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GameofBeardz's avatar

I feel I need to get in first with this one and just say it:

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back. This movie is surely, without a doubt, the single greatest Sci-Fi movie ever made. It was not only a pinnacle of technology for its time, but it was a pinnacle of story telling, leading ultimately to the BIGGEST reveal in movie history, that of Vader being Luke’s father. From the epic battle on Hoth to open, to the backstabbing of Lando on Bespin (Cloud City), to the dog chase in the asteroid field, this move really had it all, hell it even saw Han Solo use a lightsaber for a second!

To finish, Star Wars is my favourite movie franchise ever. It captured my heart when my dad showed them to me when I was young and it continues to capture the hearts of every generation, whether it be the OG’s, the Prequels and even the Sequels, there’s something there for everyone.

Shovel's avatar

So I would say one of the best sci-fi films of all time is ready player one it was directed by Stephen Spielberg and generated over US$607.9 million in the box office.

The film is sat in 2045 were pretty much everyone uses some sort of virtual reality simulation to escape the real world and there’s an orphan who finds clues to a contest that promises him ownership to oasis which is the virtual reality simulation and him and his friends try and compete before another corporation wins it to take over.

The music score was by John Williams two is behind some of the most iconic scores you’ll ever hear so have a mum board really changed the field of the film.

The legacy that the movie has left really shows that we have a pop culture dominated virtual world and there’s a lot of comparisons to matters investment in the 2020s. Apple recently unveiled Apple Vision Pro mixed reality headset last year 2023 a lot of people compared it to the ready player one headset that you saw and in the promotional video that was made by Apple the scene and ready player one in which Wade uses his headset to enter the oasis.


My issue with Ready Player One is a tale as old as time, I read the book first and think the book is much better. I think the changes to the film means they probably can’t do the sequel without changing almost everything.


agreed, the book is way better, and i saw the movie first lol

Shovel's avatar

It’s always the way where the book is 10x better haha


I can only think of 2 examples that buck the trend.. Jurassic Park and Forrest Gump!

I almost didn't go to watch Ready Player One as I knew it wouldn't be what I'd imagined

Alex Sinclair's avatar

A somewhat controversial take, but this is Just About Film & TV rather than Just About Books & Comics so I think I can get away with it: I'm adding LotR to that list too. I know the books are held up to be among the greatest fantasy stories ever written, but I remember trying to read them in my late teens and they were such a slog. The movies on the other hand: 10/10

Makster's avatar

It's a real let down by Spielberg I think. Talk about mis-cast directors but I think you needed the star power of Spielberg to really pull in all those franchises and licenses in the film

Kane Carnifex's avatar

We have older version of german audio book version.
Which he mimics the voice.

The only thing missing is some sound affects... should start it as a fan project.

0ffworld's avatar

It's hard to pick the best and not choose my favorite, because those are different things.

When this bounty is over, I'll enjoy reading all the submissions because I know, each one will be acceptable. I love science-fiction movies. From Dark City to Back To The Future. If I had to pick one right now in this moment, I'd have to go with:

The Matrix

One of the most iconic movies ever. Everybody knows the Matrix. A malevolent alien cyber intelligence, enslaving humans on their own planet for harvesting power VS a group of hackers, trying to navigate a simulated world and a ravaged planet.

I'm putting things in very simple terms, obviously. There is a lot to this movie and even to this day, they are working one a new entry in the franchise. While opinions differ regarding the latest movie, the first one is undoubtedly one of the coolest action movies ever. This movie invented bullet time!!

There is also something poetic about the fact this movie released in 1999. #Y2K

Makster's avatar

It's a shame it became a franchise rather than a one and done.
The Matrix IV sorta lampoons this endless sequels based on the franchise whilst I think the best Matrix film second to the first was the Animatrix as it just told short stories focussed around world building rather than just the adventures of Neo/Trinity/Morpheus

0ffworld's avatar

I think this is always the tricky bit. If something turns out great, naturally you want more. If "more" turns out to be less impactful than what came before, it's easy to say that it should've just stayed the great thing that it was.

I, personally, don't need the new Matrix movies to be groundbreaking again. I'm satisfied with more Matrix.

I remember Animatrix blowing me away the first time I saw it. I even have the DVD somewhere.

Samuel's avatar

The Anthology series Black Mirror provides the absolute best Sci-fi films, and one of those episodes (Which I'd consider a film as they're all standalone and longer than 60m) that really stand out, is no other than the 2014 Season 2 Christmas Special:

White Christmas

With a run time of 74 minutes, almost all 74 are pure movie pleasures with every possible thing one could want. It strikes the perfect balance between a bleak dystopian future, combined with the technology that makes you in awe of what humanity could achieve... or maybe hopefully not achieve.

There's no wonder it was rated the highest of its season, and there have been some serious standouts, with most considering the second season to be its apex. But what really set it apart?
For me, it was the emotional grappling sense when combined with technology. With special implants in the head, people can block others in their lives, similar to social media, becoming merely a silhouette. Then comes the imprisonment and control over someone's life, and the way its so easily twisted... I can't say more for fear of spoiling the plot incase someone wants to check it out, but it has to be good if it's one of the rare films I watch where I don't utilize the skip 10 seconds forwards button.


Ok so here me out: Wall-E

It’s simultaneously super cute and super dark, suits all ages, incredibly rewatchable. Every great Sci-fi film has its flaws but Wall-E doesn’t.

It has an epic protagonist that is as courageous as he is lovable, as funny as anyone and does it all without uttering more than a handful of “words”.

The music of hello dolly is a brilliant choice as it’s both really sweet and also super eery when needed.

It may not be the first film that comes to mind when you think of sci-fi but it should be. It’s brilliant!

Sturmer's avatar

It's incredibly deep actually, they should make a movie remake with real actors!


I honestly think that would be epic. Jeff Garlin as the captain would still be perfect wouldn’t need to recast

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me it's Firefly aka Serenity, this film was created to round off the series "Firefly" after millions of people (myself included) took to the internet to rip the producer's new one for cancelling one of the best Sci-Fi series ever created.

Their response to the massive backlash was to create the film "Serenity" - Essentially this follows Malcolm Reynolds and his crew, picking up a young doctor for their ship who has what appears to be a mentally ill sister, however, she is far from it, she has been trained, adjusted and pushed to the limits by the alliance.

As the story progresses the storyline becomes more and more convoluted and dangerous, revenge plays a huge part as they are pursued by an "Agent" of the alliance who "does not exist" who goes around killing anyone and everyone, his most iconic line is "if your enemy seeks safe harbour, leave no harbour to go to".

With an all-star cast such as Nathan Fillion, Summer Glau, Morena Baccarin, Gina Torres, Chiwetel Ejiofor etc, the film is an astounding accumulation of love, romance, revenge and science fiction as it finest, but beware the reavers!

Firefly AKA Serenity is my nomination.

Juuni's avatar

How could not it be ... Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan

The series was cancelled but found a life in syndication, one that made the companies release "Oops, maybe we shouldn't have stopped" and eventually turned to a movie. TMP comes out and it's not great. (The soundtrack is frelling awesome, but the story is an obvious re-telling and slow.)

Thankfully they're given another chance, to make a sequel that can do well. And oooooh boy. Considering its 42 years old and still almost always is at the top of 'Most ST Movie" lists, they had to do something right. The story is great, the visuals are excellent (considering they had to reuse a lot), and they brought back one of the best villains they had to work from.

I can always just pop this movie in and have a good time. and that is gave #3 the best setup is another plus.

Makster's avatar

It's a shame that Into Darkness was billed as 'Not a Khan' movie and then it was revealed in the film as one.

Paul's avatar

Star Wars a new hope.

From how each main character is introduced to the climatic ending, A new hope nails every part.

Furthermore, It kicked off one of the biggest sci-fi franchises of all time and its the one I think of whenever Star wars is mentioned.

So many films and franchises have since been inspired by this film and the sequels but this is the one that started it all. It must be considered one of the best films ever made, let alone being one of the best sci-fi movies.

Gaypengwing's avatar

The movie Alien will never grow old for me. I watched it when growing up and it started my proper love for sci-fi. With a baddass final girl, awesome special effects and puppetry and an astounding cast, you couldn’t ask for more 🙌

Konquest's avatar

The best sci-fi film of all time for me is Blade Runner (1982). This Ridley Scott masterpiece stands as the pinnacle of science-fiction filmmaking for its visionary portrayal of a dystopian future, profound philosophical questions about identity and humanity, and not to mention the visual effects at the time. I watched this film at quite a young age and that probed my thinking and opened my mind to things I never thought of before, many what IFs :)


I consider one of the best sci-fi films to be Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. It may not be the best in the franchise, but this one film showcases, introduces, and sets up so much in the future of the series. Such as:

  • Anakin’s and Leia’s relationship.

  • Count Dooku.

  • The Clone Troopers and the Clone Wars (TV series).

  • Jango and Boba Fett.

  • Mace Windu.

  • Anakin and Obi-wan vs Count Dooku.

  • Yoda vs Count Dooku.


I love The Terminator but Star Wars i amazing. My favorite Stat Wars film/s are the prequals because they you should watch them before a New Hope so you know who Obi-Wan Kenobi is.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Deeytale7856, and welcome to Just About! If you want to be in the running for a prize, we'll be needing some more detail. Take a lot at some of the other entries for inspiration. Also, be sure to tell us which of the many Star Wars films is your nominee

Nine's avatar

if you guys ask me what the best sci-fi film for me ?
i will aswers it's MIB or Man In Black, because because I was amazed by the advanced technology in the film.

Not to mention the conspiracy theories in this world which are included in the film which makes it very cool.

and when the announchement about MIB 3 is out that's make me really happy
because im watch MIB 1 from kid

Makster's avatar

People talk about the best comic book movie or that Spiderman was the first one to make them valid on the silver screen.

Then you have this movie getting academy awards and nominations in the friggin' 90's and no-one gives it proper recognition aart from yourself

AirGaram's avatar

I'll be going with back to the future. it is a classic movie with a time travelling narrative, that gives both humor, science, and fiction. It was a fun concept of where should one's past be changed their future would also be changed as well, leaving us thinking of whether or not changing our past would change our present self be in a positive or negative way.

Zeref_Vermilion's avatar

I really like the movie "Pacific Rim" because I am a boy of course I like robots 😂😂

This movie is very good because it has:

1. The movie features very impressive visual effects, especially in the fight scenes between Jaegers and Kaiju. This stunning visual design provides a spectacular and immersive cinematic experience.

2. "Pacific Rim" brings a fresh and exciting concept by combining elements of mecha and kaiju, two very popular subgenres in Japanese pop culture. It gives a new twist to the existing sci-fi genre.

3. "Pacific Rim" succeeds in creating an immersive world with rich lore and backstory. The audience not only sees the action, but is also invited to understand the dynamics and background of a world full of conflicts between humans and monsters.

4. While the movie focuses on action, it also pays attention to character development and relationships between characters. This provides an additional emotional dimension that makes the audience care about the fate of the characters.

The combination of these elements makes "Pacific Rim" one of the best sci-fi movies I can think of, with the ability to captivate the audience and provide an unforgettable cinematic experience.

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

For my favorite sci-fi movie is 3 Body Problem which airs on netflix, Why 3 Body Problem? because this is very interesting because this film shows how if the earth has 3 suns at once and in the laws of physics it is called the 3 Body Problem as the name of the film title and our pelanet will be chaotic, because the earth will be thrown here and there in an indeterminate direction because of the 3 Suns.

This film tells that there is no solution to solving this 3 Body Problem with 3 suns circling in the sky and all civilizations will definitely be chaotic. This film does not tell our earth but tells the story of an alien civilization destroyed because there are 3 suns and asks humans for solutions to solve the alien problem. Honestly this film is really good because the drama, conflict, visuals and plot are all good and make me understand that all calculations for the 3 Body Problem problem cannot be predicted even though they have used various ways to predict it which is called the butterfly effect and at the end of the film a better solution is to move planets and aliens suggest to earth whether humans accept them and there the conflict begins there are those who refuse and those who don't.

that's all my explanation about the sci-fi movie 3 Body Problem.

Makster's avatar

The Fifth Element (1997)

A truly underrated film. Bruce WIllis stars as generic action hero man as he is thrust into a hero's journey to find the mysterious 5th Element.

The film is a master class of world building and exposition as rarely do you get a lore dump or explanation. It focuses more on action and pushing the story forwards. I absolutely love the design of the world and costume design. Everything looks so unique and futuristic from the aliens to the outfits they wear on the space cruise.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Hard to imagine it being underrated, pretty much everyone I know loves it.

Philip's avatar

It has so many quotable quotes! Including single word deliveries





Lanah Tyra's avatar

A lot of my favourites have been mentioned already, so want to nominate one which I think is very much underrated.


I love the Orwellian 1985 vibes with the constantly controlling and watching the population and how humanity has been forced to supress emotions in the name of "peace". While it's not an exact adaptation of the book, it clearly gets the main idea from for the plot from the famous book.

Brilliant casting, I think it was the fist move I saw with Christian Bale, and he quickly made it to my list of favourite actors.

Beside the emotional rollercoaster the action scenes are also very well designed with enough fancy, Matrix-like moves to keep the tension, but not going too much into the unbelievable spectacular, keeping it fairly realistic for the "not so distant future" the movie is set in.

While it does have a conclusion it also leaves enough open to have you just sit there and think after the credits rolled, and that's exactly why I love the sci-fi genre so much.


Ohhh that is an incredible movie! Saw it at the picks when it came out and was blown away!

Scrbzy's avatar

I'm a massive Star Wars fan and would normally put forward The Empire Strikes Back but since that's already been nominated...

Dune 2021

In my opinion the Dune saga is one of few that can hold a candle to Star Wars, I'm referring to the content of the Dune books here vs the overall lore of Star Wars.

The Most recent Dune films have done a fantastic job of translating the books in all their glory. Stacked with lore and complex narratives, doing so isn't easy but Denis Villeneuve has really impressed me with how faithful hes remained to the source material.

Everything about the new Dune films is well thought out and produced. The sound, visuals, costumes and cast are all excellent. As someone who's read all of the books religiously, it's rare that I'm this happy with an adaptation.

I really hope they adapt the whole saga (the main 6 books) although, I would be happy with the first 3 and think it's the most likely outcome.

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

I think one of the best sci-fi films would have to be Avatar. This film pushed so many boundaries in the technology used and took it to a whole another level it was simply amazing, I loved the story, the characters and world that they built up. The film was a huge hit at the box office and went on to smash box office record that wouldn't beat for many years.

taha's avatar

I think the best sci-fi movie of all time to me is also one of the best animated movies of all time: Akira.

It's a dystopian cyberpunk action film set in Neo-Tokyo after the city was destroyed and rebuilt. The story follows two boys in a biker gang, Kaneda and Tetsuo. The two are childhood friends in different spots, one being the leader of the biker gang and the other being a young and inexperienced teenager.

Accidents happen, the military get involved and things start to get very strange as Tetsuo starts to develop newfound powers and Kaneda tries to look out for the people he cares about, including Tetsuo.

The setting is visually stunning and the artwork as well as the soundtrack for the movie are so captivating and beautiful to experience, with colours and sounds that capture the feeling of being in a futuristic world so well.

To me, it feels like a film that is so iconic, it definitely inspired other sci-fi stories that came after it, such as Ghost in the Shell, The Matrix and Batman Beyond, to name a few. One thing I also love about this film is the 'Akira slide', a moment so iconic that it has been recreated and referenced in many different film and TV moments, especially in the sci-fi genre.

If I had to pick a location I'd like to experience or a city I'd like to see, I would definitely put Neo-Tokyo at the top of the list. Akira is one of the most incredible sci-fi movies I've ever experienced and it only gets better every time I watch it!


It has to be the original total recall starring arnold swarchneggar.

it has wonderful set design, an amazing concept, classic arnold one liners, full on violence paired with comedic relief. The twists and open question ending leave you thinking about the film after it has finished.

Also the practical effects are top tier, seeing animatronics is so nostalgic compare to cgi these days

anything aswell with retro futurism is a win, looking at film from the past that puts forward the idea of what the future may look like is really cool.

Sturmer's avatar

For me, this has been the toughest challenge on JA so far! I could easily go with a top 10 or top 5, but choosing just one? I could quickly Google a movie title and grab the reward, but I’d lose sleep knowing I wasn’t being honest with myself.

One thing I've noticed is that I've seen all the movies submitted so far. It’s a great indicator of our well-bonded community, sharing the same passion.

Anyway, my pick is Blade Runner 2049 (2017). I watched it only once, seven years ago, but it's the only movie that has imprinted itself on my brain. I can close my eyes and remember every scene vividly. I might not recall the exact dialogues, but the sequences, the backgrounds, the characters- the overall vibe - I remember it as if I watched it just four minutes ago.

Limal's avatar

There are many great sci-fi movies, and it's hard to name just one.However, I do have one "goosebump-movie: Sunshine.

This film, set in 2057, where diverse team of astronauts attempt to reignite the dying Sun to save Earth. I love how the movie shows different reactions and actions from each team member, representing various aspects of humanity. The scenes, dialogues, and especially the music often giving me physical reactions like goosebumps. I've rewatched the movie about ten times and continue to enjoy it every single time.


We’ve had the promise of sci fi movies through the ages. How can picking one be the just enough to suffice through grand adventures that have been brought to life before our very eyes. Without further ado, try to follow along and grab at the titles.

The Chain Reaction through this Comination, don’t forget we had Cyborg 009 looking to take Death Ray on Coral Island. No more songs for the Death Watch trying to gain back before The Empire Strikes Back. Just when the Final Countdown begins Flash Gordan arrives Somewhere In Time just to be witnessing Superman fighting Virus but never Without Warning there had to be Escape from New York. Heavy Metal gave way to The Last Chase just under the score of Mad Max. As in The Aftermath from reeling from the choices of Blade Runner. E.T flying high into the Star Trek forcing along the clashes of beings from Swap Thing and the horrors of The Thing. Tron shoved, pushing through the barriers shoving us then towards a different kind of movement.

More after, this Aftershock brought another towards Back To The Future. Transformers on the rise gripping through The Dark Side of the Moon, as we sought too the Dragon Ball Z: both to the World’s Strongest and The Tree of Might. Only to be clashing against Edward Scissorhands.  Martians Go Home running from the Predator’s that marched on the rise. The Rift of Robo Cop along side those in Total Recall.

The list goes on. As the creates work to bring these ideas and motions into a world of the living. Providing us the entertainment that we chase for in our dreams.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I enjoyed this, but it wasn't quite what we were looking for here. I hope that doesn't put you off entering other bounties!


Now this may be one of the toughest bounties yet… seriously… I really struggled with this and as kept going between 4 movies…. So I’m just gonna pick one and say “Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace”

Why? Well this easy MY Star Wars movie growing up as a kid and it is to this day the only movie I have went to see at the cinema twice! It was that good lol!

Now I know it got a lot of hate back in the day, but I feel this was from older Star Wars fans who grew up with the original trilogy and I kind of get that but as a kid who I feel this movie was targeted at it was mesmerising… from the incredible super fast pod races, to the unbelievable light saber battles and the incredible big battles this just had it all!

The story was fab, and the main villain Darth Maul was amazing but he should not have been killed off so soon as he definitely had way more to give!

My only real gripe with the film is Jar Jar was annoying as hell lol even as a kid I didn’t like him lol

Still to this day when dual of fates drops and the big metal doors open with Darth Maul standing there facing the Jedi as they all draw their lightsabers gives me goosebumps! Absolutely epic!

It’s really just an epic fun rollercoaster of a ride from start to finish!

Christian J. H.'s avatar

There's something in this saga that captivate me, from the first one 1979 to the new one coming on this year

  • Alien (1979): The original film in the franchise 

  • Aliens (1987): The second film in the franchise 

  • Alien 3 (1992): Some say this film is an interesting take on the Alien format 

  • Alien Resurrection (1997): Another film in the franchise 

  • Prometheus (2012): A prequel to Alien that mixes science fiction and horror, and introduces new mythology 

  • Alien: Covenant (2017): A quasi-sequel to Prometheus and prequel to the original Alien, set in the year 2104 

  • Alien: Romulus (2024): The newest addition to the franchise 

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I'm intrigued to know whether Romulus can live up its early hype!


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