Yemoja, differently from most gods, doesn't use mana, she has some special energy source that works very similar so that won’t be so much different. You probably be playing with her in a support position, like any other god you can try to change but I don’t see so much scenarios that she could be useful outside her original position, so take care and practice a lot before trying this
Her passive, the Omi, is the replacement of the mana, it will be spent when using skill and will regenerate over time, remember that there is some builds that will help the omi to regenerate fast, like the talisman of purification, since it reduces the cooldown and this affect the Omi regeneration.
Remember that you have 3 more gains of Omi while you level you. And the Omi is the responsible to make your auto attack to heal your allies so she works perfectly in the duo lane
Now the best part of Yemoja is har attack skills, they will have benefits for your allies and not only the damage against the enemies. So the first one is Bouncing Bubble is a skill where you cast a bubble that you bounce 3 times, and the last time it will split in a small one increasing the last attack area. And how it uses Omi instead of mana Yemoja can cast many times she wants if she has enough Omi, so be careful to not spend all your Omi.
As a tip, you can abuse this skill on the minions since it will hit the melee ones and then will hit the long distance ones!
After using the Bouncing ball you can now cast the Moonstrike and it will cast a beam of water that will descend from the sky dealing high damage to the enemies.
The second active skill is a little tricky to master, since it can damage and heal at the same time. the Mending Waters will cast a wave that when hits the enemy will damage and if it hit you allies will heal and protect them, but to do both you must need to hit the enemy first since the skill will stop once it hit one of your allie and to do this is a little dangerous since you must be close to the enemy and away from your allies! Take care!
The Riptide will create a circle of water, like the other abilities it will bother the enemy, if the enemy hits this circle it will bounce in the opposite direction (towards you), it will help specially to finish the enemies with low HP. And for your allies it will make them go forward and give them a speed boost. This will make a real difference in team fight and help everybody to reach the towers and enemy base so much faster!
But take care you sometimes can make the riptide in max range of attack, this makes the direction change, so make the enemies repel in the opposite direction of you and make you allies to come close to you. This will be useful to escape a hard team fight but take care to not use this by accident
The River's Rebuke is the only skill that has its own cooldown and mainly because it will regenerate your Omi, this is fantastic to combo, while making damage and healing at the same time. Once it is cast two walls of water will appear on each side of your character, it will block everything, the enemies gods, minions and their projectiles. And after a few seconds the water will spread dealing damage and also heal your allies close to it.
So this is the basics for Yemoja, she is one of my favourites supporters and so important in so many tema fights