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Paul's avatar

At the hight of Pokemon go, my best friend, girlfriend (now wife) and I were at our local beach eaing chips and catching pokemon as you do.

There were quite a few people wondering arround and word got out that there was a Charizard at the other end of the beach. I jumped up on to the car bonnet as my friend drove (slowly) toward the spawn site. I stood on the front of the car Captain Jack Sparrow style, sheperding everyone to the end of the beach.

It was great, until my friend slammed the breaks on 🤣 I was fine.

LeoMo's avatar

My fondest Pokémon memory was when I played Pokémon Go with my girlfriend. We walked around the square looking for a 3-star Charmander that could evolve well because there was an event that gave away the 3 starter Pokémon from the first generation. She ended up not being able to catch a good one, but I got lucky and evolved it into my almost perfect Chalizard, which is my favorite Pokémon and hers too. On the other hand, 1 month later she managed to catch a perfect Charmander. That day was magical, everything was great, the weather, the people around. I spent one of my best days with my girlfriend. We even ate a lot of ice cream and had a lot of fun.

Sturmer's avatar

This summer, I was at a public beach. A few people were around, going about their usual activities. Out of boredom, I pulled out my phone and launched Pokemon Go. At a nearby cafe, I noticed a gym with an ongoing 3-star raid. I decided to jump in to solo it - and moments later, someone else joined!

Curious, I scanned the area to spot the other player and realized they were doing the same, so we made an eye contact. It turned out to be a woman about my age, also there with her family. I smiled and gave her a quick "o7" gesture, and she responded with a knowing smile.

That was the extent of our interaction, but it still felt amazing to find another Pokemon Trainer in a rural part of the island - eight years after the game’s launch.


One of my favourite memories are going to the local TGC meet at a game/movie rental unit with one of my friends who lived nearby.

We would walk into town, buy some sweets then head to the shop to meet some other budding Pokémon trainers for Pokémon battles and some card trades.

It wasn't a Blockbuster store but it was as big as and had plenty of space for hangouts and social buzz without ending up cramped with no space to battle.

I remember one new guy appearingat one point and trying to trade with a lot of the different regulars. He looked shady and his cards were even shadier. He tried to fob off fake rare 'shiny' cards in exchange for anything he could get his hands on. He eventually got asked to leave, to a crowd of ironic cheers.

I used to love the atmosphere at these things and everyone just enjoyed being there- no egos, no arguments, just a great social environment for all. the shope shut down not too long after and the relocated meet was too far away to go without a car or the ache of public transport so i fell out of love with collecting. Very grateful TGC Pocket is now in full swing to help scratch the collecting itch that never really goes away fully!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I played a lot of Pokemon memories, but I think the best one was with Pokemon TCG with my brother JHenckes in the generation X and Y we start to see a lot of Pokemon TCG products around many stores and start to get interested and then we bought a deck for each one. We start to play a lot of matches (he learned to play better faster and I started to loose frequently hahaha. We started to play the digital version as well bu we didn't liked too much it was a way more fun playing with real cards.

And I remember a time that we brought a tin for each one thinking it would com a Xerneas and Yveltal decks but we got just a special card and some boosters and by that we tried to modify our deck with the new cards but i wasn't a easy task. Unfortunately we stop to play and collecting because it was a expensive hobby specially in our country but I like this memory because we start to collecting again, this time focusing only in collection and Just About is helping we buy the boosters with the payouts hahaha!

JHenckes's avatar

That was a lot of fun. Strong nostalgia from this! 🙏🏻

Borrrrr's avatar

For me my favorite social Pokémon memory was during the pokemon go era, I'm the type of person who doesn't like to leave the house because I don't have a purpose and don't like to go anywhere because inside the house everything is sufficient but when pokemon go boomed my sister and I, who rarely communicate even though we live in the same house, went out to look for pokemon and we chatted along the way. if it weren't for pokemon go there might never be a warm moment like that. so miss that era :)

Thank you :D


For me, one of the best social memories I have of Pokemon was Pokemon Go. When I started playing Pokemon Go, on the day it was launched, I knew almost no one who was also playing and through social media I managed to find a group of people in my city who had also started playing. From then on, the group grew more and more until one day we decided to get together and play. I remember we had more than 40 people together.

Letitia Lemon's avatar

I have so many Pokemon memories but my favourite has to be at comic con last year where the original cast of the anime were all in attendance. I've been friends with Veronica Taylor for 12yrs at this point (and became a voiceactor myself because of her) but it was my first time meeting Eric Stuart and Rachael Lillis. Also, Jay Goede was there too- the original voice of Mewtwo from the first Pokemon movie as well as Jason Paige who sang the original theme and there was a screening of said first movie too. The screening was HUGELY popular and brought together so many Pokemon fans to sing that epic theme song, laugh at all the one liners and, as we all do, cry at THAT moment in the movie. It felt so wholesome to be around so many likeminded people who also grew up with this franchise and who are just as passionate as me. There was a panel afterwards with Veronica, Eric, Rachael and Jay and some wonderful questions were asked and there was even some in-character improv. You can even see in the video of the panel the point where Veronica spots me in the audience and waves at me. I did meet all of the cast later that weekend too, had a wonderful photo with them all and talked about all things voiceacting. Rachael (rest her beautiful soul) told me some wonderful things about my voice and charisma that really inspired me to keep pushing my performance career and to be the best voiceactor and presenter that I can be... and what she said to me will stick with me for the rest of my life; to know that yet another of my childhood heroes sees potential in me and believes in me is the most powerful thing.

TrialByStory's avatar

I was in Karate classes when I was younger (Shorin-ryu specifically, if anyone's curious), and not long after Pokemon Gold and Silver released a group of us had the opportunity to go to a seminar to learn from one of the style's high-ranking instructors from Japan. The seminar was in a city three hours away, and a few parents organized a carpool in one of their vans. So the kids obviously brought along their gameboys and the current latest and greatest pokemon game. We spent the 6 total hours on the road hunting for rares and version-exclusives, trading back and forth, and battling. One of us even offered to sacrifice their savegame so the others could get all three starters.

It was such a fun experience and it's a very fond memory of mine. I didn't get to do LAN parties or play splitscreen GoldenEye or Mario Kart when I was a kid, but I had this trip.


I have a lot of memories from Pokemon but I think Pokemon Go allowed me and friends to meet so many new people who were just walking around trying to catch new Pokemon and capture gyms. It was a good time. I can't remember specifics but there was one park at the center of town that people flooded to for Pokemon go and it was a great time.

Necrofantasian's avatar

In middle school when we were playing Heartgold and Soulsilver, my friends and I werent very good at battling so instead of doing pokemon battles we competed with eachother in the Pokeathlon, which was an amazing amount of fun.

PandaTime's avatar

When Pokémon Go first launched. There was something so special about seeing people of all ages, from different backgrounds, coming together in parks and on city streets, all excited to catch Pokémon. I went to a local Pokémon Go event, and it was such a blast, everyone was chatting, swapping stories about rare catches, and teaming up for raid battles. You could really feel the sense of community. It wasn’t just about the game itself, but about the fun, the friendly competition, and the shared excitement of discovering new Pokémon together. That whole experience of connecting with so many people, all drawn in by the same thing, is something I’ll always remember.


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