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Limal's avatar

My favorite opening is b4!

I know, it's not very popular, and I rarely play chess,but when I do, I start with this move. Serious players always think I’m up to something. ;)

One thing I've learned: the more chaotic you play against a strong opponent, the more it throws them off. I'll lose anyway, so why not have some fun in the process?!

sicilivdraz's avatar

I’m not a professional chess player, but I enjoy playing fast-paced games where I immediately put pressure on my opponent. My usual approach involves bringing out my queen or bishop early, aiming to control the center and threaten quick checkmates, just like the player with the black pieces has done.

I usually start with e5, and I like to choose between bringing out my queen first or my bishop. In this game, I decided to develop my bishop first, which is why I placed a supporting pawn behind it. However, in the end, my bishop got stuck in the center and couldn't move away.

From this position, I'll probably start looking for ways to develop all my pieces one by one and also prepare to castle.

GoJapan's avatar

One of the most interesting openings is certainly the Sicilian defense, given that it is part of a semi-open game. Black makes its first move, the pedestrian move creates a non -symmetrical position that leads to complex actions, where white for example takes the initiative on the king's side, while black on that of the woman.

OlwenSamoo's avatar

I love playing use this is the game of King's India Deffence. if it comes to that position and rokade, the defense and attack are very flexible so as to provide strong defense and counterattack preparation especially in the center with the help of active ministers, horses, forts. this opening is suitable for tactical play such as giving traps/combinations/direct attacks/sacrifices.

Rokade as an anticipation or if you want to do it directly, it's fine, next we will play pawn e7 to e5 and d7 to d6 according to the enemy's movement.


My favorite chess opening is the Spanish Game (also called Ruy-Lopez)! It's an old move that offers a mix of strategic depth and attacking chances. The opening consists in: e4 – white controls the center. e5 – black does the same. Nf3 – white attacks the e5 pawn. Nc6 – black defends the pawn. Bb5 – White develops the bishop, pinning the knight to the king.

It's my favorite chess opening because allows for both aggressive and positional play and offers a long-term control, building a strong center and developing the pieces harmoniously. It enables a strong strategic maneuvering.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Okey dokey - Resubmit this: Apologies Ford

Okay so, I am not to clued up on letters to numbers.

  1. I move two Pawns forward, to create an avenue (Red)

  2. I then move both Rooks out onto the board, the reason I do this is to create an attack strategy, which enables me to move quickly.(Green)

  3. I then move both knights out as well, for the same reason as above (Yellow)

The entire set of six moves is based on something I was taught in college by my Psychology professor, always doing the unexpected. Every time I play chess I open with this and in my opinion, it puts your opponent on defensive footing immediately.

Ford James's avatar

Hi FirestormGamingTeam, this reward requires an image showing your chess opening in action alongside the explanation of how it works (see the other winning submissions for an example). Thanks!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

The post has been edited and the image added, hope this is okay now as an entry to your bounty.

FEBRIAN_574H's avatar

I prefer to imitate my enemy's step to annoy them, in general the enemy will advance from E,2 to E,4 then I copy the move like running E,7 to E,5 to mirror the enemy movement , likewise if they step F,1 to B,5 I will do also. but the downside of this technique is if we don't concentrate at the end game then we will be lose. in essence, we copy the initial step to confuse the enemy

Ford James's avatar

Hi FEBRIAN_574H, could you expand a little on this and go into a touch more detail so we can award it please?

projectazone's avatar

One of the opening moves that I consider a winner is the "King's Indian Attack". It can be a very valid move because it adds to the versatility of the move also a certain aggressiveness starting with mosee like .Nf3 d5 2.g3. In this opening we can adapt and strategically maneuver the following moves. Unlike other openings, white is more flexible and we can adapt based on the opponent's moves. The particularity of this move also allows us a targeted control of the center of the board.


My favorite opening in Chess is called the Queen's Gambit. It is a very well known move and is used to this day by professional players. It involves moving the pawn in front of the Queen so that piece is able to get onto the field as quickly as possible. It's a very solid opening move.

Kethervir's avatar

I love opening a chess game by almost always opening with the simultaneous movement of two pawns, one is the one in front of one of the two rooks and the other is the one in front of one of the two knights, this allows you to immediately free one of the bishop and, after two moves, one of the rook. depending on the opponent's opening, I choose one of the two rooks near the piece moved by the other player and I can consider whether to use the other pawn, instead of using one of those in front of one of the two knights, one of those in front of the queen or the king. by moving the one in front of the king in fact with a single move you free, on the turn after, both the bishop and the queen.

Ford James's avatar

Hey Kethervir, thanks for entering this reward! Is there any chance you could whack in an image or two showing how your opening plays out? This sounds like a fascinating opening, but an image is required to be eligible for the reward. Thanks for understanding! ✌

Kethervir's avatar

Ok😊 i will post a couple of photo here in the comment and i try to show how it is the opening.. maybe you prefere a video.. mm i think later i'll make a video

Kethervir's avatar

Here it is! finally i decided to make a video, but, at least i changed strategy, because the rules of the first opening that i was referring is not an official rule..

So, this is more simple one, but, if you want to move the queen asap, i think is the better way to do it.. but also very dangerous.. sometimes, depending on the skill of my opponent, i prefere more cautious approach..


My favorite chess opening is the King's Gambit. It is one of the oldest and most spectacular openings, characterized by aggressive and tactical play from the first moves.

Main Moves

1. e4 e5

White advances the king's pawn and Black responds symmetrically, opening the game and controlling the center.

2. f4

White sacrifices the pawn on f4 to:

Rapidly develop the pieces.

Open the "f" file for an attack against the black king.

Take the initiative from the beginning.

2... exf4

If Black accepts the gambit, he takes the f4 pawn. Now White has space and time to develop a dangerous attack.

White's Plans

Rapid development: move the main pieces (knights and bishops) immediately, aiming for the center and the key squares around the black king.

Control of the "f" file: White often castles short to place the rook on the open file.

Attack against the king: exploit black's exposed position, especially if black delays castling.

Black's Responses

Black has several options to respond:

Accept the gambit (2... exf4): can lead to a complicated and dangerous game if black does not defend properly.

Refuse the gambit (2... d6 or 2... Nc6): develop the pieces without accepting the pawn, maintaining a more solid structure.

Example of a Popular Variation: King's Gambit Accepted

e4 e5

f4 exf4

Nf3 g5

Bc4 g4

Ne5 Qh4+

Black tries to attack immediately, but white can respond with tactics that put black in difficulty, for example:

6. Kf1: the white king moves out of the central board, leaving room for lightning-fast counterattacks.

Why I Like It?

Aggressiveness: The King's Gambit puts pressure on the opponent immediately, forcing him to defend himself with precision.

Historical and romantic: It is an opening that evokes the golden age of chess, when spectacular play was more appreciated than long defensive games.

Fun: Every game with the King's Gambit is full of surprises and creative possibilities


Spanish Opening. The moves are:

e4 e5 (controls the center of the board)

Nf3 Nc6 (the knight threatens the pawn on e5)

Bb5 (pressure on the knight with c6)

These are strategic combinations that can lead to a solid victory. In addition, this opening offers several possibilities that allow you to change ideas on subsequent positions based on the opponent's game.


I just have to say first off that I'm no chess expert but these are the opening moves I've done since I started playing. The first move I do is move out the pawn from the king:

I then move out the Queen diagonally to protect the pawn now that she has the space:

I'll then move the left knight to also protect the pawn:

The rest of it depends on what the other player does.

I think those moves are pretty standard, however, the main reason I wanted to submit to this bounty was to show off the impressive chess set my grandfather made. He served in WW2 and made the chess pieces out of bullet shells. To identify the other side he stuck coins on them. He had the chess board made from marble.


For me, the best opening is Ruy López, better known as Spanish Opening. It was the first opening I learned in chess and I still use it several times today. It is not difficult to use and very efficient.

Vivisector's avatar

I'd like to start with two horses in high position because they are the most unpredictable chess piece!

mypets's avatar

I really like the Italian opening, similar to the Ruy Lopez, which are classic moves. It starts with the King's Pawn Opening, with 1. e4 e5; 2. Nf3 Nc6; 3. Bc4

So White and Black gain central space on move one and develop a knight on move two. It's an aggressive move with direct attacking chances, and I think it's an excellent move for beginners to practice.

With 3. Bc4, White develops another piece, gets close to castling on the kingside and even looks at the weak f7-square with the bishop.

MQC's avatar

Dutch Defence

Moves: 1.d4 f5

This is a very aggressive opening for Black because the early advance of Black's queenside pawn to d5, in response to White's first move d4, allows him to press the centre and control e4.

I like this idea enormously because many of my opponents don't usually have it well worked out. Undoubtedly it is a dangerous opening against opponents who do know how to counter it, and Black is in danger of being quickly put at a disadvantage, but if well worked out it allows Black to gain the initiative from the start of the game.


The Sicilian Defense is arguably the most iconic chess opening.

Starting with 1. e4 c5. It gained prominence as a response to 1. e4, the most popular first move, offering a dynamic and counterattacking opportunities for Black.

Other notable reasons why.
1. Was an aggressive counterplay
2. Had high scoring history
3. Rich Variations - Like the Dragon, Najdorf and Sveshnikov
4. Enduring popularity - From beginners to Grand Masters

Hunter's avatar

My favourite is the famous fool's mate ofcrs I m not a master but I managed to break some hearts with it, especially with the blacks

If you want a fast lightning 2 moves check mate follow thise moves bellow

  1. White’s Mistake: 1. g4 (moving the pawn in front of the king’s knight two spaces forward)

  2. Black’s Response: 1… e5 (moving the pawn in front of the king two spaces forward)

  3. White’s Second Mistake: 2. g4 (again moving the pawn in front of the king’s knight two spaces forward)

  4. Checkmate: 2… Qh4# (Black’s queen attacks White’s king, which has no escape)



English Opening

It’s the classic move I’ve always identified with, ever since I first played chess a long time ago. With this move, I can quickly develop some pieces and bring the queen into the game after a few more moves.

yan57436's avatar

The Ruy Lopez Overture or Spanish Overture is one of the most classic in the game, even used by Magnus Calsen. But who was Ruy Lopez? He was a 16th century Spanish priest who published a book on chess in 1561. I really like this opening because it's a combination of rapid piece development and constant pressure in the center of the board.

  1. e4 e5

  2. Nf3 Nc6

  3. Bc4

Sturmer's avatar


Also known as Queen's Pawn Opening.

I pick it for 2 reasons:
1. Queen Gambit to secure the center. If Gambet is not taken, you can safely build a castle and have time to bring all the pieces into play.
2. it's less punishing compared to let's say E4.

Ford James's avatar

Hey Sturmer, could you do me a favour and just include a screenshot of the opening in your submission so I can award it please? This is mentioned in the bounty description, mostly to help folks who are new to chess!

Sturmer's avatar

Oh, sorry. Yeah, I was unable to add a picture from my phone and then forgot to try again from a desktop. Now, I have fixed my post. Thanks!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

If you ever want to sound smart by name-dropping chess openings you don't know, combine the name of a Russian author and a wrestling move, such as The Dostoevsky Chokehold or The Bulgakov Clutch

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

The Ruy Lopez, or Spanish Opening, begins with:

1. e4 e5

2. Nf3 Nc6

3. Bb5

Named for Ruy López de Segura, a 16th-century Spanish bishop, it's one of chess's oldest and most scrutinized openings:

Central Control: e4 asserts White's claim to the center.

Piece Development: Nf3 and Bb5 move pieces actively, targeting Black's knight.

Versatility: Offers variations like the Morphy (3...a6), Berlin (3...Nf6), and Closed Defenses (3...Bc5), leading to diverse strategies.

Its complexity and the depth of strategic play it invites have made it a staple in chess, beloved by players of all skill levels.

bigdaniel75's avatar

Whenever I play chess, I use the Italian Game, which is considered one of the best openings for White. It starts with the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4, which allows White to control the center and develop the bishop. The Italian Game offers several advantages, including a strong pawn structure, rapid piece development, and the potential for a powerful attack on the kingside. It offers flexibility and the ability to seize the initiative.


My favourite (albeit fairly well known) chess opening is the Queen’s Gambit. It’s well studied and popular in chess, known as being a really strategic opening and though it can be used by beginners, it needs thought and studying beforehand. You can attack the pawn which gives you more control over the centre of the board. Then if your opposition decided to take said pawn, you’ve successfully executed, gaining more control over your opposition!

Ford James's avatar

Hi JCPeters23, this reward requires an image showing your chess opening in action alongside the explanation of how it works (see the other winning submissions for an example). Thanks!


My Favorite Chess Opening: The Ruy-Lopez

The Ruy-Lopez, also known as the Spanish Opening, is my favorite chess opening. It begins with the moves:

  1. e4 e5

  2. Nf3 Nc6

  3. Bb5

This opening has stood the test of time, being favored by grandmasters for its versatility and depth. Here's why it’s my go-to opening:

Why I Love It

The Ruy-Lopez is elegant yet aggressive, enabling a strategic buildup while maintaining flexibility. It allows White to pressure Black early, develop pieces harmoniously, and aim for control of the center. The opening suits my style of play, which emphasizes strong positional foundations and the ability to transition into a tactical middle game when opportunities arise.

Style of Play It Enables

The Ruy-Lopez supports a positional and strategic approach while leaving room for sharp tactics. It encourages patient maneuvering, pawn structure manipulation, and the potential for a dynamic kingside attack. Black often faces long-term pressure, especially against weaknesses like the pawn on e5.

How It Works

The key idea is to put indirect pressure on Black's e5 pawn by targeting the defender (the knight on c6). After castling, White typically prepares moves like c3 and d4, aiming to dominate the center while activating their pieces. Variations such as the Closed Ruy-Lopez or the Open Defense provide plenty of rich possibilities for exploration.


Of course! Here’s the translation:

A less-known but very intriguing opening is the Albin Counter-Gambit. It’s a response for Black that can surprise even experienced players.

Here’s how it goes:

  1. d4 d5

  2. c4 e5

With 2...e5, Black sacrifices a pawn right away to create an aggressive structure and unbalance White’s position. The idea is that if White accepts the gambit with 3. dxe5, Black responds with 3...d4, establishing a strong passed pawn on d4 that can be challenging to deal with.

One of the unique features of this opening is that Black not only gains space but also tactical opportunities. For example, there’s a famous trap White might fall into:

  1. d4 d5

  2. c4 e5

  3. dxe5 d4

  4. e3 Bb4+

  5. Bd2 dxe3!
    And suddenly, Black has a devastating attack!

The Albin Counter-Gambit was popularized by the master Adolf Albin in the 19th century but has remained a niche choice. It’s not often played at very high levels because, with precise defense, White can keep the extra pawn. However, for creative players and lovers of surprises, it’s a hidden gem!


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