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EVE Online
Alex Sinclair's avatar

This bounty is thanks to Rushlock – a true EVE veteran who wasn’t afraid to share that he was rather late to learn that pressing 'L' opens a window which displays all of your bookmarks in the system.

Boomer's avatar

Is that L for Look. . . Bookmarks?

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

For absolute drone control:

Drones Engage: F Return & Orbit: Shift-Alt-R Return To Drone Bay: Shift-R

Jaques Ufaltred's avatar

My favorite keybind is custom I think but it speeds up scanning for signatures significantly. There are empty keybinds for increasing and decreasing probe diameter, and [B] starts the scan by default. Thus, I set [G] for decreasing probe radius and [H] for increasing it. Thus, I can just hit [G] then [B] to quickly pin down a signature.

BONUS: If you double click in the probe window, it flips the view by 90 degrees. If you keep the probe centering 'cube' facing you squarely, it is super easy to just move it, double click, and move it again to get it right where you want it, so long as you dont rotate the FOV in the probe scanning window.

Sturmer's avatar

All available keybinds are listed in the ESC menu, so instead, I'll share some clever tricks.

This tip is particularly useful for HiSec PvP (duels, loot/MTU flags, etc.). Not everyone knows that you can safely change fittings and even swap ships while in combat. The only limitation is that you must not have an active combat timer (the red one, which lasts 60 seconds).

You can use an alt with an Orca/Bowhead to approach your main character, allowing them to use the fleet hangar, ship bay, and fitting services. Alt will not be flagged for attacks, so your orca are 99% safe (1% goes to 15 ganker Taloses which could arrive at any moment)

For example, during events, this can be used to bait 'carebear' hunters. As they aggro you, simply refit and obliterate them.

Additional notes:

  • The Nestor can provide fittings only.

  • The fleet hangar can be accessed at any moment, even with a combat timer.

You can also board another ship if it's not targeted by someone, and you can always board your own ship in any scenario.

For instance, engage someone on a hull-tanked Gnosis, pull them away from a gate, and then warp in with your alt in a battleship. Eject, board the battleship, and voilà – you're in a BS with a limited engagement timer. You can find some video samples when a person starts a combat on a t1 cruiser vs t3c and then swaps to full neut arma.

EVEIL's avatar

Ok i gotta try this. Swapping ships in the middle of a fight sounds hilarious, I bet people get so mad

greybill's avatar

It is. The tricky part can be to keep them engaged (they'll be untackled) for the 60s+ you need to swap.

Sturmer's avatar

One of the strategies is to bait-tanking, pretending that you are barely holding and about to explode.

Also, keep playing role 'i'm a victim', for instance - you flip-canned something and got a criminal flag (yellow). Someone decided that you are an easy target and agro on you. Result: you have yellow criminal timer and a limited engagement timer, so no weapon timer unless you start using offensive modules. That means you can instantly switch to whatever you wish.

Rixx Javix's avatar

Not everyone seems to know this one, so I'll share it here. If you double-click a ship in your Overview your ship will head towards that ship. This is a seemingly small thing with tremendous potential if you use it correctly. Not only can it quickly orient you in space, but it can also point your ship towards "soon" to be cloaked ships that - you know - might need to be uncloaked shortly.

EVEIL's avatar

You can right click the icons in your "selected item" window to set the default range for "orbit" and "keep at range", so next time you click these icons, your ship will try and maintain the range you've set.

Additionally, you can hold E+left click a target either in space or on your overview to keep at the range you have set. W+left click does the same but orbits, and finally Q+left click approaches the target.

If you find yourself in need of a simple method to decloak targets as they jump into your camp, set your default orbit radius to 500m (the smallest possible), and use W+left click when they appear on your overview (the orbit shortcut). Often, inexperienced campers will use "approach", but when the target cloaks, your ship will stop accelerating towards them. Using orbit at 500m means your ship will continue to burn in the direction of the cloaked target even after they turn invisible, hopefully getting within the decloak radius of their ship before they can escape. For best results, your ship should start at zero velocity, or you may find yourself burning off in the direction your ship was facing as it turned towards the target when they cloaked.

As a bonus, these default ranges you set will stay with the ship you're in. So you don't have to adjust these every time you hop in a ship that may prefer to fight at different ranges.


If you hold Q and then left click 2 times(first time for X, Y axes and second time for Z) somewhere around your ship you'll define a point that your ship will go very useful for manual kiting in pvp. And if you want to go in a direction without a range you can double click somewhere in space.

When you are in a fight and you want to track an enemy : C + left click.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Howdy Félicien Gonneaud I'm just putting together our curated content for this bounty, and I wondered if you could clarify your first paragraph for me. What do you mean when you say "left click two times somewhere around your ship, you'll define a point that your ship will go"? And how does that differ in practice from the next sentence when you say "if you want to go in a direction without a range, you can double click somewhere in space"?

Thank you!

FUN INC's avatar

Need to make a bookmark whilst in warp on the fly?

"Ctrl + B" & enter is your friend!

Use this shortcut when warping between celestials, and you have an aligned midsafe.

By bookmarking aligned midsafes, you can also created unaligned safes.

If you warp from your in gate to a celestial, and bookmark midwarp, you have an aligned midsafe, call that #1

Warp to another celestial from your final vector landing point, and drop another bookmark mid-warp, call that #2

If you were to then warp to Warp to #1 and then back to #2 or vice versa, and bookmark midwarp, call that #3, and you now have an unaligned safe.

Dependent on how big the system is you can easily give a group the run around, until they give up and let you go. If you continue to do this in a system if you need some safe spots if you are caught by a gang or being camped.

Ctrl + B is your friend!

Cpt Armarlio's avatar

I find that jumping into a system with a gate camp or just in those times when you need to warp to a celestial; that moons are the best option; just because there are so many of them, it makes it harder for people to find where you went. 

If you press “Shift-Alt-X” while out in space; it’ll show all moons as warpable icons in space. Not only does it give you more directions to kite or warp off too, but it gives you better visuals as to how big the system you are in when you're warping about.

JAKEL33T's avatar

DScan: Holding V & clicking on something in the overview/In space, will scan in that direction within 5 degrees.


When typing in chat, EVE Mail, or any other text entry field you can use the shortcuts Ctrl + B for Bold, Ctrl+ I for Italic, and Ctrl + U for u͟n͟d͟e͟r͟l͟i͟n͟ining.

greybill's avatar

And don't forget to use all possible colors to make your Eve-Mails really stand out from the crowd! :D

Schadsquatch's avatar

Scanning tricks: Ctrl + mouse wheel moves the probes to/from the center. Alt + wheel changes the size.

Double clicking the map rotates the map.

I use all of these for hunting targets with combat scanners, as well as scanning down cosmic sigs.

greybill's avatar

I'll share my secret pro tip for flying logistics: One can set shortcuts for overheating a whole rack: You can set a shortcut that will toggle heat of all high-, mid- or low-slots can be very powerful. By default, that's these tiny white buttons between the capacitor and modules. You could of course click these too, but when you are furiously double-clicking in space to avoid getting tackled, it's often better to have a dedicated button assigned to it on your keyboard.

Since you can not group remote-reps like guns, this functionality can be especially useful when flying logi. No need to Shift+Click six modules, just hit one button, and all will start their next cycles overheated. 🔥

It's similarly useful to overheat tank when things get spicy.

Pressing the button again will toggle heat off on the rack.

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