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Farming Simulator 25

Farming Simulator 25

Man… as a player since 2013, FS25 was the one that im enjoying the most. We finally had some significant improvments, they brought what we are expecting for years. The game is fun to play, the graphics, the gameplay, everything. Im happy for how the game is going.

Rich's avatar

Glad you're enjoying the game! Which of the improvements has made the biggest difference for you?


So far in Farming Simulator 25 I'm loving the new improved graphics, lighting and foliage. On top of that, the amount of new features and crops is great. Farming Simulator 25 is a massive step up from the previous game. I've been wanting baby animals in farming simulator for so long and now we finally have them! Guidance steering is another massive great feature that I'm happy is in the game and it's been implemented so well. Loving the game and looking forward to many more hours farming


This year's iteration is a definite improvement over previous entries in the series.

The improvement in tech and hardware power is quite clear to see in the graphical update the game has had- a much needed face-lift to help keep the game relevant and appealing to loyalists and newcomers alike.

The team have put a lot of work into creating a truly immersive and deep farming sim and I think the more time you put into this, the more you feel rewarded for your efforts. It's a massive game with the addition of new features and not necessarily an easy game to start out in but thankfully tutorials are definitely doing a good job of showing you the ropes!

Been a while since I've played one of these, simply because of the amount of hours they suck you in for! Looking forward to continuing my agricultural journey!


I played a lot of the previous Farming Simulator when it was on Gamepass. My biggest frustration with it was with the AI workers not being that great.

The AI workers got a fantastic improvement, and the steering assist feature is great to have.

There are a few minor pathfinding issues with the AI workers. For example on the US map when traveling South to North (e.g. fields 36-38) the AI wants to drive under the bridge/carport over the path at the Sunset Farm

Rich's avatar

Hey shikkie and welcome to Just About! I saw the AI workers getting a lot of discussion right after launch, and they just got a lot of attention in the 1.3 update. Have you noticed any changes since it went out?

Sturmer's avatar

I’m glad to see the game climbing out of mixed reviews on Steam, as more and more players begin to appreciate it. In my opinion, the game has made significant jump compared to FS22, and in a very positive direction.

The addition of the Asian Agriculture block was an excellent choice. For those of us in the EU or US, it introduces completely different technologies, workflows, and machinery, making the experience feel unique.

Of course, Giants Engine 10 brings a lot to the table, with more immersive and modern graphics, as well as improved physics.

I’m not ready to give it a final rating yet, but so far, I’m really impressed with what I’ve seen.


The upgrades in graphics are one amazing feature that is far greater than any other farm sim game.

But also the new animal system is something to admire. Not only do you get young or old animals, you can also create a pasture as big as you like to which will increase animal capacity the larger you make it. Grazing is a great feature too so you can let the animals feed off the grass in these pastures. So you can spend less time producing food and more time on other jobs.

The starting a new game menu is much more user friendly. you can start the game as you wish. You can determine how much money, how much of a loan and whether you want a starting farm. I think this is great for content creators and people who are new to the game.

The new crops are amazing, I particularly like spinach. it is a regenerative crop so you don't need to replant all the time. I also like the mushrooms and the rice. They are a nice change of pace from regular field work.

The new productions are a great way to help keep money coming in too.

The lack of equipment and vehicles are disappointing but the game they created is remarkable. Yes there's a lot of bugs. But you wouldn't ask a baby to walk at 1 week old. So we shouldn't expect a seamless release of a game created on a brand new engine.

Dydo's avatar

Although my PC struggles to run the game, I’ve still managed to have some fun. I’m not sure if it’s just not part of the game yet, but I missed having more detailed tutorials beyond the "talk-to-someone" ones. Even though I played FS22 for a few hours, it seems I’ve forgotten even how to walk, lol

That said, the game is more beautiful and complex than ever. It seems to feature new crops and jobs that I don’t recall from the previous version, which is a great improvement in my opinion. The more, the better!

I’m still working towards acquiring my first high-end equipment, but even the entry-level machines are pretty solid for what you need early on. And as for the automatic direction AI… let’s just say it’s a game-changer for cutting down the monotony of repetitive tasks when you’re not in the mood for them.


I really loved Farming Simulator 22 on PS5 and so far have enjoyed Farming Simulator 25. The graphics are outstanding, and the new AI for fieldwork is incredible. Gone are the days of ignoring fields because they aren’t square! I used to manually do headlands and now that they are automatic and the AI follows the contours of the field is a vast improvement. I love the new types of quests as well. Having said that, however, the AI for driving is absolutely horrible. It was bad in the last version and unbelievably it’s worse in this version. It’s great to have a visually interesting bridge, but when the AI can’t even make a left turn onto it without running into the side It’s very frustrating. When the AI can’t make a basic jog in a road without simply running straight forward into a fence, it’s kind of ridiculous. Having the AI drive a harvester to the next field is an absolute failure every time. Driving straight down the road you have a “blocked by an object“ error every single time. Also, the new method of selecting a destination – something you do constantly while playing the game - is cumbersome and dramatically worse than the last version. You have to click on the vehicle (which I’m already in so it knows what vehicle I want to send anyway) and click “set destination“ in the menu. The worst part is this menu is different whether you are in a leased vehicle or an owned vehicle. And for some reason, the “sell“ option – which will, of course, be the least selected menu item – is placed above the set destination” item, so you have to go past it to get to the “set destination“ option for an owned vehicle. Inevitably you click “sell“ more often because you are used to going down only one menu item with a leased vehicle. This used to simply be the triangle button to choose “set destination“. Hopefully they will bring that back. I honestly don’t mind the bugs, I know there will be some that occur and will get fixed, but the “set destination“ is a programming choice and the AI driving was unfortunately never good to start with so I don’t have high hopes it will be improved anytime soon.

mypets's avatar

So far I'm loving the new changes, the improvement in graphics is impressive, the look is very good. Driving around the map and watching the ground deform is really cool to see! Of course, there are still a few bugs, which is part and parcel of new games, but I'm confident they'll be sorted out! The game still has room for improvement, and I'm still adapting to the new navigation in the main menu. Overall, I recommend buying FS25.

Bandana_Assault's avatar
From pallets having improper physics, AI not finding fields, AI not able to move along free, open roads, AI running into traffic, invisible walls.... This game needs a patch. I enjoy it when it works, but when the game doesn't it really shows and is time consuming. This video encapsulates it quite well. 

FarmerCop's avatar

Here is my absolute first impressions, my first time loading into the game.


Having played around 10 hours on FS25 I would overall say I am satisfied with the new game, it appears to be well modelled and looks amazing.

unlike some of the new fs games it has been released with a vast array of tasks and aspects of farming with a good new selection of crops.

I think the guidance steering brings a whole new level to playing single player making standard tasks easier with obscure shaped fields.

However that being said I would like to have seen some more machines and equipment from past games released into the base game, however I am sure they will be released moving forward!

Overall very impressed.


I have 9 hours and I like that ground deformation but I would like raindrops on vehicle windows. I like also better graphics and sounds. I wait also that Giants editor 10 releases because then we will get more mods


im finding farming simulator a lot more harder or realistic depending on how you see it. Before in previous versions i could set up a farm with the starting money just fine, but now i have to manage what vehicles with land costs. It makes contracts more useful starting since i had just under 15k after i got land and very basic equipment. so no longer having a couple good tractors and tools. Just the basics and thats how it should be


I love the improvements n the graphics are stunning. I’ve noticed a few issues and have reported them so hopefully they are sorted in time. Giants have made a great game. I would have liked to see way more content in the mod hub on launch but it is what it is and I know in time the content will come in. I really love the addition of the npc’s and feel this rounds out the game nicely. They are a bit wooden but it is what it is.


So far I’m loving FS25 with the introduction of crops such as rice, peas, spinach, and green beans I think I’m going to be playing for a long time not to mention the nice looking equipment like the challenger with medium BKT’s looks godly


I'm in love with this game!

FS25 is SO much better than FS22 in so many ways like graphics, physics, weather, etc... There is just one thing.... All of my tractors can baerly cross a field that is plowed after/while it is plowing... hope they change that, but otherwise, great game!!

K03y's avatar

I think the game has potential, despite some bugs it is fully playable. A lot of new things have been added such as weather effects, ruts, furrow during plowing, putting tools into storage. I have been playing this game since version 2008 and many changes have been introduced over the years, but those in version 2025 are big!

Another interesting thing is the introduction of phased construction!

We have to produce certain materials to create a building!

We cannot forget one of the most important changes which is the improved worker and GPS system in the base game.

At this point, I recommend the game. It's worth paying attention to.

yan57436's avatar

I think the immersion of the game is very good, especially the attention to the smallest details, such as the deformation of the ground, you feel like you're inside the gameplay. I think the Gorgeous graphics also contribute to the quality of the game, the lighting is very good and, again, the ground and the effects on it are incredible. I really enjoyed focusing on the graphics because that's what caught my eye the most.


I love the new FS25 because it’s a beautifully overhauled game that brings farming to life like never before. It offers the chance to explore diverse farming universes, giving me endless opportunities to capture stunning photos of equipment and farmscapes. The level of detail and realism is incredible, making every snapshot a piece of art. It’s the perfect platform for experiencing the depth of farming while indulging in my passion for photography.

Hunter's avatar

Finally To be back to farming feels great, No bugs so far the graphics are good, I can't say about late game but so fare so good the new animals look great , I 'am planning to go full animal husbandry, GIVE ME THOSE SHEEP BROTHER !

The Atmosphere in different times of a day are breath taking, the HUD much more enjoyable then FS 22, the rhythm of the game is fine too.

this new title in the series is a great start for many additions in the future specially with mods and DLCs …

I can't wait !


Game looks really great, new ground deformation is nice, mornings look really cool with the new fog and light effects. There are still some little bugs but that’s okay. Looking forward for the Giants Editor to make first mods

PandaTime's avatar

Farming Simulator 25 is already proving to be a fantastic evolution of the series, and it’s clear that the developers at Giants Software have been listening to player feedback. My first impressions? The game feels more polished and immersive than ever, with some game-changing upgrades that will keep even long-time fans hooked.

Hot Take #1: The New Visuals Are Stunning

The upgraded graphics engine is immediately noticeable. The textures, lighting, and attention to detail—like mud caking on your tires or the mist hanging over fields during early mornings—make the game world feel truly alive. The seasons feel more dynamic, and watching your farm change with the passing months is more satisfying than ever.

Hot Take #2: AI Helpers Finally Feel Smart

In previous versions, AI helpers were a bit of a mixed bag, often getting stuck or making inefficient decisions. But in FS25, they seem more reliable and capable of handling tasks with less micromanagement. They’ve even added customization options for AI workers, allowing you to assign specific roles and tasks, which is a game-changer for managing large farms.

Overall Verdict So Far?

Farming Simulator 25 feels like it’s taken the series to a new level by focusing on depth and realism while still keeping it accessible. Whether you’re a long-time fan or a curious newcomer, it’s worth diving into this version—it’s shaping up to be the best entry in the series yet!

Rich's avatar

Thanks PandaTime for these thorough, thoughtful takes 💖welcome to Just About!


I'm disappointed with the game on release. It's barely an upgrade to FS22 and has significant issues with regards flickering and stuttering. (yes, I let the shader cache build!). Most of the "new" features are dumbed down or less fully featured versions of modders efforts and ideas. The AI fieldworking is OK, but not a patch on what courseplay can achieve, and as for AI "GoTo" the less said the better. The unnecessary GUI xml code changes are also a PITA for modders such as myself who have GUI code that needs converting and the documentation remains lacklustre at best.


As an modder, and long time player, I am really impressed. Yes there are still some small issues, mainly in multiplayer, where the graphics is not the same as in single player, but this will be probably soon fixed. I love this game. I always owned just the game without DLCs, but after first hours of playing, I have bought year 1 pass. This game is almost perfects, and I know that modders will make it perfect.
All new features, are huge jump from older version. It is like the game, finally grew up. Baby animals, extended production chains, amazing graphics (lights and shadows <3, yess, still missing raindrops on windshields, but it is not mandatory), even tha bales have better physics and now it is fun to handle them.


Loving it so far - the visuals are much improved and feels a lot more refined. It definitely isn't wihthout it's flaws but I have every faith in GIANTS to close up some of these problems. Im waiting in anticipation of the Modders tools to start seeing more equipment being possible.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I didn't had so much time to full experience all the changes from its antecessor, but it's impossible not to see the huge graphical improvement and by that it helps the game a lot, how I play the game almost in first person to fell more immerse in the game, the new lighting and volumetric fog makes this 1000x better, the controls feel more precise and responsive, and the new additions to the farms is really exciting and hope there is more to come!


What should they focus next? thats a good question, i personaly think the seasons needs litle bit more realistlic approach, right now its good but it can be much better.

So far i have played 2 seasons in american map and have to tell you its amazing

First thing i did is just drived around the map and see the ground deform.

but there is many more new features to try next like growing rice.


I am a massive fan of my experience already on Farming Simulator 25, I’ve been very excited to see how the in field GPS would work and my oh my it hasn’t disappointed, it saves so much guess work especially on tasks like fertilising the fields it helps save so much waste and the ai helpers are great the really get jobs done more efficiently helping towards keeping the balance of a fully functional farm team.

gidzy1's avatar

Farming Simulator 25 has been quite the experience for me. I really like the changes they’ve made, such as ground deformation and improved engine sounds. However, I’ve came across many glitches. An example was when I was harvesting wheat. I saw that my harvester had stopped throwing straw out the back, I thought nothing of it. Until around 15 minutes later all the straw that should’ve been thrown out got dumped in the one spot. I now have a giant mountain of straw in the middle of my field. Don’t get me wrong the game is great, but some bug fixes would go long way.


I have a 5 hours So far i really like the game i think the new additions are really good the mud in the tryes is fantastic 👌 the ground deformation is amazing i love it so far there is a massive upgrade in graphics from 22 to 25 some things i am not a fan of is some of the equipment was removed like the John Deere 7810 bit thats just somthing minor i can just download the mod


Currently the new Farming brings great new features, but we keep forgetting the little things. Like being able to water the crops, but it is true that currently finding small errors is not a drama. I could point out as a "error" that the lighting in some points is not quite right or that it depends on the equipment and how you want to play it, maybe some textures are not quite polished. But as I say, they are small things that we find in a title that has just come out. We really should ask ourselves in a month what is and how is farming simulator. I think that currently it can perform a little better, but I still believe that Giants has an ace up its sleeve and will continue to surprise us!

JHenckes's avatar

I can't say that the game is amazing, for years now giants has been re-releasing games with few changes and a graphical overhaul, the game changes 5% of what would be possible in each edition, sad to see that in this edition it is once again a remodeling of the already tired game engine, few changes, nothing new, just mods from previous versions placed in the new one and the graphics with half a makeover.

I still love this franchise, but it's necessary to recognize a mistake that's been going on since FS17.


I am finding farming simulator 25 very good and ultra enjoyable! although there are a few bugs and issues these will indeed be fixed by giants in a short length of time I have no doubt but I am really enjoying it and think it will be a brilliant game with bugs fixed and more modded maps.


I'm a big fan of the farming simulator series and have been waiting for 25 for a long time. I played it for about 9 hours and I had a lot of fun both alone and in the company, it currently has some problems but nothing that can't be solved with a few patches, but since it has just been released, normally, it may have some bugs. I like the new crop added: the rice with all the preparation parts, the rice paddies, and the ability to fill them with water. The Asian map is wonderful especially the city at night, the plowing has finally introduced the furrow and you can feel its depth, but also the possibility of extreme phenomena such as tornadoes occurring and an extra challenge for us players. For those who are undecided about the purchase apart from some problems and perfectly playable, I recommend purchasing the new FS25. PS: The graphics are very beautiful and the level of detail is incredible, especially the rain and fog effect.

Rich's avatar

Thanks for these detailed thoughts EdoCenta05 and a warm welcome to Just About! Love the Asian map too, feels so different from the rest 🙂


I have about 10 hrs into this game. I have enjoyed this new version a lot. As all new games it has it bugs and i get that. Coming from farming simulator 22 and 23. I have found the new main menu navigation to be frustrating and the controls difficult to get used too.

As far as game play, i will be putting lots of hours to come. I have noticed that a lot of base maps lack good, large, flat land to customize a large american style farm which is my prefered play style. The new AI workers have to be the best thing to have happened with the option of auto track steering. Which with setting up the AI worker right we can work side by side inthe same field with small amounts of getting in each other's way. Great for the player who only plays offline.


I'm in love with it!

the jump from Fs22 to Fs25 graphicly is huge. The lighting, the morining fog, the snow in the winter months along with the dieing vegtation and the rain are awesome to see, makes the game feel more alive and a joy to play. Been waiting on this for a while and am very excited to play more and more!!

Rich's avatar

High praise! I'm finding it a really beautiful game so far too - can totally see why people get lost in this environment for hours.


I have 8 hours of gameplay in it so far and I would say I can see it has great potential! It has a few issues but the game just dropped and it is fairly normal for new games to have some bugs or glitches right away. I know the giants team is working hard to fix them as we speak. I have a feeling once these issues are fixed and more content is added into the game that we will see a flood of players coming to it from the farming simulator 22 community that are still hesitant on getting FS25 and new players that will get drawn in by the increased graphic performance and game experience as a whole.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great to hear you're enjoying it so far!


I think thisi is extremley well written. Im glad to read someone who tells it how it is. But also understands gone are the days of releasing a perfect launch game. Everything needs a month or so to get all the bugs out. Im excited to see what they give us next


I had to get used to farming simulator 25 but it really is a great improvement on farming simulator 22, mega realistic and all new nice things in the game


Can't you solve the game problems? Stuttering. Much less content than fs22. AI is not as good as fs22. Still stupid. Overall far worse than fss. Price is too expensive.

Boomer's avatar

Hey uuik, welcome to the Just About platform 🙂We've partnered with GIANTS Software but we're not involved in the development of FS25. Our role is to support and reward players while fostering a welcoming and friendly community environment.

Now that Farming Simulator 25 is live, we're excited to see how the game and its community will grow.

OMG_its_Breide's avatar

Ich finde den Ls25 bis jetzt ganz gut. Der ein oder andere Bug ist mit drinnen aber das wird sich bald ändern. Ich finde die neuen sachen super umgesetzt. Ich freu mich in Zukunft über mehr von Giants Software

Boomer's avatar

Hi OMG_its_Breide welcome to the community!

We're only able to moderate English-language posts at the moment, but we do want to support more languages in the future. In the meantime I recommend using a free online translation tool, as some of our other members have found them to be very helpful.

Feel free to tag me ( Boomer ) if you have any questions. 🙂


A very well optimised game with interesting mechanics and ideas. Very good map of the USA. However, at the moment it has a lot of minor bugs


sehr gut gelungenes spiel, die grafik ist top und der Verformbare boden ist auch sehr gut umgesetzt.

Boomer's avatar

Hi Hauke, welcome to Just About!

While our platform is in beta we're only able to moderate English-language posts. We'd love to support more languages as we grow, but in the meantime I recommend using a free online translation tool.

Feel free to tag me ( Boomer ) if you have any questions. 🙂


Ein sehr gelungenes Spiel, eine sehr gute Grafik und Mechaniken. Weiter so.

Boomer's avatar

Hi ChaosAndre welcome to the community!

We hope to support more languages as our platform grows, but right now we can only moderate English-language posts. Some of our members use free online translation tools so I recommend using one until we can support more languages.

Feel free to tag me ( Boomer ) if you have any questions. 🙂


Bisher finde ich den neuen Teil deere Serie super. am besten finde ich die neue Bodenverformung und das GPS Spurführungssystem


Im loving it. Csnt wait to see what future brings


I love Farming Simulator 25! I play every Game but Farming Simulator 25 ist the best Title in the Series.

Unfortunaly there are Bugs but hopefully the fix it Asap so the Game is perfect


i am loving it. the graphic quality improved a lot, there's more variety of missions. Animals are really cute and the new machinery is awsome


I find it the best farming game of all


A little buggy and not a lot of difference to fs22 when on medium graphics


The game has a lot more to do now with more crops different machines and just feels better to play


I found a Farming sim a Long time ago i play almost every farming


Makes a lot of fun and the ninth functions are mega good


In Farming Simulator 25, I enjoy the immersive experience of managing a farm from the ground up. The level of detail in the game is impressive, from planting crops to maintaining equipment and caring for animals. The vast open world provides endless opportunities for exploration and strategy, whether I'm focused on maximizing my harvests or expanding my farm's infrastructure.

I love the realistic simulation of farming tasks like sowing, plowing, and harvesting, as well as the thrill of purchasing new equipment to improve efficiency. The game also offers a sense of accomplishment when I see my farm grow and thrive through careful planning and hard work. The variety of crops and animals, along with the dynamic weather and market systems, means no two days are ever the same.

Multiplayer mode also stands out, allowing me to work together with friends to manage the farm, share tasks, and achieve goals as a team. The updates and improvements made to the game add even more depth and realism, which keeps me coming back for more.

Overall, Farming Simulator 25 offers a satisfying balance of challenge and relaxation, letting me escape into a world of virtual farming where I can build, grow, and explore at my own pace.


Farming Simulator 25 has been well-received for its fresh approach to the franchise, offering significant upgrades that enhance both the gameplay and the overall experience. Here are some highlights:

  1. New Features and Improvements: The introduction of East Asian farming, including rice cultivation with unique mechanics like water level management, adds depth and variety. Other new crops like spinach and animals such as water buffalo and goats diversify gameplay【10†source】【12†source】.

  2. Visual and Technical Upgrades: The game boasts improved graphics and detailed environments, creating a more immersive farming experience. However, minor performance issues, such as frame drops on higher-end systems, have been noted during initial gameplay【10†source】【12†source】.

  3. Accessibility and Tutorials: A reworked tutorial system integrates seamlessly into the gameplay, making it easier for newcomers to grasp the mechanics while remaining engaging for veterans【10†source】【11†source】.

  4. Gameplay Balance: The game retains the relaxing and rewarding rhythm of farming life, with added automation options to reduce repetitive tasks. However, some still find the learning curve steep【12†source】.

Overall, Farming Simulator 25 builds upon its predecessors with new content and refinements, making it a solid choice for fans of the series and newcomers alike. For dedicated players, the updates and potential for future modding make it a worthwhile investment.

Rich's avatar

Hey TtBergitT, thanks for getting involved in this reward. Just letting you know that we're rejecting your submission because it shows signs of having been produced by generative AI.

Our goal with Just About is to reward authentic, human content and to do so in a way that respects the effort taken to produce it. Almost all low-effort use of generative AI in rewards will therefore be rejected and may be considered a violation of our code of conduct, with appropriate penalties for repeat offenders. Please read that code of conduct and our policy on AI content, and show appropriate effort and good faith when entering rewards in future. Thanks!


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