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Sturmer's avatar

Can we use other methods other than Beebox? For example physical instruments with a similar operation?

Horror and Cats's avatar

Since the URL has to be Beepbox I would guess no. I’m assuming the purpose of the Bounty is to get the word out on the service

Rich's avatar

We're not promoting Beepbox, we were looking for a free and easily accessible service that any member could pick up and use and it fit the bill. Happy to accept submissions from similar methods/instruments, Sturmer, but do submit through connected social media so we can verify ownership!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

My firs try creating a song, I already tried a long time ago in similar tools, even in tools inside games, like Spore, but never focused to do something nice, just played around.

Now I tried to crate something that pleased me, after I've seen a few things about music composition in YouTube and learn a little how to play a ocarina, I start to understand how the musics works I tried to experiment something with the BeepBox and for my first try I really enjoyed what I've made, it is so distant to be good but I'm proud of myself and I'll definitely start to experiment more and study a little about compositions, it was a relaxing and fun activity for me.

About what I tried to do, I tried to create a song winch the main instrument was a kind of flute which I already had some experience with my ocarina and give some strings sound as a second instrument with high notes to match with the sweet sounds of a flute and finally in the background I put a very reverb and continuous sounds to make all the the instruments to feel more interconnected with each other.

Amoni P's avatar


I guess when I realized it had that retro midi sound to it, I started playing around and landed on something that I felt was like the kind of exciting, busy music you hear as you're traveling across a landscape in older games of the Gameboy era. The kind of music where characters are talking to each other, relaying some bit of story as they go. It's engaging, kinda messy, and mainly repeats a phrase again and again with only brief moments where the deviation only highlights the phrase repeating and then dives into another deviating iteration on some the notes.

I love these kinds of tools. I remember back in the day when flash games were all rage, there used to be games that had simplistic versions of this. This one is a legit tool though. Genuinely fun and exciting.

Cristian J. Hidalgo's avatar

No planning to win a reward, i just found how fun BeepBox can be and i liked it 😊
Will keep pushin' and learning more 🙂

Cristian J. Hidalgo's avatar

Influenced by my favorite band Depeche Mode in their early days. 😅

Sturmer's avatar

if you want to see the effect of the circle area, where you adjusted things, you need to stretch the playable zone, marked with arrow

Konquest's avatar

This is an original song. My influences are EDM and rock & alternative. In my opinion it doesn't sound great, needs lots of work but its my first time using BeepBox I found it not too bad. The instruments I used are all custom. I didn't like the kick or the snares so I made my own because with enough compressors and limiters you can make almost any sounds. The structure is there drum, bass, mid, vocals and effects it starts with an intro melody leading into a sort of build up then the drop a bridge and the ending.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I have to say, YOU MADE A MASTER PIECE. I was just experimenting and try to make my first song and you ligh-years ahead!

Have you already studied or worked with music industry?

Konquest's avatar

Thanks. I just in fact decided this year in my late 30s to enter the music industry to try and produce/compose EDM, see if I can make a career out of it. There is still a long road ahead. I have had no formal music education prior, I taught myself to play the guitar and some basic music theory. What I really want to do is try and make music that I can look back and say I made that :D

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Great, keep the good work and I wish your great success in this new path!!

Konquest's avatar

Thanks mate! I will keep at it.

Konquest's avatar

The more I listen to it, It makes me feel like... Wannabe EDM meets early days Blink 182. HAHAHA

Slamscape's avatar

Pretty impressive, I didn't realize you could do more than 4 tracks. I'm going to have to try that with my next song.

Konquest's avatar

you can! it's in the settings. If you want, you can even have 4 drum tracks and no midi tracks :D haha

Slamscape's avatar

This is my first attempt making an actual song in beepbox, I had played around with it in the past but nothing more than some quick beats. I tried to create something in synthwave style, I hope I pulled it off.

Sturmer's avatar

This is the design URL, I've created a 32 notes loop

And here is a result:

Tested today on 5yo subject - it works!!!

Konquest's avatar

Great job man, this works really well! just my 2 cents, since its a lullaby I would change a softer instrument like a flute or plucked instrument and replace the 4/4 beat kick to a 2/4 or 1/4 bell or chime.


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