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Critter Café

Critter Café
Nine's avatar

Hello im trying this game on stream !
and this game is really great i hope i can but it later, because im stream for an hour is still not not enough.

and i hope my submission is eligible thankyou.

my channel YT :

Nine's avatar

Hello Rich should I add time stamp on playback my stream to?

Sorry for tag btw 🙏🏻

Rich's avatar

No worries and no need for a timestamp, I caught your shoutout! Thanks for entering👍

Vivisector's avatar

My twitch channel:
Hello to this community, i'm Vivisector and i'm just start the stream for play this game. The critters are so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!

Vivisector's avatar

Rich hello, hope I done everything good :D

Rich's avatar

Haha hello, and welcome to Just About! Everything good, thank you for following the instructions. Love the Doom avatar, by the way 🤘

Vivisector's avatar

ohw thanks, i'm the GAMEslayer if you know what i mean. A friend talk about this community and hope to enjoy it in future :D


Usually I don't play this kind of games but I have to admit it was a nice escape from my stressful life. Keep going!


Awesome, thank you for playing and streaming!


How much time to get the reward? I's about 1 week and more but still nothing to me.

Rich's avatar

Hey, apologies for the delay, we didn't find a shoutout on your stream but on review we've decided to accept 'Just About' in the stream title as proof that it was created for this reward. Please follow the reward instructions carefully in future to avoid delay/disappointment, though - it just makes things easier for us!

remedyroses's avatar

Thank you so much for this opportunity!! The shoutout is around the 2 minute mark!

I really enjoy playing Critter Cafe and just seeing the cute lil guys and doing some fun puzzles- definitely my favorite part! I look forward to unlocking everything and seeing what else there is to offer!!

Here's the link to my Twitch Vod:


I'm completely in love with the game! It's exactly the style I like: relaxing, fun, just looking after my Café! I'll definitely keep playing!


Yay! So glad you're enjoying the game :) thank you for streaming and playing!

dianthus's avatar

Hi! Thank you so much for organizing this, I've been wanting to try streaming for a long time and this event gave me the final push to try it!

Here's the link to the stream uploaded on youtube:

Hope you enjoy it!

Rich's avatar

Congratulations on your first stream (the first of many, we hope)! We're delighted to have inspired you 😊


This is awesome, well done for streaming and hope you enjoyed the game! :)

dianthus's avatar

I did, thank you! I plan on streaming more of it when I have access to broadband internet again :D

yan57436's avatar

My first contact with the game and I'm simply IN LOVE with it, I guarantee that it will give me many hours with my girlfriend hahaha. I don't know if it's possible yet, but I need a co-op!


This is so cool! Glad you're enjoying the game :) no details at this moment on co-op options, but if that changes, it'll certainly be covered on the official Critter Café channels!

naran's avatar

Hello! I’m sharing my submission below:

In this stream, you'll find a gameplay in Spanish. I hope the language won't be a major inconvenience, but I thought it was important to provide a variety of content since this is a game I truly recommend and believe is absolutely worth playing. Plus, the game itself offers the language, which I deeply appreciate.

With nothing more to add, I conclude my submission. Thank you so much for these opportunities.

Rich's avatar

Hey naran, thanks for entering this reward. Ordinarily we're not able to award content in languages other than English. This isn't just for accessibility reasons, but also for moderation reasons; our staff need to be able to understand what's getting uploaded to the site in order to ensure compliance with our code of conduct, as well as our legal obligations and obligations to member safety.

We'll make an exception for this one reward, but please bear in mind for the future! Perfectly fine to rely on AI-driven translation services, YouTube's auto-generated subtitles, and so on. Thanks!


Stream starts officially at the 10:40 mark, and is 2h39m long :) JA shoutout at 11mins.


This is brilliant! Thanks so much for streaming and playing :)

sarandipitty's avatar

(Originally submitted twitch vod on November 29th but edited to add additional youtube content) Thank you so much! <3 I also uploaded a slightly edited version of the vod to youtube! You can find that here.


Ia'm streaming right now Critter Café DEMO. Very interesting and relaxing game. I have discovered this yestereday, thanks to one of my follower! I love it! I hope to recive full version for do also review and guide on


Rich's avatar

Hi x0xShinobix0x, thanks for entering this reward! Unfortunately you've linked to your channel here, not to a VOD of your Critter Cafe stream, and even upon checking your channel we can't see any such VOD:

Please check the reward instructions again and, if you'd like to be considered for this reward, edit your submission to show that you've fulfilled the requirements. Thanks!


i dont have saved a live streaming on my channel... can i repeat the live and this time save it so i cand edit my post?


My Live stream of this game ( demo version)

premise the demo lasts only about 40 minutes, so I redid a second character to explore the game map and I discovered that there are collectibles to find in some you can get pieces of furniture or pieces for character customization, also the game is a management game in which we will manage a cafe, we should serve customers and bring them what they ask for such as cakes or coffee or cappuccinos. the thing that makes it different from the usual management games is that we will also have some little animals that can be freed and then left free to wander around the shop while we serve customers. in addition to serving customers we should also furnish the shop with various pieces of furniture such as armchairs, sofas, lights, tables and much more. perhaps the most frustrating thing is that there are many customers who come to the store and sometimes someone runs away because they wait too long, for the rest the minigames and puzzles that are proposed in the demo are very easy some require a certain precision to get the perfect like cutting the slices of cake. however the game is very relaxing and I recommend it to those who love this kind of games.

Update : I also uploaded the live on Youtube since Twitch automatically deletes it after 14 days


Rich I had streamed the game for more than 1 hour on Twitch but after 14 days the video was automatically removed, luckily I had exported it to Youtube, but I see that I'm still in submission, maybe I did something wrong?

Rich's avatar

Hey Solaris104, beg pardon for the delay. We were missing the shoutout on your stream, but we'll accept the watermark with your JA username. Please follow the reward instructions exactly in future though, it just makes it easier for us!


This is my stream of Critter Café, I do shout out JA but it's a bit after the intro. I do play the game for 2.5hrs which was really enjoyed!!

Rich's avatar

Hey cassyhoney, that's no problem but your video is set to subscribers only! Would you be ok to remove sub-only mode on your VOD archive so we can watch/verify? Obviously you're fine to turn it back on again once we've done so.


Hi Rich, I cannot find any settings to show it's in Sub only mode, I will keep looking to see if I can fix that.

Rich's avatar

Hey Cassy, any luck? It should be accessible from your Creator Dashboard > Settings > Affiliates

Here's Twitch help on the topic.


With all the help I was able to fix it should be visible now!

Rich's avatar

Hey cassyhoney, great stream! Thanks for making it visible, we found your shoutout so all good, apologies for the delay🙂

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Creator Dashboard > Monetization > subscriptions

argenie's avatar

This was my second time streaming Critter Cafe! My community and I have been having so much fun decorating, exploring, and discovering all of the cute critters!

I was able to adjust the stream clip to start where I showed my community about Just About, but I realized I didn't verbally say my profile is "argenie", but hopefully since my accounts all match up as well as my name at the bottom right of the screen it will still count.

Rich's avatar

Still counts! We just need to know you're the streamer, and that's very clear. Lovely stream, thank you and congrats!


This is awesome, I'm glad you and your community are enjoying Critter Café :)

SkittyBeans's avatar

My 5hr vod because this game is amazing!

That is my link to my vod. I also have a YouTube where the live is posted.


5 hours, wow! Glad you're enjoying Critter Café :)

Sturmer's avatar

The demo was nice, so I bought the full game as this is something I can share with my cozy-games-loving family members.

Here is the Link to my YT live stream

Critter Café – Chill or Chaos? Let’s Find Out!

Sturmer's avatar

I was under a bit of pressure from my daughter, hehe. Since we use the Family Steam feature, she wanted me to free up this game as soon as possible!

Rich's avatar

One more time for emphasis: remember to shout out Just About and tell us your Just About profile name at the beginning of your stream so we know it's you that's streaming! If we can't be sure of this we won't be able to reward your submissions, and no one wants that.


So glad you are enjoying Critter Café! Thank you for streaming and sharing this :)


Hey Rich

Not trying to milk the pot, just curious.

If we stream the game multiple times, are allowed to Submit more than once? Or it is a Once-Per situation.




all rewards are been send it? i have made 1 hour on twitch, but i'am in status submission

Nine's avatar

hello, is the bounty is still live ?
if it's still live , can i join the submission with demo client ?

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

There are 3 rewards left and yes you are allowed to enter using the demo version of the game. Just make sure you shout-out Just about and your Just about username at the start of the stream.


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