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mypets's avatar

Baron Samedi is a very versatile and interesting god to play, as his abilities mix damage, healing and group control.

Passive - Hysteria: its damage applies hysteria to enemies and when it reaches the maximum value, it reduces the damage you receive, as well as providing healing and mana to allies, through the “Baron's Brew” portion, which can still be thrown at the enemy and generate damage.

Skill 1 - Vivid Gaze: summons two skeleton heads that emit X-shaped rays, generating damage and also reducing strength, intelligence and attack speed on targets with more than 30 hysteria. I like to use it a lot both in direct combat and in group fights.

Skill 2 - Consign Spirits: this skill creates an area in a circle that deals damage to enemies and heals allies. Very important to use to support the team while weakening enemies. When opponents have more than 30 hysteria, the skill also grants buffs to allies.

Skill 3 - Wrap it Up: Throws a snake at an enemy and slows them down. As with the others, if he has more than 30 hysteria, he becomes rooted. Excellent for stopping the advance of enemies or running away.

Ultimate - Life of the Party: Baron Samedi opens his cone-shaped coffin and pulls enemies towards him, dealing damage and stunning. And over 30 hysteria, more intensity. The ultimate is a very strong point, very useful for starting a fight or breaking up enemy formations.

To level up the skills, I always like to prioritize: ultimate - skill 2 - skill 1 - skill 3. I think that this way you strengthen the god well.

The build varies depending on whether you want to do more damage and support or play as a support. For damage, you can't forget items like “shoes of the magi”, “rod of tahuti” and “obsidiar shard”, as well as situational items like “polynomicon”.

To do well, it's important to pay close attention to your positioning in order to apply hysteria to your enemies and maximize the impact of your skills - this is essential! Also make sure that the enemies are at 30 hysteria in order to use the skills and ensure the additional effects, exploit this passive well. Know the right time to use the ultimate, don't waste it. Securing points like these greatly influences the outcome of a battle.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

So Baron Samedi will need you a little of time to master it since it's learning curve is a little higher than other gods, but let's make this task a little easier! The special thing about this god is his passive skill, that apply a effect to the enemy he attacks, called Hysteria. Hysteria basically consists in an effect that will make the enemy weak to Baron Samedi and give the options when maxed out to allies gods to buy Baron's Brew.

Now the Baron's Brew is throwable, that will causes magical damages to the enemy god and will apply a good amount of Hysteria!

before we talk about the other abilities remember that the Hysteria will start to drop after a few seconds after you stop damaging the enemy god.

Now about the first skill, the Vivid Gaze, it just throw two skulls in a x shape, dealing magical damage and if the god has some Hysteria applied to them it will give some debuffs as well.

The Consign Spirits, his second skill works like a life steal, since it will deal damage at the same time it will heal you and other gods nearby, but for that heal happen the enemy should have Hysteria applied. And you see what I said that this god ha a steep learning curve, since you always have to be managing the hysteria to be able to have the desire effect.

With Wrap It Up you will summon a snake that will deal magical damage to the enemy by warping them up while slowing them in the process and if have again the right amount of hysteria applied to them this snake will explode at the end of the skill! Remember that this explosion will have a good range and will also apply Mesmerize to close enemies.

Now the Baron Samedi ultra, the Life of the Party, consists in a vortex created by his coffin that will pull every enemy with some amount of Hysteria, while stunning and dealing damage to the gods.


How you could see this is a god that will require you extra attention to the passive skill, so it's good to start to play with it as a support since you have some help in the duo lane while you can help him with the Consign Spirits since it will heal it as well, after you get some mastery it will be easy to prove yourself with it in the mid lane, it can make some headache but the great point is his ultra skill.

yan57436's avatar

The time has finally come to talk about the “god of life and death” (I admit that when this god arrived in the game, he was the god of death, so strong was he haha). I like Baron a lot, mainly because of his versatility, I can play with him in mid and support. Let's get to the skills:

Passive - Hysteria: Your damage applies hysteria to opponents, which when at its maximum (70) deals 20% reduced damage to you. In addition, your allies can buy “Baron's Brew”, a potion that recovers life and mana and can be thrown at the enemy to deal damage.

Skill 1 - Vivid Gaze: Summons two skeleton heads that emit rays in the shape of half an X. Applies a reduction in strength, intelligence and attack speed to targets with more than 30 hysteria.

Skill 2 - Consign Spirits: Bursts a circular area that damages enemies and heals allies. On targets with more than 30 hysteria, its healing applies a Speed bonus and immunity to slows.

Skill 3 - Wrap it Up: Throws a snake that will slow down the enemy. On targets with more than 30 hysteria it will root you.

Ultimate - Life of the Party: You open your cone-shaped coffin, pulling opponents towards the baron, dealing damage and stunning them. Targets with more than 30 hysteria are pulled more intensely.


His God is extremely punishing to opponents in the wrong position, EXPLORE THAT, his ultimate is simply too strong. Your god is complete, he has high damage, healing and crowd control, so you will be focused, you will have to have good positioning.

Use your Vivid Gaze, it's a good poke.

Ability Leveling Order: 4>2>1>3


I really liked Frgotenpower's build, so I always do it. I'm providing a link to his builds:


Baron video currently uploading as of 4 pm EST when this was posted but it will be done before the time runs out for the bounty


I think I was awarded the wrong amount for this. Is there someone I can reach out to discuss it that isn't a public post string?


Just wanna reply to this so that it doesn't get buried.

Ford James's avatar

Hey NotAValveGame, apologies for the delay, I've just caught this as the team was off over the weekend. In this instance, there were only five higher tier rewards for video submissions, and since we received more than five videos, the protocol is to award the lower tier for those video entries outside of the top five. However, we have recently doubled the quantity of prizes available on these god guide rewards going forwards.

Also, just as a heads up, feel free to tag me Ford James if you have any other questions regarding SMITE bounties in the future, as I'll get a notification so it's less likely to slip through the cracks!


I figured it was a competition when more than 5 videos were submitted those with the higher quality get the higher prizes. I thought that made the most sense. That's frustrating to hear to say the least, especially because of the quality I put out. Thank you for the clarification.


I really love Baron Samedi, so I had to put the work in to make this a good guide >:)

JHenckes's avatar

Luckily, this week I was able to play a lot with Baron, so the guide came! Baron Samedi works either as a mid-lane or support, he has good skills for both choices, as he has very high damage, as well as healing and control skills!

I think his biggest difference lies in his ultimate and his passive, both of which are decisive for the character's high damage and resistance.

The main difference between it and the first game is its passive, one of whose functions is to allow the character (and anyone else on the team who buys the item) to throw a potion at the enemy. So let's talk more about each skill!

  • Passive (Hysteria): It's what defines the character, it's a very complete passive! It allows Baron and the whole team to buy a potion that recovers life and mana. After use, it is possible to discard the vial on the opponent, causing damage. In addition, the enemy will accumulate Hysteria, which will cause Baron to take less damage and it will increase the damage or effects of other Baron skills (seriously, what a crazy passive hahaha).

  • Ability 1 (Vivid Gaze): It literally summons skeleton heads that throw a laser beam at the enemy and than vanish, that's all. I think it's pretty cool hehe.

  • Ability 2 (Consign Spirits): Summons a magic circle under the enemy, causing damage, another simple skill that can be improved if the enemy has Hysteria scaled!

  • Ability 3 (Wrap it Up): Baron throws a snake which, if it catches the enemy, slows him down until it traps him for a while. It's also a skill that evolves when the opponent has a certain amount of Hysteria.

  • Ultimate (Life of the Party): This one is really cool, you become the king of the team fight! You open a pit that sucks the enemies to you and then you stun them! It's practically match-defining when done right. The pull is stronger when the opponent has accumulated Hysteria!

Now to talk about autobuilds:

  • Concentrated Damage: I think it's the best build for the character, with it Baron's abilities will deal the most damage possible! It's the ultimate choice for when the character plays in the mid-lane!

  • Cooldown Reductions: It's an alternative choice of build, if your gameplay is more focused on spreading skills, pressuring the lane and destroying towers this build should be better, the opponent will certainly be very angry hahaha.

  • Total Tank: This is the choice that best suits the support function. With it, you'll help your ADC win the lane without making yourself an easy target.

I think it's clear that Baron Samedi is a very strong character who has come to shake up the game's meta. I believe he's currently in the top three mid-lane and should be a must-play for anyone.

Dydo's avatar

Here's mine. Tried to make it short, like the others, and explain the basics while detailing all Samedi's mechanics, foccusing on midlane (but with support tips too).


Baron Samedi is a dynamic mage in SMITE known for his lifesteal, strong crowd control, and high utility in battle. His kit blends offensive and defensive capabilities, making him a powerful presence in both team fights and laning phases.


Passive - Hysteria : Damage applies Hysteria, granting your abiites bonus effects when enough is applied. Your team can also purchase Baron's Brew from the item store. Gods at Max Hysteria (70) deal 20% reduced damage to Baron Samedi. Hysteria drains at a rate of 2 per second. This drain stops on the target for 5 seconds when Baron Samedi applies Hysteria to them.

Ability 1 - Vivid Gaze : Summon skulls that deal magical damage in an X shape. Deals bonus magical damage to enemies hit by overlap Hitting a god above 30 Hysteria applies a strength, intelligence, and attack speed reduction

Ability 2 - Consign Spirits : Call Spirits that deal Magical Damage to enemies in the area. Hitting a God Heals nearby allies for Missing Health. Hitting a god above 30 Hysteria makes the heal apply a Movement Speed buff and Slow Immunity

Ability 3 - Wrap It Up : Throw a snake that constricts enemy gods, Slowing them to a Root. Constricted gods take Magical Damage over 1.75 seconds When a god with more than 30 Hysteria is hit with Wrap It Up, an explosion occurs as the snake roots. This mesmerizes them and deals Magical Damage. Enemies must be at or above 30 Hysteria when Wrap it Up hits to trigger its Hysteria effect.

Ultimate Ability - Life of the Party : Open a coffin that Vortexes enemies towards Baron Samedi. Gods vortexed into the coffin take Magical Damage and are Stunned. The Vortex deals Magical Damage every 0.5 seconds Gods above 30 Hysteria are Vortexed with more intensity


This is, in my opinion, the best build for Baron Samedi. With high cooldown reduction, you’ll have frequent ability uptime to maximize your impact. Adding Blink and Talisman significantly improves your survivability, letting you engage or reposition as needed. Ruinous Ankh is also an excellent choice, as nearly every god has some form of healing right now; it offers a strong mix of protections and health, giving you more durability early on to avoid being easily burst down.

In the late game, your health and tankiness become less significant, so you’ll want to play on the edges of fights, casting abilities and crowd control into the skirmish from a safe distance. You’ll have a major advantage in team fights if you can maintain your healing and ability rotation.


Early Game:

Focus on stacking Hysteria in lane with Vivid Gaze and Consign Spirits. Farm carefully and avoid overextending without your ultimate available.

Mid Game:

Start roaming to help other lanes or contest jungle objectives. Baron Wrap It Up and healing provide excellent support for your teammates. Look for team fights in tighter areas, where your Life of the Party ultimate can pull in and damage multiple enemies.

Late Game:

Stick with your team and look for opportunities to disrupt the enemy formation with Life of the Party. Keep an eye on enemy carries; your ability to stack Hysteria and crowd-control them can neutralize their impact.


Use Wrap It Up to slow or root enemies before activating Vivid Gaze. Follow up with Consign Spirits to stack Hysteria, then Life of the Party for a powerful finishing combo.


Strong Against:

High Mobility Assassins: Baron crowd control can stop quick-moving assassins in their tracks.

Gods Without Anti-Heal: If the enemy lacks anti-heal, Baron sustain can keep him and his team healthy and in the fight longer.

Weak Against:

Anti-Heal Gods: Gods like Ares can limit his healing potential, forcing him to be more conservative in fights.

Crowd Control Chains: Extended stuns and silences can stop Baron from channeling Life of the Party effectively, reducing his impact.


Baron - build cooldown/tank with rod of asclepius, and play near allies. Depending of what game mode you're playing the safest, but best way to win the game will be towards building a cooldown buuild with hybrid tank items. Baron is most effective when playing near allies to provide healing and crowd-control assistance.

Toretto 70's avatar

Baron Samedi

Baron samedi is a versatile god, capable of playing multiple roles such as mind, support, and solo.

on early game focus on clear minion wave, poking enemies and force them out of position, and leveling up to hit level 5 quickly to unlock your ultimate skill.

on mid until late game always stay with team fight and position yourself in the backline during team fight to maximize your damage output and healing, use ultimate for high priority target or to turn the tide team fight.

Recommend items that enchance your healing and survivability like : Chronos Pedant, Divine Ruin, Soul Gem, Sand of Time, and Obsidian Shard.

Always be aware of your position fight, stay behind on your team to avoid get caught, Comunication with team to coordinate attack and ensure the targeting enemies, and always keep an eyes on the map


Little spelling mistake on your first sentence


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