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mypets's avatar

First of all, you need to understand the “Omi” system, which acts as the source of your powers instead of mana. You start the game with 7 Omi and can go up to 10 as the game progresses, and each skill you use will spend a unit of Omi. It's very important to pay attention to this, so you know how to manage it and don't run out of resources at important moments.

Regarding the skills:

Skill 1 - Bouncing Bubble / Moonstrike: Bouncing Bubble deals initial damage, throwing a bubble that bounces up to 3 times and explodes, generating area damage. Very good for clearing minions and pressuring the enemy when there's a crowd around. Moonstrike, on the other hand, is the second conjuration. It launches a beam of water that descends from the sky and deals area damage, which leaves the opponent hit stunned and is very useful for containing enemy movement.

Skill 2 - Mending Waters: a wave is launched that deals damage to enemies while healing and shielding allies. It's good to position yourself strategically to hit the enemies and then heal your allies. But be careful not to expose yourself too much!

Skill 3 - Riptide: This is a complex but essential skill in the game. This skill creates a circle of water that pushes enemies away and speeds up allies (you support your team and keep opponents away). If you place the circle at the maximum distance, the effect of the push is reversed and you bring the enemies to yourself instead of pushing them away.

Ultimate - River's Rebuke: two waves of water are created that form a corridor, which blocks the passage of enemies and deals damage at the end. If allies pass through the corridor, they receive buffs, so it's interesting to use at times of teamfight to isolate opponents and help allies and extend the fight.

Some game tips:

Yemoja's mobility and control are very useful for pressuring and helping the ADC. Bouncing Bubble and Moonstrike wear down the enemy and make them retreat or play defensively. As I've already said, remember to manage the use of Omi well and don't waste it if it's not the right opportunity! Also remember to position Riptide well and not use it accidentally (it happens haha), it's important to have perfect timing and regulate the range of this ability well.

With regard to builds, you can adapt as you see the type of opponents you're facing. If you see a lot of physical damage, opt for items that increase physical resistance. Similarly, if there's more magical damage, look for items that strengthen healing ability and magical resistance.

She's a very good support to play and have as an ally in the team. As I've seen some people say, she's the Queen of the Waters, an incredible and representative character who is very well developed in the game.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Yemoja, differently from most gods, doesn't use mana, she has some special energy source that works very similar so that won’t be so much different. You probably be playing with her in a support position, like any other god you can try to change but I don’t see so much scenarios that she could be useful outside her original position, so take care and practice a lot before trying this 

Her passive, the Omi, is the replacement of the mana, it will be spent when using skill and will regenerate over time, remember that there is some builds that will help the omi to regenerate fast, like the talisman of purification, since it reduces the cooldown and this affect the Omi regeneration.

Remember that you have 3 more gains of Omi while you level you. And the Omi is the responsible to make your auto attack to heal your allies so she works perfectly in the duo lane

Now the best part of Yemoja is har attack skills, they will have benefits for your allies and not only the damage against the enemies. So the first one is Bouncing Bubble is a skill where you cast a bubble that you bounce 3 times, and the last time it will split in a small one increasing the last attack area. And how it uses Omi instead of mana Yemoja can cast many times she wants if she has enough Omi, so be careful to not spend all your Omi.

As a tip, you can abuse this skill on the minions since it will hit the melee ones and then will hit the long distance ones! 

After using the Bouncing ball you can now cast the Moonstrike and it will cast a beam of water that will descend from the sky dealing high damage to the enemies. 

The second active skill is a little tricky to master, since it can damage and heal at the same time. the Mending Waters will cast a wave that when hits the enemy will damage and if it hit you allies will heal and protect them, but to do both you must need to hit the enemy first since the skill will stop once it hit one of your allie and to do this is a little dangerous since you must be close to the enemy and away from your allies! Take care!

The Riptide will create a circle of water, like the other abilities it will bother the enemy, if the enemy hits this circle it will bounce in the opposite direction (towards you), it will help specially to finish the enemies with low HP. And for your allies it will make them go forward and give them a speed boost. This will make a real difference in team fight and help everybody to reach the towers and enemy base so much faster! 

But take care you sometimes can make the riptide in max range of attack, this makes the direction change, so make the enemies repel in the opposite direction of you and make you allies to come close to you. This will be useful to escape a hard team fight but take care to not use this by accident 

The River's Rebuke is the only skill that has its own cooldown and mainly because it will regenerate your Omi, this is fantastic to combo, while making damage and healing at the same time. Once it is cast two walls of water will appear on each side of your character, it will block everything, the enemies gods, minions and their projectiles. And after a few seconds the water will spread dealing damage and also heal your allies close to it. 

So this is the basics for Yemoja, she is one of my favourites supporters and so important in so many tema fights  

JHenckes's avatar

Since I'm Brazilian, I'll tell you right away that I love the fact that you included Afro-Brazilian culture in the game, thank you!

Yemoja is the goddess of rivers and seas, and in the game she is a great support, as she is very complete. Her gameplay is focused on healing and control skills, and she can be relied on to pressure the lane all game long.

She also has a fluid gameplay with good mobility and mana (Omi) recovery, which allows for different strategies depending on the ADC that will be by her side.

I think she's a difficult character to play, as she needs precise decisions and great timing to keep her team alive.

Let's talk about each skill now to make it clearer:

  • Passive (Omi): Yemoja doesn't use mana, but Omi. You'll start with 7 and go up to 10. This is an important detail for understanding the character! In addition, the basic attack heals allies too.

  • Ability 1 (Bouncing Bubble - Moonstrike): It's two skills in one, the first conjuration throws a bubble of water that bounces and breaks, giving an area damage. The second conjuration attacks in an area with a similar range, causing a stun on whoever is in the center.

  • Ability 2 (Mending Waters): Throws a wave of water that deals damage if it hits the enemy and gives you and your ally a shield if it hits the ally.

  • Ability 3 (Riptide): The character's most difficult skill, which people rarely know how to use. You create a ring that pushes and speeds up passing allies and slows down enemies. Now for the detail: if the circle is placed at the maximum distance, it pushes the character towards you (inverts). This detail is essential to guarantee a kill.

  • Ultimate (River's Rebuke): This skill I call Moses hahaha, I don't need to tell you why... Yemoja creates two tsunamis forming a corridor that traps enemies, deals damage and causes confusion and slowness. If allies are hit (thinking of a team fight) they will receive some buffs.

As for the builds, there's not much of a secret, the pre-prepared builds are useful, but you need to know how to change them for each match, below I will leave two builds that I like to use, both have a slightly different focus, while the first I use in matches with a lot of physical damage, the second I use in matches that in addition to the magic damage being very striking, it improves my healing and survival!

That's the guide, I hope you enjoyed it!


I really like her, and making this guide has made me wanna improve on her lots!

yan57436's avatar

Yemoja is an excellent god to play as a support, as his abilities rotate between healing, omi regeneration and crowd control, basically everything a good support needs. With that in mind, let's move on to his abilities:

Note: I have a fondness for this goddess due to the fact that she is from the state of Bahia here in Brazil, where there is a great culture for Iemanjá, her Brazilian name, even having a festival named after her.

Iemanjá festival

Passive - Omi: Omi takes the place of your mana, being consumed when casting skills, you'll start with 7 omi and scale up to have 10, receiving 1 every 5 levels (5-10-15).

Skill 1 - Bouncing Bubble / MoonStrike:

Bouncing Bubble: You launch a bubble that deals magic damage and slows down enemies, exploding into smaller bubbles that deal damage (Imagine Ziggs' Q with your E, if you play lol haha).

MoonStrike: After the Bouncing Bubble, your skill 1 will become the Moonstrike, which is a light that falls from the sky and will also stun the opponent.

Skill 2 - Mending Waters: You shoot a wave at the enemy, causing damage, also healing allies.

Skill 3 - Riptide: Summons a “bubble” that throws allies forward, allowing them to reposition themselves, as well as slowing down enemies.

Ultimate - River's Rebuke: Will create two walls of water that block opponents' movement and projectiles, dealing damage after a period.

Gameplay: She's a great support and everything around her is based on healing her opponents and having group control, so you'll be extremely focused, paying close attention to your positioning, using your skills to reposition yourself and your ultimate to change the fate of fights.

Leveling: Put 1 point into each skill at the start of the game and then upgrade your 1 and 2 alternately.


To start with, I would be amiss if i didn't link my old Smite 1 Yemoja guide here - obviously the build is not relevant, but since none of her abilities changed much in Smite 2 the main text is still very relevant, and much more in depth than I can type out here.

Yemoja's kit is one of the best examples of "low skill floor, high skill ceiling" in the game, she can be played fairly effectively as just a one button spammer (with either her 1 or her 2), or if you put the time in to learn her niche tricks and mechanics she can be one of the highest skill gods in the game.

She's best played as a backline support, building primarily support auras, cooldown rate, and health/protections. Cooldown rate is important for her as it increases the rate that she regens her Omi. Items like Breastplate of Valor, Genji's Guard, and Gauntlet of Thebes / Prophetic Cloak are mainstays in Yemoja Builds.

You could attempt a more damaging build, either as a bruiser in solo lane, or even full damage in mid or maybe even jungle, but these are more "for fun" playstyles that you shouldn't expect to be particularly effective.

Your main focus on Yemoja during laning phase should be using your 1 for wave clear and poke on the enemies, while using your passive / auto attacks to keep your ADC healthy. Please do not use your 2 in lane, it's extremely not worth half your omi bar for a 30 heal. In teamfights, you should be using the 2 more as lategame the heal and shield are much larger - but don't spam it, spread them out to make best use of the shields. Use your ult to trap the enemy team within the walls, and use your 3 either to block off paths for the enemy or to pull your teammates out of danger.

Yemoja's 3 also has some more niche uses that you can experiment with, including interactions like pulling teammates out of Ares ults by placing it on him, or using it to push the enemy ADC out of range of hitting objectives during sieges. It's her hardest to use ability, but also the most rewarding when you get it right.

Recommended build (support): Selflessness, Gauntlet of Thebes, Breastplate of Valor, Genji's Guard, Talisman of Purification, Ruinous Ankh, Spirit Robe.

Recommended Leveling Order - First 5 Levels: 1 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 4, Maxing Order: 1 (to rank 3) > 2 > 1 (to rank 5) > 4 > 3


‪Wanna improve drastically at smite 2? Here's a build and gameplay guide that may teach you a few things you didn't know. @JustAbout__‬ #justabout


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