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It's just so iconic, I show all my friends as a fun trivia piece. It's something you'll probably never see again in any smite match for the rest of time, and it's something that you wouldn't ever see in other esports like DOTA or League (that I know of). Honestly, it's a truly unique moment and the comedic value is great. Shame on those players for doing this, but at least they created an iconic moment.


3:14 - 3:40

Smite Masters Quelifiers 2022

For me, this was without a doubt the best moment in the smite that I saw live. I still remember watching this live, in 2022, and thinking that the hex mambo had lost the fight and then seeing the deathwalker jump in the middle of 5 and manage to turn the fight around.

mypets's avatar

Look at that! At time 1:22:32. It's as if the genetics player had entered his opponents' minds and predicted the whole ambush they were setting up! I thought it was amazing how the team fight totally came back after that.

yan57436's avatar

What Jacorrr did with Camazotz is simply incredible and it was the moment that struck me the most. They were already 2-0 up in the best of 5 and that moment sounded almost like “There's no point in doing anything, nothing will stop us winning today”. Him coming out alive after almost dying several times is just incredible!

You can see the shot in time: 2:08:19

JHenckes's avatar

One of my favorite moments was the final of the 2015 World Championship. Cognitive Prime vs Titan in the final game was incredible, I get goosebumps just remembering it. My friends and I were watching together in the living room, and no one expected Titan to make it to the final, let alone Cognitive Prime to win after the first few games of the final. The tension in the last few games was insane, but Cognitive Prime's superiority in the last game was remarkable, they deserved to win!

Titan played aggressively the whole time, even when they were down, and it was great to watch! In the final moments, Cognitive Prime pulled off a match-defining team fight, securing the objective and invading Titan's base for the win. I thought it was great how incredible the game proved to be in the world competition!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I would say that atrocity here, not because it's a great game but it is hilarious how the Envyus team thought that strategy would work. I don't know if in their training they already had made this moved and worked but it is ridiculous to think that they would perform this successfully in a professional match, almost every one getting killed because didn't level up in the proper way!

A level 3 against 4 levels 1, it is a headache but not so hard to win against!

After that they surrender themselves, even the narrators find this unprofessional and doesn't make so much sense. It was a shame and a very bad move but it is possible to turn the game!

Dydo's avatar

My favourite moment on SMITE esport has to be the backdoor Enemy did against Luminosity in SPL Spring Split Week 1 (Season 3). I remember this game to be harsh to watch, with more than an hour in the NME's first game on season, until this crazy move made me get up the couch and cheer like a child.

A shotout for Weltzeit montage of the moment.


I forget which World tournament it was but it must have been one of the few with a Chinese team participating because it involves a strategy one of them used. No its not the Anubis pick, its a mid-game role swap. Its a strategy that did not end up working well but I love the idea. They pick Athena solo which was not unheard of for the time but was very off-meta. What made it more off-meta is that the Athena had the jungle starter. This puzzled everyone because going a starter item that was not intended for your role was unheard of. The game plays out as normal and at some point the jungler is spending more time in the solo lane and the Athena is clearing more camps. It was a very smooth transition that a lot of people did not notice until the casters pointed it out. The plan the whole game was to power farm the true jungle in solo lane and swap them at some point. In the end, the team lost but I loved this unconventional strategy and would to see another attempt at it.


Shoutout to BettySMITE for the video, there's so many moments you could choose like Gamehunter's launch tournament penta, Oni Warriors 14-0 undefeated streak, The entire Game 4 of C9 vs Epsilon in S2, NME's risky backdoor play in a 1-hour long game, SK's legendary Worlds run, Dragons' unlikely worlds run in Year 10 to cap it all off.

But Deathwalker's 4-man Fearless here is the best single moment that will always stick in my mind. A semi-pro team competing for a spot at worlds against an SPL team and the man just full sends it, the commentary from Dolson always gives me chills on this one too. "AND HEX MAMBO HAVE FOUND THE INITIATION".

Top-tier clip!

ChrisTDickson's avatar

At 4:38 of SK Gaming vs Team Rival one of the best ending to a game. A comeback, a backdoor attempt, and a crazy end.


SPL Season 3 Baskin's triple leads to a surrender after a 5 man invade.
Honestly, I remember watching this live and wondering... that was the most troll play I've ever seen and instantly punished for it.
Video Uploader: Anonymouse

Dydo's avatar

To this day, I still don't understand what they were thinking. Oh, and this all happened in 2016, right after that awkward interview with Dust, where he called himself "above than average people".


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