the borders of the systems controlled by Edmund Mahon and Nakato Kaine of the Alliance factions, which could be a source of great profit for Lavigny.

Aisling, in the rear, has always shown herself to be an ally of everyone, but her intentions are much more selfish than one might think. She has spies everywhere and her influence is very wide even in systems where she doesn't expect them to be controlled by her. Her way of doing things allows her to bring entire systems into crisis without even fighting, but only with the influence of her numerous spies and her recruitment through advertisements of the stations and her good looks. She is really everywhere.

Another danger for Zemina's borders are the systems controlled by Yuri Grom. For him there are no clear borders and in the last few months he has easily invested Zemina's control bubble arriving silently close to the capital. In any case it seems that Yuri and Archon have more than a few systems in common, which would make it a really dangerous alliance, fortunately the conflicts between Denton Patreus and Felicia Winters of the empire are so frequent that they destabilize the fronts preventing Yuri from gaining the upper hand and crossing the front towards the systems controlled by Zemina, Precisely the war that is going on between Denton and Felicia, allows for a certain serenity within Zemina's systems, many of their respective systems are within Zemina's bubble of influence as reinforcements of the battle fronts, but both evidently find it convenient to exploit the rich mineral systems and the influential and profitable trade routes between Zemina's planets. In fact, going around the systems you can notice how the federation does not seem at all interested in conquering the space stations controlled by Zemina, at least it does not seem so, but much more interested in fighting the war and military factions of the empire, as if wanting to weaken the empire as a whole.

The personal interests of the fragmented imperial factions, ensure that there is a lot of destabilization in the control of the Systems. If only the families were reunited, the empire would really have a decisive and stable influence in a much larger fraction of the bubble.

Anyway, even if the situation is this and it does not seem very stable, Zemina with her hidden strong alliance with the Independents, it doesn't seem to suffer too much, even if with their numbers it is one of the factions that control at least less systems compared to other power, but looking more closely from the inside, those few systems that Zemina controls are very stable and the influence it has on the systems she controls is always very high, even in the presence of 3 factions, even neutral/hostile, present at the same time in a station.

So analyzing better you understand how Zemina's control is not so in decline as appear, indeed, according to the orther Traders, who earn large profits from its systems routes, it is always in continuous and slow small growth, incredibly so it seems that Zemina's kingdom is really unexpectedly very solid, but due to its size, very undervalued, which for business is really a good thing.

Especially after the colossal battle against the Targhoids in the Sol system. Many factions, even hostile ones, have taken huge advantages from the trade routes that imported and exported goods to and from the Zemina systems, which is why the pirates are getting dangerously close, but fortunately it seems that they cannot get past the front of the great Imperial alliance with the Independents.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

After a long war against this yet unknown enemy that are the Thargoids, our main focus is again inside the bubble, to say it better inside and beyond the bubble, among the political dispute against the superpowers a notorious program starts the end of February, what matches almost the end of the earth winter season. 

The Bubble Expansion

This is the biggest news in those times, a program that helps the bubble to expand, and this thanks to the technologies that we are giving access to the pilots from the Pilots Federation. Now every ship has gained a new module that will allow the pilots to participate in the bubble expansion. To start with it the pilots must attend to a specific contact and buy a system and then start to build ports, stations and settlements. Over time the system will get populated and this will bring advantages to the pilot that owns the rights for that system, like discounts, part of the profit of the trades in there and the strategic advantage in powerplay and trade routes.

All this is only possible because of the Brewer Corporation, that has developed and produced in mass a new mega ship, the Trailbraze, this is the ship that will help the transportation of material and people to unpopulated system, without that ship this task would take years to be made, now the pilots will be able to perform it in months or maybe weeks! 

The end of a war

like all the humanity knows, we are free from the Thargoids in our home but they leaved a lot of wreckage of their motherships in the middle of our civilization and this since the beginning of the war has helped us to fight against them more efficiently, but the resarches doesn’t stop in the military, the remains of the titans has improved our FSD so much and has improved our locomotion inside and outside the bubble, helping us in trade and exploration.

Now we hope we still have more to research to improve not only our defences but all kinds of technologies. Imagine this being able to improve medicine in our civilization, the ability of the Thargoids to regenerate themselves is impressive and 1% of this would be amazing for humanity.

The new SCO

As mentioned before, the research of the Thargoids technologies has given us a new FSD, with SCO, and it must be said how great they are. The new FSD gives a great extra number of Light year range and has been a task to a lot of scavengers to collect materials in the Thargoids titans remains to produce their own FSD with this new technology. 

But if you have helped the attack against Cocijo will have in your station storage one for each size, a class A FSD SCO with this new technology and it can be installed in any ship that you own! 

Osiliran's avatar

Despite the battle with the thargoid titans ending, a few members of our squadron are not yet convinced the war is over. We organised a few wings of ships to complete surveys of the titan wreckage, namely ones for Leigong, Raijin and Hadad in their respective systems. Besides a handful of inactive thargoid interceptors and the previously discovered signals being broadcasted from the titan wreckage, nothing was amiss. Our routine survey led us to perform the usual tests on the inactive thargoid vessels, namely, bio-samples, light and temperature sensitivity and interactions with thargoid high-value commodities such as probes, sensors, escape pods with false bio-signatures, and various guardian materials.

During one of several temperature tests carried out at Raijin, one of the inactive interceptor vessels began reacting quite violently seemingly out of nowhere. It turned and faced outside the debris field and emitted a high-frequency cry, almost like a long, drawn-out musical wail. Utterly terrifying; none of us had read about this behaviour from thargoids, much less seen it in person. While we were in shock, the interceptor quietened itself, lurched back, and opened a rift into witchspace. I've never seen one disappear so fast.

Aside from this single interaction, the remainder of the survey was unremarkable, so we called it there to regroup at the central fleet carrier a system over. When all the wings checked in later that day, we examined the ship logs to see what conclusions we could draw. There were no anomalies...only the unusual timing of Jacobs activating her SCO drive while performing a planetary check in supercruise and our thargoid friend 'awakening'. The extrapolated ship data confirms that the interceptor was facing the direction of Jacobs' ship after the SCO boost had been turned on. We're not sure what to take from this yet, but further titan sites must be examined to get answers. The squadron is looking to recruit and fill more wings so additional surveys can be carried out in the following week.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I love this. Boomer spread the word with Member Monday? For humanity!

yan57436's avatar

I like these updates, mainly because I see the expansion (or is it the end?) of the game's universe, so here's my report on what I've seen:

When I update you on the wars, it has to be said that humanity has managed to repel the Thargoids in several points occupied by them, we have had immeasurable damage and casualties, leaving us with only the idea of starting over, as well as obviously being afraid of what might happen in the future, now generating a new look with an idea of prevention. I believe that the word for the moment is RESTART, we have some factions trying to restore the systems devastated by the war.

Turning now to PowerPlay, the reports show that Edmund Mahon is guaranteed to be at the top, controlling thousands of systems, followed closely by Aisling Duval with thousands more, guaranteeing the permeation of the dispute between the alliance and the empire for the top spot, with a political feud always in the spotlight. In time, the alliance and the empire are in tension over new territories and, obviously, influence.

Reports, not to mention large corporations, wouldn't be reports. The Brewer Corporation has a path of expansion, concomitant with its fleet transport technology, with its exploratory data collection initiative, explicitly indicating its search for new places for humans, its interest in this is only speculative, but its undertakings indicate that its interest goes hand in hand with claiming and colonizing new places.

I never know what to explicitly say I expect, since the developments actually move very independently, it's like you asking me how a war in the real world will end, I could only speculate. So embrace the uncertainty with me, new updates coming soon haha.

CMDR John Wick's avatar

Regarding the musical chairs of powers now, what seemed to be finding the perfect balance, has returned to action with the Trailblazers initiative.

It is possible to notice that in the previous weeks Arissa made great progress in conquering strongholds, followed closely by Li Yu and Aisling. Zemina hasn't been able to make much progress since the beginning, we wish her group strength.

A busy galaxy that is very interesting to see.

JHenckes's avatar

In February we had a few news items about events in the Elite Dangerous universe. I'll tell you a bit about some of them:

Brewer Corporation, the company behind the Cologne Bridge and fleet transportation technology, successfully completed a major exploration data collection initiative. The aim seems to be to identify ideal locations for new human settlements, probably as part of a wider expansion effort in response to the devastation caused by the Thargoid War. It seems, to me, a good initiative after so many losses as a result of the Thargoid War! It's a sign of hope for many people. In the meantime, the company has been dealing with sabotage attempts from anti-expansion groups, but that hasn't changed their desire.

What's more, expansion by the Brewer Corporation has proved to be a major breakthrough in repopulating peoples. Brewer is mass-producing specialized beacons and modules that allow factions to claim new worlds and establish functional colonies. It's interesting to see the scale of this initiative, and the fact that it's being participated in by pilots is very cool. A very important social action! And it could lead to the construction of new stations, colonies and even new power dynamics in the outer regions.

Finally, but one of the most important pieces of news. We've had PowerPlay updates. With the new updates we can conclude that Edmund Mahon (Alliance) retains first place with control over 1,431 systems, maintaining his dominance, but Aisling Duval (Imperial Princess) is close behind with 1,410 systems, showing her continued popularity and influence within the Empire. This fierce competition, which highlights the impact of politics, shows how the fight for influence between the Alliance, Empire and independent factions remains very much alive. This ensures a good evolution of each population and allows us to continue ensuring our highest performance!

XCezor's avatar

Humanity's Next Major Step, or Maybe a Big Threat to Internal Security?

Independent Commanders began to colonize new systems yesterday, 26 February 3311. Even tho the colonisation initative is live for 2 days, many factions already noticed a huge growth of controlled systems (my faction, for example, gained 9 new systems in 2 days where casual expansion process takes 3 weeks). But it doesn't mean a good thing for everyone.

There are factions that were precisely developed by a lot of Commanders, expanding to the systems they wanted to, shaping faction borders in its own unique way. Now, because newly colonised system shares the faction it was expanding from, many of these plans were shattered, as independent pilots, not even connected with those factions, began to colonise systems from their territory, which some faction leaders found very frustrating to handle with.

So, because it seems like a beginning of huge problems, my personal advice for new colonisers is to look for systems close to your squadron's faction, or at the edge of the Bubble to not interrupt with core systems if you don't belong to any.

Except those problems, new colonisation initiative seems to be a great success, already engaging a lot of pilots to expand the home of humanity on an incomparable scale. The only thing I'm afraid of is that very soon we might hear about total takeover of Thargoid systems in Pleiades Nebula sector, which might lead to a 3rd Thargoid War 😅. But let's hope the Thargoids won't try to invade our home systems again.


With the Galactic Superpowers sending the signal that independent pilots are soon going to be approved to charter their own system colonisation, it would appear they have chosen Brewer Logistics as their partner.

In many ways this make s agreat deal of sense. With Brewers proven track record both with the Fleet Carrier License expansion as well as the Colonia Bridge project, they are an ideal manufacturing and logistics partner for the superpowers.

However, things are never as simple as they first appear.

Sirius Corporation appears to be actively focussed on ring fencing some part of the value chain of system colonisation. After their recent hit in Frame Shift Drive sales in response to Achilles Robotics now Super Cruise Overdrive (SCO) developments, it should come as no surprise that Li Yong Rui has somehow managed to capture under his own personal influence, the system containing Brewer Corps manufacturing plants - Minerva.

It cannot be ignored that whilst Brewer are excellent from a manufacturing perspective, they do not take into consideration the needs of existing populations when considering these endeavours, with dissidents of HIP 90578 making quite a scene during Brewers recent exploration data survey.

All in all, the humble civilisation Humanity has built and protected all these years is about to undergo some rapid expansion.

One question many seem to have allowed to fall by the way side is, what will "The Consortium" have to say about this. After all, they are one of the few corporations thus far that has been colonising far away systems, and they also seem to be in bed with the Pilots Federation to secure their own system permits...

Hunter's avatar

Brewer Corporation’s Survey Initiative Paves Way for New Colonisation Efforts
22 FEB 3311

After the ravaging Alien invasion that touched the human bubble in the Orion Spur this past 24 months, It have unleashed the largest movement of humans in the history of galaxy, It produced many new problems of supplies to many corners of the habitable void.
Human have found it necessary to explore other option and the Corporation called : " Brewer Corporation " originally a weapon platform corporation, the once that Introduced Fleet Carriers to real committed Commanders, has once again came out with a great solution to the shrinking human space problem : Colonizing seems obvious right ?!

The Corporation initiated first a survey of new systems out side the bubble, aunched on 30 January 3311, called upon pilots to contribute exploration data by scanning planetary bodies and submitting their findings to the megaship Trailblazer Echo, stationed in the HIP 90578 system. The project, in partnership with Universal Cartographics, aimed to identify prime locations for permanent human expansion.

CEO Madelyn Teague originally announced the effort with optimism:
“Recent events have accelerated plans to explore a new age of system colonisation efforts. Brewer Corporation has proudly supported ambitious projects such as the Colonia Bridge, and worked with other corporations to improve and increase starports across the galaxy. Now we take another step forward in the continued march across the stars.”

Brewer Corporation has declared its recent planetary survey initiative a resounding success, following a large-scale effort to scan potential colonisation sites across the core systems. The CEO confirmed in his last statements : "We are pleased that so many explorers have contributed to this initiative. The latest wave of survey data will be processed through a recently updated software algorithm for the next phase of preparation, in pursuit of a widespread expansion campaign. That campaign will be led by factions and communities across the core systems.”

However this success didn't come with out unexpected disruption, When Rogue Commanders instigated a lockdown of the system ( HIP 90578 ), preventing explorers from handing their new findings for the benefits of humanity. but It didn't last long and the system re-opened after a week ( Earth Time ).

The success of this initiative marks a turning point in humanity’s expansion efforts, with many eagerly awaiting the next phase of Brewer Corporation’s ambitious plans. the future looks bright !!

Odinoji's avatar

Happy Friday the 17th, CMDRs!

This is Commander Odinoji reporting for Vox Galactica;

As a member of the Dark Wheel squadron I have always been interested in all sorts of mysteries. I even collect odd artifacts like SAP8 containers, Trinkets of Hidden Fortune, and whatnot. Feel free to visit my carrier "Witchspace Ryder" at any time: everyone is welcome.

Raxxla is obviously the biggest mystery of all, but there are many more. Where are the Constructs? What will we unlock when all Guardian Ancient Sites are found? Where are the missing Generation Ships, floating helplessly in space?

It has been an eventful 2025. January is not even finished and a squadron member already discovered a new Guardian site and with Thargoid War coming to an end, the Pilots Federation is discussing how to allow private commanders to build settlements and stations in uncolonized space! What a great Start of 2025, if you fought in the battle for earth I salute you and commend you!

My fleet of 44 highly-engineered, specialized ships is stationary, waiting for the next adventure. What will the future bring?

One of the most intriguing topics has certainly been the Ryder family, with a long heritage of meddling with the most intimate galactic affairs for decades. Be your rank Mostly Harmless or Elite, you have probably heard of the Ryder family sooner or later in your career. Maybe you engineered your modules at Liz Ryder in Eurybia, or perhaps you have read the forbidden novella Elite: The Dark Wheel.

What if I told you I have seen one today?

I could immediately see from my Heads-Up Display that the pilot named himself Ryder and he is a part of the HOLLOS MOB faction. He did not reply to hails or messages and just floated 13 km from Jameson Memorial while dozens of CMDRs were totally oblivious to his presence. His face was hidden behind a dark black, last-generation Remlok glass.

I was lucky that I could take some pictures and scan his cargo hold before he could jump away. The deadly pilot, although wanted, was so skilled that he avoided authorities at the very heart of the Pilots Federation.

"VICIOUS TARGET" Ship analysis

As we can see from the ship’s zoomed-in view, it has the identification: "BE-O1A" so i have an astrographic specialist working on possible star system outputs, which could be a lead in itself if nothing comes out of the Hollos system. I will also put a team of researchers to work on the name of the ship maybe see if theres a mention of a vicious target in old earth literature as the ryders were very fond of it.

As I have never seen or heard of the HOLLOS MOB, I am now moving to the Hollos system, and make further inquiries. Feel free to contact me if you want to lend a hand.

Until then,


#HollosRyder #flywitharebuy #voxgalactica #private commanders

MQC's avatar

Commander MQC’s Log Date: January 11, 3311

Looking back I realise how much we have achieved but also how much we have lost. The battle against the Thargoid enemy is over, at least for the moment. We have managed to drive them out of our home after more than 2 years of fighting, of suffering, of losses... Now we must try to restore our world, and help those who have lost the most, and meditate on possible ways to prevent this from happening again. We have shown our enemy that we are capable of defending ourselves, but we have not achieved a peace, only a victory. There is nothing to prevent this from happening again in the future, if we are unable to reach an understanding.

Meanwhile, at home, my comrade commanders continue to struggle to bring Chamo Free back into the hearts of our citizens, and to try to spread the love of science and the advancement of the universe of the ideal presented with Utopia. After months of fighting, I need a rest for my body and my soul, so I am spending these last few days delivering goods to the new systems that Utopia wishes to cover with its mantle of science and knowledge.

Meanwhile, with the war over, we already see the decadent politics of Federation and Empire back to business as usual, back to their quarrels, their disputes, their never-ending desire to dominate with the sole intention to expand, not to educate and help.

We have plans for Utopia... we have ideals to expand, not only in the inhabited systems already known, but in creating new inhabited systems that, from their cradle, believe in the free expansion of knowledge. And those plans we will begin to carry out shortly...


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