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EVE Online

EVE Online
FUN INC's avatar

I took a spin through the curated docs, and this bounty, and surprisingly couldn't see that anyone had mentioned dotlan!

Dotlan is great - you can see NPC kills in last 24h and the last hour (or so), number of jumps, number of PVP kills, you can set destinations from dotlan (great for FCs) you can also setup radar tracking so that you can see where you are on dotlan at a glance.

Dotlan has it all, jump planners, route planners - it's great!


My favorite third-party tool is Janice. JaniceSpace Junk Worth Evaluator allows you to check the prices of multiple items and copy-paste them into lists to get an appraisal in one of several market hubs. It can be used to check the values of buy/sell orders or Split, the midway point between buy and sell orders. It is very lightweight and having a dedicated tool for appraisals makes the process much more intuitive. You can even save appraisals with a static web link to share them with potential trade partners.

It has its own API and documented integrations with Excel and Google Sheets allowing it to be leveraged by more serious market traders. The only concern I have with such as well-made tool is that it's not open-source and can't be self-hosted by individuals who rely on it and may be concerned it will suffer the same fate as other storied appraisal tools.

JAKEL33T's avatar

EVE Client Switcher offers seamless navigation between your EVE client windows or the ability to minimize all client windows simultaneously using straightforward hotkeys. Specifically designed for use with clients in "Fixed Window" mode, it presents two key advantages compared to using "Alt-Tab":

a) Performance: Unlike "Alt-Tab," where the old window remains active in the background, impacting performance (CPU/GPU load), EVE Client Switcher ensures proper minimization of inactive windows. Glitches associated with "Fixed Window" mode, such as improper minimization when using the taskbar's "Show Desktop" button, are addressed. This prevents instances where clients appear minimized but continue to exert excessive CPU load.

b) Convenience: EVE Client Switcher enables direct switching between EVE clients or the simultaneous minimization of all EVE clients, eliminating the need to manage windows from other applications. Enjoy a more convenient and efficient experience with your EVE clients.

Samuel's avatar

I haven't been playing long, although after being shown EVE-HRI'm pretty surprised not seeing it here. This was a while back, but I found EVE-HR to be fantastic as an "all in one" tool that allowed me to track all sorts. As an industrialist, I found the Mining ops, logistics, and "buy back" options really helpful for just managing myself when I'm away, on simply my Web browser!

I wish they got more support to implement even more functions, or even incorporate another 3rd party. I know it does have a snazzy Discord-implemented bot that will ping you if anything affects you in game, such as a player structure is attacked and whatnot. It's still a neat little tool, and would love to see it developed even more!

(And I'll be honest, it was the easiest web browser one there, only requiring a log in, and no GitHub files haha)

greybill's avatar

I would have said "Pyfa!" But others were faster once more.

Let me throw a hat in the ring for instead. Eveeye is an alternative mapping tool to dotlan. So far I did not find a functionality it would lack compared to dotlan, but the interface is different and requires some time to get used to. But I find it much, much nicer to look at.

I use it regularly to create good-looking maps of nullsec for my articles on the blog.

Greatly recommend checking it out.

EVEIL's avatar

Part of my daily routine is checking which systems are currently linked to the special wormhole system "Thera". This task is made easy by Eve-Scout, and their in game bookmarks folder.

Simply check their website, and it lists all of the current Thera connections. You can view jump distance from a system of your choice. I usually check connections by their distance from the Jita trade hub, as these holes will likely have more traffic, and thus more targets for me to shoot.

In their latest update, they now provide a similar service for Turnur. Check them out for all your logistical or combatical(?) needs!

Kshal Aideron's avatar

Roam Report

This is a tool that was created by a fellow pilot in the NPSI community. Copy the names of everyone in the fleet chat window, paste into the fleet members box, enter the start and end time of the fleet and now FC has a running total of kills during the roam!

This really beats doing it by hand via ZKill, especially if you're one of those FCs who don't always get on all the kills.

And every roam report generates a unique link so you can stick it into your AAR if you don't want to mention every kill.

Rixx Javix's avatar

I recommend Eve Workbench as a valuable source for reviewing ship fittings, trade, refining, and other aspects of the Eve universe all in one easy to use location. You can easily review tons of uploaded fits for ships and compare information, data, and whatnot to find something right for what you need.

It is especially useful for younger players who can often feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of options available.

Check it out at:

Cpt Armarlio's avatar

Local Threat.

I do a lot of solo pvp and use zkill a lot before I attack and engage someone to see what they pilot or if they are bait etc. I used to have to individually look up everyone in the system; the best I could while my probes are scanning, which was problematic sometimes.

Then I discovered “LocalThreat”, you just copy everyone from local chat and paste them into this website and it pull’s all their zkill data into a nice once page format, which you can then click on to see their page. It’s been a lifesaver and has definitely impacted my success rate on engagements and kills; l would highly recommend it!

Kshal Aideron's avatar

I used to fight with my PC over Pirate's Little Helper. So when LocalThreat came along I was a pretty happy camper. Can't recommend it enough.

Sturmer's avatar


It's a real-time combat log parser and visualizer for combat data (and mining too). I've found it extremely useful in PVE because it displays actual combat data, which none of the simulators like Pyfa can show. For your DPS, it can demonstrate the application, which all simulators lack as it's nearly impossible to simulate due to the myriad of factors that change in-game with every server tick.

With this tool, you can easily answer questions like: should I take Scourge or Nova missiles on my Tengu for a 5/10 DED Angels plex, or why Drones fall short compared to gunships.

Another feature is measuring incoming damage. You can visualize how incoming damage changes when, for example, you start orbiting with an Afterburner or swap hardeners.

Miners might find it equally useful, as it can show your real yield, factoring in drone travel times and cycle waste when you encounter the 'asteroid is depleted' event.

In Eve Online, where data, knowledge, and min-maxing are key, this tool becomes an invaluable resource for knowledge discovery and optimization.

You can download it here: GitHub - ArtificialQualia/PyEveLiveDPS: PyEveLiveDPS (PELD) is a live DPS calculator and grapher for EVE Online

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Hello - Small list for you, Dotlan being my fav simply because then I know where I am, what's around, what systems are which, and who owns what. - check the gates for activity before you jump! - plan your route and get system information before setting off! - know thy enemy! - corporation checker! - double-check contract/fit/hanger prices! - a marketing power tool for traders! - everyone needs an education! - offline Windows application for fitting ships/skills/implants! - why fit a ship yourself when it's already been tried and tested (ship fitting library)! - a big list (not exhaustive) of other resources to match your gameplay style! - a little out of date but the mechanics and basics are there from sip fitting to turret tracking speed calculations! - LP calculator, helps you buy profitable items to sell on the market! - a Planetary Interaction (PI) calculator and map! - eve online world time calculator, know your time zones without guessing! - worm hole rescue team. Have you gotten lost? broken down? call the rescue team! - need something moved, then contact RFF or one of their sister companies BFF and PFF. you have it they shift it! If- need something moved, then contact PushX, you have it they shift it! - an awsome overview but more importantly an AMAZING description of how to use it! - operational security, how to disable applications that have access to eve account! - acronyms and meanings!

[12:05] - know your enemy and your sites before entering! - General abyssal stuff, has a fit approval/rating & popularity system to help you pick fits that actaully work! - mining values and market values! - wormhole sniffing and navigation tool! - the interactive spreadsheet bible! - RnD profatability calculator! - LP database of who sells what where and for how much. put your LP to good use! - dscan tool! - how to do PI and set it all up, nice tutorial! (live view of amarr to jita local chat channels)! - station trading! - fits + market data! - alternative to evemarketer (it was offline few days ago)! - public put your skills to your corp or everyone, if selling chars or keep tracking publicly! - one of the many LP sites that shows what to trade/sell your LP! - another LP store! - outdated but still relevant to help you in industrialist career! - planetary interaction (P.I.) - just a map of P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5! - Station locator - a tool for finding the nearest station belonging to a specified corporation! - how to navigate Jspace (worm holes)! - what is your Triglavian loot worth!

greybill's avatar

Oh, twitch streams automatically start playing when implemented? I don't like that. :/

Otherwise: Good list.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I didn't realize that either lol, but thank you, it's the list we have on our Discord for new players.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

We've chosen not to make your submission one of our 10 winners, because we'll be structuring our curated content as a deeper dive on 10 tools. But I just wanted to pop by to say that this was a commendable effort and a very helpful list!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Well, I am VERY offended and may delete my JA account....

As if! No worries, feel free to use it, it's from our channel on Discord :) Anything i can do to help lemme know :P


Created by the famous Altrue, we recommand to the newbros to look at this site in the french community even if it's old. (espacially the carreer tree)

Boomer's avatar

Good catch, thanks! The link has been updated, so it should be working now.

FUN INC's avatar

Schweet! - am going to go looksy now! :P

Eaglefirefly's avatar

One of my favourite ones has to be EVE Isk Per Hour. It is a great program for Mining, Industry and invention. Here is a link to the github


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